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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 30 vs 60 fps - can you really see the difference?


Can you see the difference?

Right 60 fps; Left 30 Fps 220 62.32%
Left 60 Fps; Right 30 Fps 52 14.73%
Cant see a difference/Results 81 22.95%

60 vs 30 FPS: a little bit.
1080p vs 720p: 100 % Yes.

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I played Ground Zeroes and Tomb Raider DE on both PS4 and Xbox One on my 42 inch 240 Hertz LED HDTV and no. I can't tell the difference. Maybe if I put them side by side. No need for me to watch the video.

I'm one of the people who really don't care. I've been playing for 20 years. I thing it's really good for fast paced games, like online shooters.
But frankly, if it didn't exist I wouldn't miss it that much.

Obviously the right has the 60 frames per second while the left one has 30 frames. It's very noticeable after several seconds.

60fps is more about control and feel, not looks.

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LudicrousSpeed said:
60fps is more about control and feel, not looks.


d21lewis said:
I played Ground Zeroes and Tomb Raider DE on both PS4 and Xbox One on my 42 inch 240 Hertz LED HDTV and no. I can't tell the difference. Maybe if I put them side by side. No need for me to watch the video.

GZ is 60fps on PS4 and XB1, TR:DR has a very up and down frame rate on PS4 and XB1.

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'


The thing is, starting up a game which is 30fps and remains 30fps feels very smooth. Switching between 30fps and 60fps (or having a direct comparison) make 30fps look far worse.

maxleresistant said:
I'm one of the people who really don't care. I've been playing for 20 years. I thing it's really good for fast paced games, like online shooters.
But frankly, if it didn't exist I wouldn't miss it that much.

My prefered games are all single player, and mostly non competitive ones, so yeah.... I honestly wouldnt miss 60fps that much either.

Most of the time Id much rather have a better looking game instead.

I find it difficult to spot the difference when comparing side-by-side like that, although not impossible.

But I notice it a great deal if I've been playing something in 60 FPS and then go to 30 FPS. It's very evident in MK8 - go from 1 or 2 player (60 FPS) to 4 player (30 FPS) and the difference screams at you.