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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. March monthly bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

BraLoD said:

I'm not asking for it, I'm saying you'll do it even as you say you'll stop when they release.

Uncharted will be moving a whole lot of sales and in consequence a whole lot of posts during the May thread, you'll keep including it even after launch because you won't be able to ignore it, that's what I'm saying, lol

Maybe, maybe not ... If I don't you'll just think I'm doing it to be awkard now.


The PS5 Exists. 

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GribbleGrunger said:
poklane said:

It says Limited Time at the end.

I see they're still running with 'the top best selling games of 2015.' Misleading as always.

This is a Wrong Statement, because BloodBorne, sold well over 2 Millions units, Splatoon, well over 3-4 Millions,  Halo, and Uncharted Collection, also well over3-4 Millions of units, on the Video Says "The Only Console with the Top 10 Best Selling console games of 2015", Sony, and Nintendo's Games, if you take this as General Numbers, also are in the top 10 Best Selling console games of 2015, so this Statement isn't true, and i want to know what metric they use to get into those Statement.

Swordmasterman said:

This is a Wrong Statement, because BloodBorne, sold well over 2 Millions units, Splatoon, well over 3-4 Millions,  Halo, and Uncharted Collection, also well over3-4 Millions of units, on the Video Says "The Only Console with the Top 10 Best Selling console games of 2015", Sony, and Nintendo's Games, if you take this as General Numbers, also are in the top 10 Best Selling console games of 2015, so this Statement isn't true, and i want to know what metric they use to get into those Statement.

The metric of deception.


The PS5 Exists. 

4 Hours after last update:

#15 PS4 Black Ops 3 Bundle (same)
#19 PSVR Launch Bundle (up 1)
#88 XB1 Gears Bundle (same)
#99 XB1 Name Your Game Bundle (down 3)
#286 XB1 Quantum Break SE Bundle (down 29)

#05 PS4 MLB The Show (same)
#10 PS4 MLB The Show MPV Edition (same)
#20 PS4 Ratchet And Clank (down 1)
#28 PS4 Uncharted: A Thief's End (same)
#36 XB1 Quantum Break (same)
#57 WiiU Starfox Zero (down 2)


The PS5 Exists. 

Shadow1980 said:
jason1637 said:

"Xbox One is the only system with every top ten best-selling console game from 2015."

Actually, not according to the NPD. The top 10 best-selling games of the year were all multi-platform and were available on both the PS4 and XBO. The top 10 games of 2015 were:

1. Call of Duty: Black Ops III (Xbox One, PS4, 360, PS3, PC)
2. Madden NFL 16 (PS4, Xbox One, 360, PS3)
3. Fallout 4 (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
4. Star Wars: Battlefront (Xbox One, PS4, PC)
5. Grand Theft Auto V (PS4, Xbox One) 360, PS3, PC)
6. NBA 2K16 (PS4, Xbox One, 360, PS3)
7. Minecraft (360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4)
8. FIFA 16 (PS4, Xbox One, 360, PS3)
9. Mortal Kombat X (PS4, Xbox One)
10. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (Xbox One, PS4, 360, PS3, PC)

Of course, that's just the U.S., but since the U.S. generates the majority of the Xbox One's global sales it's highly improbable that global software sales would tell a different story. The only plausible explanation is that MS is counting only titles released in 2015, which would disqualify GTAV, Minecraft, and CoD:AW. In that case Halo 5 would probably break the top 10 (though past main series Halo games ranked in the top 3 in their respective years; Halo 5's sales were good in absolute terms, but relative to past entries it was a massive decline).

I know marketing is mostly spin, and that all companies do it, but this is dizzying. The XBO could be doing a lot better than it currently is sales-wise, but a bunch of PR legerdemain isn't going to help. Even this temporary price cut isn't working. I'm not sure anything will help right now, at least not at this point in the year. It may be that this was just a bad time to implement a price cut and that it would take something as simple as a $300 Slim model to boost sales. The 360 struggled with nearly zero-growth sales in the U.S. for four years before the 360S boosted sales to new heights. The original Xbox didn't experience its best sales until its third price cut, which dropped it from $180 to $150. Xbox systems just seem to have a growth problem in general, and that they don't really hit their strides until after multiple rounds of price cuts. They're the late bloomers of the console market.

