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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prediction: In some years, Nintendos console will be the most successful and last relevant


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Your text is to long, im to lazy to read it. 51 15.84%
Agree 72 22.36%
Disagree 169 52.48%
Results 30 9.32%
NightDragon83 said:
JNK said:
elektranine said:
Nintendo fans are clearly going full bore.
I still remember when the Wii U was gonna be uber powerful and third parties were gonna worship Nintendo.
No difference between PS3 and PS4
Smartphones have PS3 level graphics
Smart tvs have PS4 graphics...
What alternative world you live in...

Im not an Nintendo fan. I own a ps4. I dont need to be a fan to make a prediction. Stop beeing a fanboy please.


SNES to N64 Graphics improvements:

I'll do you one better... N64 to Wii graphics improvements:



That sad moment when you realise the better looking game was the N64 judgein by those pictures.

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sonicfan1373 said:
I would say that it is quite unlikely that your prediction will come to pass. I do not believe that the primary reason people are buying consoles right now is due to hardware power but rather I believe that content and marketing (I would put heavy emphasis on marketing) play a much bigger roll. Sony has done a fantastic job marketing their system to gamers and I cannot see them stopping in a few years even as graphical improvements become less noticeable. That does not mean that I do no believe Nintendo will be relevant, but I doubt they will have the last relevant console.


sony is verry very broke. They are a huge technical concern. They make smartphones, tvs, playstation, handhelds, pcs and much more. Still they are just worth 17 billion.

As an comparison. Nintendo have 18 billion cash just lying around. And they are only a gaming concern.

NightDragon83 said:
JNK said:
elektranine said:
Nintendo fans are clearly going full bore.
I still remember when the Wii U was gonna be uber powerful and third parties were gonna worship Nintendo.
No difference between PS3 and PS4
Smartphones have PS3 level graphics
Smart tvs have PS4 graphics...
What alternative world you live in...

Im not an Nintendo fan. I own a ps4. I dont need to be a fan to make a prediction. Stop beeing a fanboy please.


SNES to N64 Graphics improvements:

I'll do you one better... N64 to Wii graphics improvements:




better? There  are bad looking games on every console. But my choosen ones (Last of us, the division) are known as one of the best looking ones for the systems.

Eh, I kinda of agree with you, but not for the reasons stated. I mean, I don't see visuals stopping to significantly increase in quality. Look at our current games... they may look good, but they're also far from current CGIs. We still have a hard time making games that look as good as early 2000's animation movies.

If visuals get stagnant, this will probably happen after the 10th generation, but I'm sure this won't happen. Cause, you know, there are always many things to improve even if the visuals cannot anymore; like seamless gameplay (loading free), bigger amount of NPCs on screen at the same time, bigger and more detailed worlds, more destructible enviroments, etc.

Bet with Teeqoz for 2 weeks of avatar and sig control that Super Mario Odyssey would ship more than 7m on its first 2 months. The game shipped 9.07m, so I won

LipeJJ said:
Eh, I kinda of agree with you, but not for the reasons stated. I mean, I don't see visuals stopping to significantly increase in quality. Look at our current games... they may look good, but they're also far from current CGIs. We still have a hard time making games that look as good as early 2000's animation movies.

If visuals get stagnant, this will probably happen after the 10th generation, but I'm sure this won't happen. Cause, you know, there are always many things to improve even if the visuals cannot anymore; like seamless gameplay (loading free), bigger amount of NPCs on screen at the same time, bigger and more detailed worlds, more destructible enviroments, etc.

the problem is not only the hardware which wont get strong enough fast enough, but also the budgets. As prettier games will get, as more expensive they will be. But games do still sell around the same as 10 years ago. So i really doubt we will get much better graphics, it wont be profitable anymore.

Also I agree that there will always be more things to improve, but besides enthusiats, most average gamers wont care. They will be satisfied. Its similar to 4k. You can always went higher, but full hd is already super sharp and there just isnt a big interest in even sharper images.

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JNK said:
LipeJJ said:
Eh, I kinda of agree with you, but not for the reasons stated. I mean, I don't see visuals stopping to significantly increase in quality. Look at our current games... they may look good, but they're also far from current CGIs. We still have a hard time making games that look as good as early 2000's animation movies.

If visuals get stagnant, this will probably happen after the 10th generation, but I'm sure this won't happen. Cause, you know, there are always many things to improve even if the visuals cannot anymore; like seamless gameplay (loading free), bigger amount of NPCs on screen at the same time, bigger and more detailed worlds, more destructible enviroments, etc.

the problem is not only the hardware which wont get strong enough fast enough, but also the budgets. As prettier games will get, as more expensive they will be. But games do still sell around the same as 10 years ago. So i really doubt we will get much better graphics, it wont be profitable anymore.

Also I agree that there will always be more things to improve, but besides enthusiats, most average gamers wont care. They will be satisfied. Its similar to 4k. You can always went higher, but full hd is already super sharp and there just isnt a big interest in even sharper images.

This is true but only to some extent. There will always be friendly (and good) engines like Unreal Engine 4, that is actually free for most devs to acquire right now and is able to produce great visuals without an enormously big budget. In the future we'll have more engines that are easy and cheap to use, and yet allows many possibilities and great visuals; it's a trend.

Bet with Teeqoz for 2 weeks of avatar and sig control that Super Mario Odyssey would ship more than 7m on its first 2 months. The game shipped 9.07m, so I won

While I disagree with the thrust of your argument, I do agree that the visual leap from PS3/360 to PS4/Xbone is underwhelming.






JNK said:
sonicfan1373 said:
I would say that it is quite unlikely that your prediction will come to pass. I do not believe that the primary reason people are buying consoles right now is due to hardware power but rather I believe that content and marketing (I would put heavy emphasis on marketing) play a much bigger roll. Sony has done a fantastic job marketing their system to gamers and I cannot see them stopping in a few years even as graphical improvements become less noticeable. That does not mean that I do no believe Nintendo will be relevant, but I doubt they will have the last relevant console.


sony is verry very broke. They are a huge technical concern. They make smartphones, tvs, playstation, handhelds, pcs and much more. Still they are just worth 17 billion.

As an comparison. Nintendo have 18 billion cash just lying around. And they are only a gaming concern.


Sony is worth 30 Billion, and Nintendo has 4.4 billion (7.5 billion including short term investments) in cash. Just some slight corrections. I mean, you were only off by about 45% on Sony's value, and about 300% (150% when including short term investments) on Nintendo's cash. :-3

RolStoppable said:
Well, it looks like both Sony and Microsoft will eventually transition to make everything service-based, so they wouldn't sell a box anymore. Then only Nintendo remains as a console manufacturer.

This has nothing to do with processing power though. You should also quantify "some years" to make it a proper prediction.

I think both will technically still sell a box, but pretty much this. Small streaming box for PS4 and "steam machine-like" console PC for MS.

Teeqoz said:

Sony is worth 30 Billion, and Nintendo has 4.4 billion (7.5 billion including short term investments) in cash. Just some slight corrections. I mean, you were only off by about 45% on Sony's value, and about 300% (150% when including short term investments) on Nintendo's cash. :-3

I would call that a huge oversight ...