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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prediction: In some years, Nintendos console will be the most successful and last relevant


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Your text is to long, im to lazy to read it. 51 15.84%
Agree 72 22.36%
Disagree 169 52.48%
Results 30 9.32%
RolStoppable said:
potato_hamster said:
RolStoppable said:

Nope. Passion, love and unity.

You could argue Sony and MS have both of these things.

Explain yourself.

Really? What's there to explain? You don't think the people at Sony and Microsoft are just as passionate about making video games as Nintendo? You don't think the people that work 60-80 hour weeks for months straight to get a game out on time and on budget don't love what they do? Because you don't put yourself through that crap project after project after project if you don't love what you do. The people at Sony and MS, and pretty much every video game studio on the planet absolutely love what they do.

As for unity, it depends on what you meant, but in the sense of unity meaning togetherness of feeling like being a part of something bigger, the only difference between Nintendo fans and Sony and MS fans is that Nintendo has been around longer. There are Sony fans that are just as diehard as Nintendo fans. There are MS fans that are just as diehard as Nintendo fans.

Nintendo isn't unique in anything they bring to the video game industry except for the types of games and consoles they make. But it doesn't take anything extra that Sony or MS don't have in order to make Nintendo-like consoles or Nintendo-like games. Sure they do things differently, but that doesn't automatically mean they do things better.

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Teeqoz said:
JNK said:
sonicfan1373 said:
I would say that it is quite unlikely that your prediction will come to pass. I do not believe that the primary reason people are buying consoles right now is due to hardware power but rather I believe that content and marketing (I would put heavy emphasis on marketing) play a much bigger roll. Sony has done a fantastic job marketing their system to gamers and I cannot see them stopping in a few years even as graphical improvements become less noticeable. That does not mean that I do no believe Nintendo will be relevant, but I doubt they will have the last relevant console.


sony is verry very broke. They are a huge technical concern. They make smartphones, tvs, playstation, handhelds, pcs and much more. Still they are just worth 17 billion.

As an comparison. Nintendo have 18 billion cash just lying around. And they are only a gaming concern.


Sony is worth 30 Billion, and Nintendo has 4.4 billion (7.5 billion including short term investments) in cash. Just some slight corrections. I mean, you were only off by about 45% on Sony's value, and about 300% (150% when including short term investments) on Nintendo's cash. :-3

Oh okay, that were just the information I had.


I just rechecked it.

Nintendo (2012) 10,5 billion cash:

daredevil.shark said:
Can't see PS3 and ps4 graphics difference? Want Nintendo to succeed? Man. You are dreaming. Graphics have a long way to go. As for Nintendo future will tell. But it's a fans wishful thinking rather than prediction.


you dont understand my points at all.

PxlStorm said:

Typical Nintendo fanboy talk. People don't just buy a PS4 instead of a Wii U because of graphics, you know.

User was moderated for this post ~StarOcean


you dont got the my points either.

I NEVER said anything similar to that.

People buy the Ps4 mainly because of its third party content. Just check ps4 best selling games on this website. If those third partys can reach their custormer without an traditional home console (because cod, fifa, gta and co will be available on smartphones/smarttvs/low budget pcs) in almost the same quality as on ps5/6, the playstation could get a problem in the future. And this problem wont effect nintendo at all. Thats all im saying.

GProgrammer said:
JNK said:

Nintendo can sell more consoles even with inferior hardware (gameboy, DS, Wii).

Is that why the Wii U is outselling the ps4 and the xbone? Oh wait ... thats not happening

The reality is the NX is now at 0 sold and the ps4 has sold 36 million and probably will be at 50 million when the NX launches, now thats a hell of a headstart the NX will have to overcome

I never talked about Ps4 or NX. I never said this "future nintendo console" will do alot better then wii u right now. I just said, that ps4 and xbox one might get obsolete in the future and then Nintendo console will be the last relevant and most sucessfull.

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Zekkyou said:
Why would the average consumer want to buy a Nintendo home console when, in the world you're describing, they have access to the majority of major 3rd party releases on stuff like their TV? 