"from 2015"

But either way the xbox one is doing poorly and is in need of a new model.

Around the Network
GribbleGrunger said:

#15 PS4 Black Ops 3 Bundle (same)
#19 PSVR Launch Bundle (up 1)
#88 XB1 Gears Bundle (same)
#99 XB1 Name Your Game Bundle (down 3)
#286 XB1 Quantum Break SE Bundle (down 29)

If the Gears bundle is out of stock and the "Name your game bundle" is actually dropping in rankings (it is atm @99).

Could we end up with a situation where the Xbox One doesnt have any bundles in the top100 on amazon?

Could that actually happend, even just for a short periode of time?

I dont think it will but... jeez.

BraLoD said:

I'm confident you'll keep it, don't feel pressured, it'll be natural when the beasting is hapenning.

I'm not sure our motives for keeping the Amazon thread alive are exactly the same lol


The PS5 Exists. 

Shadow1980 said:
jason1637 said:

"from 2015"

But either way the xbox one is doing poorly and is in need of a new model.

So basically they're not counting anything released prior to 2015? In that case Halo 5 probably was in the 2015 top 10 best-selling new titles of the year, at least in the U.S. Still, it's not good if they have to add qualifiers like that. They might as well say "9 of the top 10 titles released in 2015 for the Xbox One were multiplatform games that you can also get on PS4, but we also have Halo 5 so clearly we're the better system." It's not a marketing zinger, but it'd be more honest than the way they put it in the commercial. But MS has been on high spin cycle as of late (see their NPD press releases), so it's not really surprising. Was Sony this bad with their PR when the PS3 was in second place in the U.S.?

In any case, MS shouldn't have bothered with this price cut. They should have cut their losses, dealt with a few months of being down 10+% YoY, and then announced a $300 XBO Slim at E3 and have it out in stores by the end of the summer to get a head start on the holidays, which seems to be increasingly disproportionately more important for Xbox. If they played their cards right they might see an improvement to baseline sales in 2017. And they shouldn't even try to beat the PS4, because it's obvious they need to undercut it by at least $100 to be able to do that. They should just focus on improving sales while keeping the system profitable on a per-unit basis.

Looking back at older NPD's it seems like companies didn't give press releases (or i can't find any) until this console gen.

I think its tool late for them to go with $300. They might have to go somewhere from $250-280. If they were to do something like that they would need to release a big summer game and bundle it. Last year they had gears ultimate edition. So maybe crackdown multiplayer with a slim with a price around $250-280.

BraLoD said:

It's not a motive to keep it alive, at all.

It'll just fall in line with what will be happening in the May thread, if you were to stop with it after May 10th people would both keep asking and keep talking about it, you included, I'm telling you, it'll be completely natural, that's why I'm saying it now when yoi told you would stop when it releases, you'll be thinking different once you are actually there, it'll be the thread main subject game wise, just like you started with QB on the natural flow of the thread topic, as you didn't included software before, you'll keep Uncharted after it launch, you'll want it, believe me.

Oh, I'll track games like UC4 for quite a while but I'm not going to keep tracking them forever! UC4 could be in the charts for a year and then you have to add into that all the other console exclusives that get released. I'd have a huge list to update every single time.


The PS5 Exists. 

I do wonder about MS's strategy this year, they don't really have many big game titles as of yet, and they'll lose a lot of PR opportunities with not being on the VR bandwagon, and with all the different competition its probably a good thing (perhaps they didnt want another BR and HD situation), but I feel Ms is going to have a bad year this year, and partly because attention is off their console because this years focus is on VR.

So I expect the gap to widen quite a bit this year. Be interesting to see what the big hitters are going to be this christmas, E3 is going to be very interesting.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!