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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prediction: In some years, Nintendos console will be the most successful and last relevant


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Your text is to long, im to lazy to read it. 51 15.84%
Agree 72 22.36%
Disagree 169 52.48%
Results 30 9.32%

Typical Nintendo fanboy talk. People don't just buy a PS4 instead of a Wii U because of graphics, you know.

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binary solo said:
So, basically this comes down to Nintendo exclusives are better than MS and Sony exclusives. So people will stop buying Sony and MS hardware and they will one day see the light and only buy Nintendo hardware.

This essentially...I´ve seen this line of thought used so many times in these console war discussions and thus far it has not happened...

Anyway I guess I´m a total freaky outlier (maybe even the famous 1%) who really doesn´t connect with Nintendo´s first party games. The only way I can see this happen (Nintendo having 60% + marketshare) is if Nintendo is the last Console manufacturer. Thus this could happen 2025 the earliest as there WILL be a PS5 and next Xbox (maybe even something new).

Yup...RO friggin rocked  

I also think nintendo will have the last relevant console. But it's a handheld, or both HH and HC but HH by far the most relevant.

Sony is absolutely doomed after ps4. Next xbox will run windows games out of the box, and while I think it will be successfull, it's not a console.

Gourmet said:
I also think nintendo will have the last relevant console. But it's a handheld, or both HH and HC but HH by far the most relevant.

Sony is absolutely doomed after ps4. Next xbox will run windows games out of the box, and while I think it will be successfull, it's not a console.

Handheld is suffering from a relevancy problem as much as home console. Or have you not seen that mobile phones and tablets have eaten up handheld gaming and cut it down to 1/3 to 1/4 the size it was.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Well the PS5 won't be a normal console anyway and MS goes back to PC gaming. Nintendo might make the last relevant console but the future for Nintendo after NX will be very intresting, perhaps going mobile is there best option.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

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UltimateGamer1982 said:
Nintendo got lucky with the Wii cause it's a fad. Other than that, Nintendo consoles haven't been big in 20 years when n64 came out with Mario 64.

I love Nintendo games, but without another Wii-like gimmick, I don't see them doing any better than n64, Gc, or wiiu.


N64 wasn't even all that big compared to the PS1, but it was succesful nonetheless a shame Nintendo didn't want to learn what PS dud right and Nintendo did wrong. Since they made the exact same mistake in the 6th gen.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

Why would the average consumer want to buy a Nintendo home console when, in the world you're describing, they have access to the majority of major 3rd party releases on stuff like their TV? Nintendo is already struggling to sell the WiiU on the back of just their own IP, and that's in a market where dedicated hardware of the kind we have right now is often still a necessity.

I think the handheld market somewhat highlights the above. Despite having larger control limitations, the mobile gaming market has had a massive impact on the success of dedicated handhelds, simply because it removes a lot of their necessity. A TV + a controller will function pretty much identically to a traditional consoles, so outside of being technically inferior (which you say won't matter), there will be even less incentive to invest in dedicated hardware. Especially when all you're gaining is 1 publisher's IP.

curl-6 said:

While I disagree with the thrust of your argument, I do agree that the visual leap from PS3/360 to PS4/Xbone is underwhelming.







i dissagree









and even then its not fair comparison because Next Gen games espacially Bloodborne look a lot better in motion because of the depth of field effects and motion blur

And people get angry when we insult Nintendo player who make threads like this one...


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Akeos said:
midrange said:

Heres Nintendo's problem. They are a generation behind on literally everything. Graphics, computing power, online multiplayer, social integration, reward/accomplishment system, etc. Nintendo is gambling on "big" and "unique" ideas without solidifying their core areas. Because of this, they are losing relevance within the industry. Everyone here seems to think they can recover it if they can make a "big" hit like the wii, but they can't. It's almost been a decade since the wii. Social media has expanded and the gaming industry has learned how to make reliable profits. Not having third party alone is what makes it impossible for Nintendo to make this "magical" comeback


Nintendo is not Microsoft or Sony...  It don't walk at the same time...  But i think NX will given boost in lot of things You speak about... 

They don't have to be microsoft or Sony, but they still need to conform to a minimum standard.

being "unique" is not a good excuse for having poor hardware. Being "different" is not a good excuse for skimping out on social features and online infrastructure.

the ouya tried to be "unique." They explicitly said they wanted to not compete with consoles and be their own special thing. They failed big time. Major complaint: hardware, OS, and games.

But Nintendo is not OUYA. Their IP's are completely different. But that doesn't mean that Nintendo isn't on a path to irrelevancy. They have old hardware (like the ouya), they have a bad online infrastructure (like the ouya), and they have low software output (thanks to no third party support). First party games are not enough to carry them into next gen. Kids today are more focused on minecraft and angry birds then they are on mario, and this is because of the wii u's failure. In this day and age, they need to focus less on the gimmicks and more on making a decent console with decent specs