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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - N+ Creators Speak Out On XBLA Quality Issues

...And are they going to be able to download a 50mb file of Eternity's Child when Mario is only 5mb?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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Goddbless said:
mrstickball said:
...And it always seems that when we talk about VC and XBLA comparisons, you always pop up to defend VC since it's the be-all-end-all of gaming....

Also, how does PSN have better back libraries when there are 31 titles released across all 3 regions, with 0 regions getting all of the said titles?

And why are we not mentioning the growing library of Xbox Originals - doesn't that count for anything, since Microsoft is offering last-gen games on their service, whereas N/Sony are releasing games atleast 2 gens ago?

I would gladly agree that VC is very impressive, but it's impressive not because of Nintendo's effort into the catagory, but the fact that the Wii naturally inherited the NES, SNES and N64's great library of Nintendo games.

And again, PSN is not growing that quickly against XBLA:
3 PSN Game titles have been released since January:

PixelJunk Monsters
Rocketmen: Axis of Evil

2 PSOne games have been released in the US since January:
Crash Bandicoot 3
Judge Dredd

How is that better than XBLA/Xbox Originals:

Metal Slug 3
Omega 5
Boogie Bunnies
Rez HD
Chessmaster LIVE
Poker Smash
Commanders: Attack of the Genos
Discs of Tron
Rocketmen: Axis of Evil
Bliss Island
Brain Challenge

Xbox Originals:
Burnout Takedown
Ninja Gaiden Black
Sid Meijers Pirates!

Yes, 3PSN Games and 2 PSOne games versus 13 XBLA games and 4 Xbox Orig. games......Very impressive gains indeed, Naznatips.

This is an unfair advantage but it only can do so much. Kind of like the 360's 1 year advantage on the competition. Don't get me wrong XBLA is great but credit has to be given to PSN and VC. Although I do think VC is overrated because they charge too much for an emulator. I could play all of the VC games for free on my PC.

The thing Naznatips isn't noticing is that Wii Ware is already heading down the path of XBLA. There are already remakes on the list and the service hasn't been launched yet. The same way a developer cursed XBLA because the Frogger remake outsold his new game, a developer can curse Wii Ware because Dr. Mario outsold his new game. I mean when we really look at it the complaints don't hold much merit. I can't wait to see what happens when a dev gets pissed at Wii Ware. What do they do then? Plus there is no question wether or not VC will affect Wii Ware. It will because just like with the XBLA retro crowd, these are games the people know. In my opinion it may be worse since Nintendo has more star power affiliated with there VC titles.

So in the end it looks like Nintendo's great back catalog of VC games could be a gift and a curse. I tell you right now most people would rather play Super Mario Land then Eternity's Child!

I'm just gonna respond to both of you in one quote.

stickball first:

I said PSN was ganing on XBLA not that it had surpassed it, and I meant in quality of titles not in numbers. Again, I'll site IGN's reviews in which the PS3 has 1 9+ title (Vs. the 360's 2), and 9 8+ games (Vs. the 360's 20). For a system that's been out a year less that's a pretty big deal. As far as the backcatalog, I'm just saying they have more available. They haven't gotten that many out yet. That said, I'm willing to agree that at the moment Xbox Live has a better selection. I just doubt they will in the future.

Also, Virtual Console doesn't just have a better library of Nintendo games. They have a much better library of old 3rd party games from the Sega Genesis all the way to the Neo Geo.

And please don't make up BS file size numbers. We have no idea how big Eternity's Child will be. It's doubtful it will be any larger than an N64 game, the average size of which is 13MB. It's amazing how much disc space high definition wastes isn't it?

Now Goddbless:

There are no remakes at all announced for WiiWare. The Dr. Mario title is a ground-up brand new game, not a remake of the original. It's also far too early to predict how these games will sell in relation to Nintendo's own, but remember the dev costs of these games can be as low as thousands of dollars. Much lower than XBLA. There's also a larger userbase to sell the games to.

BTW, as far as the actual issue of Xbox Live Arcade being full of shovelware, I gaurantee you that WiiWare will share that issue. It's not like Virtual Console doesn't already have that issue. I just expect it to have a more steady supply of good games to make up for it.

Well I tried N+ last night. I think I'll put it on arcade's crap list.

The first Wiiware game I've seen:

A soft-porn version of a 32 year old game. Talk about crap.

Just an FYI:

WiiWare launched in Japan with 9 games. Downloading all 9 games, with no saves, takes up about 95% of the Wii's internal SD card.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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