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RolStoppable said:
potato_hamster said:
RolStoppable said:

Nope. Passion, love and unity.

You could argue Sony and MS have both of these things.

Explain yourself.

Really? What's there to explain? You don't think the people at Sony and Microsoft are just as passionate about making video games as Nintendo? You don't think the people that work 60-80 hour weeks for months straight to get a game out on time and on budget don't love what they do? Because you don't put yourself through that crap project after project after project if you don't love what you do. The people at Sony and MS, and pretty much every video game studio on the planet absolutely love what they do.

As for unity, it depends on what you meant, but in the sense of unity meaning togetherness of feeling like being a part of something bigger, the only difference between Nintendo fans and Sony and MS fans is that Nintendo has been around longer. There are Sony fans that are just as diehard as Nintendo fans. There are MS fans that are just as diehard as Nintendo fans.

Nintendo isn't unique in anything they bring to the video game industry except for the types of games and consoles they make. But it doesn't take anything extra that Sony or MS don't have in order to make Nintendo-like consoles or Nintendo-like games. Sure they do things differently, but that doesn't automatically mean they do things better.