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Forums - Movies & TV - J.J. Abrams: "I'd Welcome Gay Characters In STAR WARS"

Why is this a big deal? I've never understood why people complain that every show or movie needs to have openly gay characters. If it doesn't affect the story then there's no need to have them.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

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No thanks. That's pretty pointless.

MoHasanie said:
Why is this a big deal? I've never understood why people complain that every show or movie needs to have openly gay characters. If it doesn't affect the story then there's no need to have them.

I've never understood why people complain that every show or movie needs to have openly straight characters.  If it doesn't affect the story, there's no need to have them.

JWeinCom said:
MoHasanie said:
Why is this a big deal? I've never understood why people complain that every show or movie needs to have openly gay characters. If it doesn't affect the story then there's no need to have them.

I've never understood why people complain that every show or movie needs to have openly straight characters.  If it doesn't affect the story, there's no need to have them.

Basically this. If they decide to introduce a gay character on the new Star Wars film, what's the big deal with that? I can't believe this thread, it's too hard to stomach. 

Bit off-topic, but one thing I absolutely loved about Mass Effect games is how they introduced gay characters, and they feel so natural (because they ARE really natural, of course). Not a big fuss about it, they just happen to be gay. 

The next thing that could happen is people telling me that I'm doing "gay propaganda" because I'm bisexual. I'm bisexual and that's it. Same that movie characters, they just have their sexuality, and that's it. I've already read some posts that are homophobia at its best.

I HATE all these fucking STRAIGHT people in movies! It's ridiculous! Let's all complain about someone's sexual preference, instead of just watching the movie.

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Seriously, you people are all sad, judgmental people. Who cares if someone is gay? The angry, hateful people, that's who.

spemanig said:
KingofTrolls said:

Thank God ! I dont know why sexuality is even bring on the table in SW.

Don't see why it shouldn't be.

I have read all SW book, watched all movies, played some games ( Jedi Academy, Rogue Squadron ) and I never ever though that aspect is missing in storytelling, universe, character development. Long story short - I dont think anyone is interested what Darth Vader or Master Yoda did in theirs beds. 

I hope we understand each other - lesbian/gay characters in lets say Mass Effect didnt push me away from it, I think its just not necessary.

MoHasanie said:
Why is this a big deal? I've never understood why people complain that every show or movie needs to have openly gay characters. If it doesn't affect the story then there's no need to have them.

It goes BOTH ways, man. Quite being so closed minded. I am sick of Hollywood forcing romance into EVERY FUCKING MOVIE PERIOD. What does it matter if the characters are gay or not? Why does that offend you so much? Because you HATE gay people, right? Why else would it matter?


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As long as it's not forced down the audience's throat I could care less. I don't want to see a star wars movie based around a gay relationship but I don't want to see a star wars movies based around any kind of relationship

Volterra_90 said:

The next thing that could happen is people telling me that I'm doing "gay propaganda" because I'm bisexual. I'm bisexual and that's it. Same that movie characters, they just have their sexuality, and that's it. I've already read some posts that are homophobia at its best.

Hate to be advocatus diaboli, but u said " Im bisexual and that's it " so everyone else can say " I dont want this in SW movie and that's it ".