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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which developer should Sony buy, Konami or Capcom?


Which developer should Sony buy, Konami or Capcom?

Capcom, because.. 110 51.89%
Konami, because.. 43 20.28%
see results. 59 27.83%
melbye said:
Konami, Nintendo should buy Capcom.

Well I definitely agree Nintendo should buy Capcom.

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No need to buy both since they are technically publishers, buy the Ip's or one of their few remaining quality studios even though these studios haven't been creative active for countless years now. Would be cheaper and better with a fresh studio with fresh ideas


PSN: Opticstrike90
Steam: opticstrike90

Nuvendil said:
Honestly, neither. Konami's currently busy committing suicide so might as well leave them to slash their own wrists and then loot their corpse for all the good IP later for far less money. Capcom is more problematic due to the third parties who would work very very hard to muck with the deal, namely Nintendo who know darn well how important MonHun is to their handhelds.

Also, Capcom is a pretty big company, not sure the government over there would support a company as big as Sony buying them.

Konami may be killing its console games division, but they are far from suiciding themselves (at least, economically)

konami is dead now, i think. its really bad for the good ip's.

Neither... They both lack capable dev teams, Capcoms biggest franchise is a handheld franchise and Sony doesn't care for handhelds, and whatever relevant home console games Capcom makes, they release on the PS4 regardless. Konami has a bunch of shit that's completely useless to Sony, basically have no good devs, and the only reason to buy them would be for their IPs, but Sony already has a bunch of IPs they don't use, buying more would be a complete waste of cash.

Both of them would be pretty terrible acquisitions for Sony.

bigtakilla said:

Get Mega Man and outsource that to Naughty Dog.


Wut. You don't think Naughty Dog is more valuable to Sony making their own games like they are currently? Mega Man is hardly a big IP anymore.

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padib said:

really : D ? why ? ^^