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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your plans for Rise of the Tomb Raider

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I'm bordering on waiting for the PS4 version. Or not bothering with it, at all. It really depends on were I am a year from now. And how many games I have to buy.

2017 on PS4.

Playing it now and it's better than the 1st so far. Couldn't wait and glad it's available to me

I'll probably pick it up on 360 next time there's a game drought.

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Got the first one for 9€ on 360, not playing RotTR even if I get it for free.

Didn't think much of the first one. Whiney Lara put me off, story was mediocre, writing was average.

Gameplay was good, but not good enough to convince me to buy an X1, not good enough to convince me to buy the sequel for full price of I had an X1. I'll probably buy it if they release it for £30 and there is nothing else to buy or if it hits £20. There are far too many games that are on my priority list above RotTR.

I'll wait until it is $30 or less with all DLC on PS4.

I plan on getting it for ps4 for a few reasons. 

#- I honestly have too many games to play currently and Tomb raider doesn't top that list. 

#2- I played the reboot on ps4 and like to continue franchises on the platform is started them on if possible. 

Getting it for Xbox One this Christmas!">"><img src="