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Forums - General Discussion - If this thread reaches 5000 posts AoA will pose for playgirl

What is knucles doing to sony?


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This feels like a petition. I, too, would like to see ArtofAngels appear in Playgirl. Well, I wouldn't actually like to see him. And that brings me to my question:

@highwaystar101: Assuming he goes along with this, have you thought about how you're going to confirm his appearance in Playgirl?

so they have your house's keys, but not only that, they go into your house without saying it to you, that's not normal, at least in Spain.

ismael said:
so they have your house's keys, but not only that, the go into your house without saying it to you, that's not normal, at least in Spain.

No, we were in her house. Did I not say that?

ismael said:
so they have your house's keys, but not only that, they go into your house without saying it to you, that's not normal, at least in Spain.

nevermind. Is the the new girl reading this thread?

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
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sorry, i now understand everything



gurok said:
This feels like a petition. I, too, would like to see ArtOfAngels appear in Playgirl. Well, I wouldn't actually like to see him. And that brings me to my question:

@highwaystar101: Assuming he goes along with this, have you thought about how you're going to confirm his appearance in Playgirl?

 We are gonna send it into readers husbands and hope for the best. or maybe just tell them the truth, but I think the former will be more likely

My most embarrassing moment was in a restaurant, we (me and 3 friends) were standing in line to pay before we left, and I saw an incredibly fat little boy, maybe 8-9 years old.
I said to my friend behind me; "Jesus, look at that fat kid, oh my God!"
Behind my friend stood the boys father, well within earshot...
To make matters worse, I went outside to tell another friend what had just happened and said; "Man did I make an ass of myself in there, I commented this totally morbidly obese kid, and his father heard me!" followed by laughter from both of us.
Lo and behold, 5 feet away from me sat the boys mother enjoying a smoke...

I'm amazed they didn't kill me, but then again; if you stuff your kids and make them fat as fuck you should expect some askew staring and comments. Or? Inputs?

Cell>>> SS 2 gohan