I never said the average consumer will do this. I said the ps5 or 6 will eb obsolete for the average consumer. The next Nintendo system might just sell exactly like the wii u. But it will be the most sucessfull and last relevant because the competition became obsolete.

hiccupthehuman said:

 All I'm going to say is comparing a 2013 Ps3 game to a 2016 in beta game is fallacious. Games visual improve as the gen goes on. You should  compare 2008 Ps3 and 360 games to 2016 ones, and you will see there is difference. The difference isn't as sharp as from between previous generation but it is there. Furthermore, there are improvements besides graphics, like better AI for example.



I completly disagree. 1. the graphics of the division are 100% final. The game releases next month. Its probl already in the pressing plant. Its finished, final. They dont do anything but fixxing bugs at this moment, the graphics are and will be like they are. 

I also disagree on the 2nd point. The graphics improvement arnt because of the hardware or anything but because of the software. This prooved even more how irrelevant hardware already got. The best comparison would be a game released in the exact same year, because then both games would use very similar software possibilities and only the hardware would be a difference.


in 2017 or 2018 it would very likely also be possible to make a better looking game then TLOU on the ps3. Just because the software got better.

JNK said:

I never talked about Ps4 or NX. I never said this "future nintendo console" will do alot better then wii u right now. I just said, that ps4 and xbox one might get obsolete in the future and then Nintendo console will be the last relevant and most sucessfull.

You don't know that especially with Nintendo's recent performance ... 

While every console generation resets, past records are the better indicator for near term and longer term success ... 

Even if the alternatives are going to deincentivize the HD twins what exactly is stopping them from doing the same to Nintendo consoles much like how a few others here keep preaching that mobiles are putting their dedicated gaming handhelds into irrelevancy ?

fatslob-:O said:
JNK said:

I never talked about Ps4 or NX. I never said this "future nintendo console" will do alot better then wii u right now. I just said, that ps4 and xbox one might get obsolete in the future and then Nintendo console will be the last relevant and most sucessfull.

You don't know that especially with Nintendo's recent performance ... 

While every console generation resets, past records are the better indicator for near term and longer term success ... 

Even if the alternatives are going to deincentivize the HD twins what exactly is stopping them from doing the same to Nintendo consoles much like how a few others here keep preaching that mobiles are putting their dedicated gaming handhelds into irrelevancy ?


I explained everything in my first topic. 

Its similar to actual iphone sale analysis. Many analyst are saying apple will get problems in the near future, because they cant make their new iPhone significant better anymore. The technology is already to advaned. Even faster chips or even higher resolutions or even thinner phones arnt as interesting anymore. Its pretty much the same thinking.

JNK said:
Teeqoz said:
JNK said:
sonicfan1373 said:
I would say that it is quite unlikely that your prediction will come to pass. I do not believe that the primary reason people are buying consoles right now is due to hardware power but rather I believe that content and marketing (I would put heavy emphasis on marketing) play a much bigger roll. Sony has done a fantastic job marketing their system to gamers and I cannot see them stopping in a few years even as graphical improvements become less noticeable. That does not mean that I do no believe Nintendo will be relevant, but I doubt they will have the last relevant console.


sony is verry very broke. They are a huge technical concern. They make smartphones, tvs, playstation, handhelds, pcs and much more. Still they are just worth 17 billion.

As an comparison. Nintendo have 18 billion cash just lying around. And they are only a gaming concern.


Sony is worth 30 Billion, and Nintendo has 4.4 billion (7.5 billion including short term investments) in cash. Just some slight corrections. I mean, you were only off by about 45% on Sony's value, and about 300% (150% when including short term investments) on Nintendo's cash. :-3

Oh okay, that were just the information I had.


I just rechecked it.

Nintendo (2012) 10,5 billion cash:


That link talks about total cash and short term investments. Cash is about 4.5 billion, while combined cash and short term investments is about 7.5 billion.

Also your link is pretty old, the above link is much more recent. Figures are in Yen though, but it's easy to convert it.