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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why Sony Won't Deploy PS4 Exclusives on PC

I can see the points being made about QB. The game was falsely advertised as only being available on X1. Some PC gamers go out and buy and X1, just to hear that it will be on PC as well.

Had it been announced as PC and X1 from the start, there would be no issue. I still stand by console exclusive titles on PC not being that big of a deal, but the way they went about QB was just wrong no matter how you look at it.

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GribbleGrunger said:
noname2200 said:


So you think someone with a PS4 would buy ab XB1 because of 'hype'? What exactly creates that hype?

My theory - after years of observing hardcore gamers from both near and far - boredom, gullibility, a need to fit in, and perhaps a lack of fulfillment in one's personal life, although I hold out hope that the last isn't completely true.

Because they want people to buy Playstations? Just a thought.

For MS, they care significantly less. They want people to buy Xbox, but they also make a shitton of cash off of Windows, and thus can also make a good amount of $$$$$ by releasing games for Windows.

noname2200 said:

My theory - after years of observing hardcore gamers from both near and far - boredom, gullibility, a need to fit in, and perhaps a lack of fulfillment in one's personal life, although I hold out hope that the last isn't completely true.

So, everything but the obvious? People who have another console buy that console for the exclusives. Remove those exclusives and there's no reason to buy another console. We see that statement posted thousands upon thousands of times a day.


The PS5 Exists. 

Of course Sony is not going to release games on PC anytime soon, it's silly even think about it.

And I'm glad Phil is responding to the xbox fanboys (crapgamer is one of worst, just check his attrocious youtube channel) because most of the people (not all of them, I'm sure some have valid reasons to be mad) that find this situation bad are the fanboys that still fight the imaginary "console war".


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It makes no sense to deploy "console exclusives" on pc. The pc version will outperform it, so, what is the point of owning an X1, if u can just have it on pc?

GribbleGrunger said:
noname2200 said:

My theory - after years of observing hardcore gamers from both near and far - boredom, gullibility, a need to fit in, and perhaps a lack of fulfillment in one's personal life, although I hold out hope that the last isn't completely true.

So, everything but the obvious? People who have another console buy that console for the exclusives. Remove those exclusives and there's no reason to buy another console. We see that statement posted thousands upon thousands of times a day.

If you stick to the obvious, you'll never get anywhere. You have to be bold! Visionary! Revolutionary! Even if it means revisionism, opacification, muddle. Ask any academic anywhere ever.


'Sides, no reason we can't both be right.

noname2200 said:

If you stick to the obvious, you'll never get anywhere. You have to be bold! Visionary! Revolutionary! Even if it means revisionism, opacification, muddle. Ask any academic anywhere ever.


'Sides, no reason we can't both be right.


You might want to reconsider the bolded though. Both halves of a debate are generally right AND wrong, it's the middle ground that gives us 'an' answer. In Zen they call it 'cutting through the middle'. Notice I say 'an' answer and not 'the' answer. That's very important too because wisdom is understanding we 'know' nothing. Once you think you have 'the' answer, you stop asking questions. I'd also like to say that the saying 'there are more questions than answers' is completely wrong. There are more answers than questions.


The PS5 Exists. 

Next up: Why Microsoft doesn't release their first party exclusives on the Wii-U.

Are people actually buying Windows OS for personal use though?