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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Minecraft officially announced for Wii U

OneKartVita said:
Skullwaker said:

I fail to see how pricing $50-60 for MK8 or Splatoon is "ripping off costumers." Those games are still quality, still pretty new, and still the newest games in their respective series.

That is why you won't see games such as Call of Duty in the west or Monster Hunter in Japan retaining their value. The market is flooded with them.

Until dawn which was a sleeper hit not long ago could be got for $20. If that was Nintendo it would be double.  Dishonoured won game of the year awards in 2012 and a few months later I got it for $25. 


The fact is Nintendo take advantage of the fact none of their games have competition and the fans get ripped off.  


If you buy a wii u now and a ps4 you'd get waaaay more quality games for let's say $20 on the ps4 then the Wii U.  


It's economics 101. Competition benefits the consumer and on the Wii U there's no competition.  

They have done this ALWAYS, with or without competition, so dont try to make it sound like an evil thing to do. Their games have value long time after its release, and they know it, the reason why others games from other companies go down so quickly is not because they want to have a nice detail with the people, is because nobody is already buying them, triple A games outside a few exceptions tend to be heavily front-loaded, so they stop selling pretty quick and they need an incentive, Nintendo games however, have always had inmense legs, they are not only about the hype of the day 1, so they mantain their value for a long time. 

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Goodnightmoon said:
OneKartVita said:

Until dawn which was a sleeper hit not long ago could be got for $20. If that was Nintendo it would be double.  Dishonoured won game of the year awards in 2012 and a few months later I got it for $25. 


The fact is Nintendo take advantage of the fact none of their games have competition and the fans get ripped off.  


If you buy a wii u now and a ps4 you'd get waaaay more quality games for let's say $20 on the ps4 then the Wii U.  


It's economics 101. Competition benefits the consumer and on the Wii U there's no competition.  

They have done this ALWAYS, with or without competition, so dont try to make it sound like an evil thing to do. Their games have value long time after its release, and they know it, the reason why others games from other companies go down so quickly is not because they want to have a nice detail with the people, is because nobody is already buying them, triple A games outside a few exception tend to be heavily front-loaded, so they stop selling pretty quick and they need an incentive, Nintendo games however, have always had inmense legs, they are not only about the hype of the day 1, so they mantain their value for a long time. 

That's not true.  Nintendo games sell well long term not just because they're good but also because of severe lack of competition which means the players are left with little other options.  


And there are wii u games still at high price that are selling worse than ps4/X1 games that get discounted anyway.  So no its not because all the expensive wii u games are selling great.  Only a handful are.  

OneKartVita said:
tak13 said:

Perhaps different game experience, given that it will utilize wii u's tablet controller which  have off-tv/screen play feature! :P

When people put a :P at the end of s statement it usually means they're joking.  Just curious are you joking or did you mean what you said? 

Completely true! But I think it has another use too...

No, I meant it, if you saw it, curl answered me in a serious way, so he didn't took it as a joke, because it wasn't! ;)

midrange said:
Wyrdness said:
I thought MS owns Minecraft?

Minecraft wasn't exclusive before buying it, and they said that after buying it, they weren't going to make it exclusive.

To them, minecraft has more potential for revenue by expanding the franchise, not by limiting it (which makes sense). They also have a reason to do so

I could totally see Minecraft 2 being an Xbox exclusive. It's the one game, imo, that would bring that console brand back from the dead. 

OneKartVita said:
Goodnightmoon said:

They have done this ALWAYS, with or without competition, so dont try to make it sound like an evil thing to do. Their games have value long time after its release, and they know it, the reason why others games from other companies go down so quickly is not because they want to have a nice detail with the people, is because nobody is already buying them, triple A games outside a few exception tend to be heavily front-loaded, so they stop selling pretty quick and they need an incentive, Nintendo games however, have always had inmense legs, they are not only about the hype of the day 1, so they mantain their value for a long time. 

That's not true.  Nintendo games sell well long term not just because they're good but also because of severe lack of competition which means the players are left with little other options.  


And there are wii u games still at high price that are selling worse than ps4/X1 games that get discounted anyway.  So no its not because all the expensive wii u games are selling great.  Only a handful are.  

The world was not born in 2012, you know that? WiiU may not have much competition, but fucking Wii and DS had a ton and the games were still selling for years and with the same price, It happened the same with 3DS, with GBA, with GC, etc... it has always been like this for Nintendo, because their games keep selling with or without competition. You just really want to find the evilness of something that makes 100% sense, their games keep selling for years, ergo the perceived value of them for their public stays the same for years, ergo they keep the same price for years, that's called logic in my town.

Around the Network
Goodnightmoon said:
OneKartVita said:

Until dawn which was a sleeper hit not long ago could be got for $20. If that was Nintendo it would be double.  Dishonoured won game of the year awards in 2012 and a few months later I got it for $25. 


The fact is Nintendo take advantage of the fact none of their games have competition and the fans get ripped off.  


If you buy a wii u now and a ps4 you'd get waaaay more quality games for let's say $20 on the ps4 then the Wii U.  


It's economics 101. Competition benefits the consumer and on the Wii U there's no competition.  

They have done this ALWAYS, with or without competition, so dont try to make it sound like an evil thing to do. Their games have value long time after its release, and they know it, the reason why others games from other companies go down so quickly is not because they want to have a nice detail with the people, is because nobody is already buying them, triple A games outside a few exception tend to be heavily front-loaded, so they stop selling pretty quick and they need an incentive, Nintendo games however, have always had inmense legs, they are not only about the hype of the day 1, so they mantain their value for a long time. 

There are alot of AAA games that have legs like Nintendo games. GTA is one of them. 

AlfredoTurkey said:
Goodnightmoon said:

They have done this ALWAYS, with or without competition, so dont try to make it sound like an evil thing to do. Their games have value long time after its release, and they know it, the reason why others games from other companies go down so quickly is not because they want to have a nice detail with the people, is because nobody is already buying them, triple A games outside a few exceptions tend to be heavily front-loaded, so they stop selling pretty quick and they need an incentive, Nintendo games however, have always had inmense legs, they are not only about the hype of the day 1, so they mantain their value for a long time. 

There are alot of AAA games that have legs like Nintendo games. GTA is one of them. 

Did you read the part where I say "outside a few exceptions"?

Goodnightmoon said:
AlfredoTurkey said:

There are alot of AAA games that have legs like Nintendo games. GTA is one of them. 

Did you read the part where I say "outside a few exceptions"?

No, that's why I said "a lot". lol

AlfredoTurkey said:
Goodnightmoon said:

Did you read the part where I say "outside a few exceptions"?

No, that's why I said "a lot". lol

There is definitely not a lot, not at the same level at the very least, most games can barely reach in the rest of their lifes what they got on their first month, and usually when they stay long is because of bundles or massive price drops. Except a few exceptions as I said. 

tak13 said:
OneKartVita said:

When people put a :P at the end of s statement it usually means they're joking.  Just curious are you joking or did you mean what you said? 

Completely true! But I think it has another use too...

No, I meant it, if you saw it, curl answered me in a serious way, so he didn't took it as a joke, because it wasn't! ;)

I know you like to be grammatically correct so you should probably stop using things that suggest the opposite of what you mean.  Very hard to grasp your posts like that.