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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Bandai Namco announce God Eater 1 & 2 (PS4/PSV/PC); Gundam (PSV); Jojo (PS4); Tales (PS4/PC) & One Piece (PS4/PSV/XB1/PC) for the west in 2016

Kresnik said:
Sprash said:
Thank god, they cancelled the ps3 version of tales of beseria so the game can maybe move more hardware in japan without it.

It's still coming to PS3 in Japan, they're just dropping the PS3 SKU for the west.

Luke888 said:
Nothing for Ninty ? :c I mean, a port of a Vita game ? heck why make it for the Vita and not for the 3DS...


Really? shame they can start and drop the support for the ps3

Around the Network

Tales of besteria is the real megaton here for me!

OneKartVita said:
Tales of besteria is the real megaton here for me!


Tales coming to the West is not a surprise

Roronaa_chan said:
OneKartVita said:
Tales of besteria is the real megaton here for me!


Tales coming to the West is not a surprise


I expected it in 2017 so it is to me 

Yes! So many games comming out from Japan next year not normal!
Its official for me ps4 beats ps3!

Around the Network

Sounds awesome! Its good that Bamco heard the cries of the West! :)


NNID: b00moscone

Switch ID: SW-5475-6755-1986

3DS friend-Code: 4613-6380-5406

PSN: b00mosconi

all sony exclusives on consoles?

R.I.P. competition lol

Berseria PC?

Yeah, reasons to buy a PlayStation 4 now? 0.

Globalisation is awesome

with so many games for my ps4 there is no reason to buy a xbox one for a little numbers of games or invest in a gaming pc.
sony is really saving me lots of money^^