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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who is the greatest female villain in gaming?

Hiku said:

I always liked Edea, or "the witch" from FF8. Cold demeanour, and her music was awesome.

Ultimecia from FF8 is the greatest.

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Hiku said:
V-r0cK said:

Ultimecia from FF8 is the greatest.

Ultimecia is included under "the witch".

lol i know, you just didnt give a name :P

V-r0cK said:
Hiku said:

Ultimecia is included under "the witch".

lol i know, you just didnt give a name :P

I've always thought Ultimecia just "appeared" out of nowhere at the end of the game which made me not care about her very much.

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
V-r0cK said:

lol i know, you just didnt give a name :P

I've always thought Ultimecia just "appeared" out of nowhere at the end of the game which made me not care about her very much.

Yea she mainly came around the last disc of the game.  Was suppose to be a twist but I enjoyed it. But i can definitely understand why not alot thought much of her over Edea.

Brooke Augustine, from inFamous: Second Son. Excellent performance and well wrritten character. She was pretty menacing and badass as well.

Bet with Teeqoz for 2 weeks of avatar and sig control that Super Mario Odyssey would ship more than 7m on its first 2 months. The game shipped 9.07m, so I won

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Mother Brain.

I think I forgot about someone: The Dark Queen from Battletoads.

For me personally?

Sakura Haibara in Fatal Frame 4.

She's unique in that while she's terrifying, her character almost entirely sympathetic. She's not evil or sadistic, or cruel, she's simply a tortured soul who wreaks slaughter because simply to look at her is fatal. Her backstory is quite sad; she's suffering from a disease that's basically a supernatural stand-in for Alzheimers, and is losing her memories and with them her very identity. She volunteers to be part of a ceremony designed to lift the curse, but when it fails she is turned into a walking deliverer of death who wanders the island until nobody is left alive.

The times you encounter her in the game are absolutely blood-curdling, as the screen turns black and white with Sakura little more than a dark shape surrounding by burning white fires, the soundtrack filled with eerie keening.

No other video game character has made me lose a night of sleep.

The Goddess Ashera from Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn. The way the fight was set up really cemented her as a serious threat, and her status made the best possible antagonist for such an epic set of games.

Also her dialogue with Ike before the final fight had me grinning...I was so ready to Aether that self-righteous fool.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Wright said:

There are some good female villains that tend to screw up the protagonists badly, like Nassandra in Dark Souls 2, Excella Gionne in Resident Evil 5 or Bloody Mary in The Wolf Among Us.

There aren't, however, many iconic female villains. I guess...Mary/Maria in Silent Hill 2 impacted everyone who played it? And it's not a villain per se. Someone already mentioned The Boss which is an awesome pick.

Final Fantasy 8's Ultimecia would be my choice.

So awesome that you went through the trouble of evading people from getting spoilers. I just wanted to say that.

pokoko said:
I thought Zhao Yun Ru in Human Revolution was pretty good.

For me, though, the Queen in ICO was one that I wanted to destroy from the bottom of my heart.

Oh yes! She's like a fairy tale villain, like from the tales of old. She was a great element in that minimalistic story.

vivster said:

Wow, that is some awesome character model. Who's she, is she from Detroid: Become Human?

TruckOSaurus said:

I've always thought Ultimecia just "appeared" out of nowhere at the end of the game which made me not care about her very much.

I thought that made her even more mysterious and kind of above the whole situation when she practically pulls the strings of everything that happens to you in the game without ever even seen her.

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