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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which developer should Sony buy, Konami or Capcom?


Which developer should Sony buy, Konami or Capcom?

Capcom, because.. 110 51.89%
Konami, because.. 43 20.28%
see results. 59 27.83%

I laugh at people who want a big graphically intensive monster hunter on consoles. Misses the whole point of why the series is popular
Not sure why Sony would buy either when they are in front. It's not like they will miss out on games from them

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Chazore said:

I watch quite a few for various reasons like:

Levelcap: For battlefield, Star Wars battlefront and some PC news

Total Biscuit: PC port reports, Steam sales, general indsutry talks and the co-optional podcast.

Jesse Cox & Crendor: Watch both for their LP's and the episodes they appear on co-optional podcast.

Duderandom84: A guy I recently subbed who shows you benchmarks based on any recent or old game you ask him to test with different hardware and different settings you can request him to do, really helpful if you want to buy some new parts based on his tests or just want to see perf gains/loss in general.

Nobel87: Warcraft Lore and LP's

CultofMush: PC gaming news from a young player's perspective along with weekly PC rig builds with pricing and GPU deals(compared to TB and other older people like Linus/Tek SYndicate guys).

Linus Tech tips: General PC hardware/technology news.

Tek Syndicate: Same as linus but on a bigger more in depth scale.

Brodual: Fallout/Skyrim mods weekly.

Gopher: Fallout/Skyrim mods and modding tips and tricks (he's a modder himself).

That's a small list of folks I watch a lot of during the week including Jim himself =P. Sorry for the long list.

I watch those two also along with Tech Source as far as PC related content goes, but i don't really considering them gaming youtubers seeing as they have a lot of of non-gaming related content on their channels. 

FIT_Gamer said:

I watch those two also along with Tech Source as far as PC related content goes, but i don't really considering them gaming youtubers seeing as they have a lot of of non-gaming related content on their channels. 

Yeah those two seem to be more on the ahrdware end of the spectrum, even with Luke doing some benchmarks they hardly focus much on gaming.

I still cringe every time seeing a GPU being used as a coffee coaster.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:

Yeah those two seem to be more on the ahrdware end of the spectrum, even with Luke doing some benchmarks they hardly focus much on gaming.

I still cringe every time seeing a GPU being used as a coffee coaster.


There is at least one comment about that on pretty much every one of his videos lol. 

I'm going to say Konami because Konami's current management wouldn't be the ones in charge anymore and under the current management, Konami is screwed. To Capcom's credit, they may have been (and still may be) dying but at least their management has acknowledged how much they had been screwing and is actively trying to fix their mistakes.

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Neither. They should be free to make games for all consoles, since that would be best for all gamers, am I right? : D



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I swear, Sony fanboys are worst than religious freaks. The fact that there is a Sony fanboy that got caught jacking off to a PSWhore at a GameStop proves my point.

FIT_Gamer said:
Chazore said:

Yeah those two seem to be more on the ahrdware end of the spectrum, even with Luke doing some benchmarks they hardly focus much on gaming.

I still cringe every time seeing a GPU being used as a coffee coaster.


There is at least one comment about that on pretty much every one of his videos lol. 

Every time lol

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Is Sony wanting to get into the Pachinko industry or something?

Protendo said:
Is Sony wanting to get into the Pachinko industry or something?

Not unless they want to hit the lever.

Sony comes across Konami with a few Panchikos and Konami is all like:

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.