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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread: The Greatest Games Event 2015 (Your #1 Favorite Game)

RolStoppable said:
S.Peelman said:

A tiny bit into the right direction, if only because it features men in tight suits.

Spy vs. Spy.

Their suits aren't tight enough .

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It's Goldeneye.

47. Star Fox 64

Star Fox 64 is a lot like Super Metroid: they were such masters of their craft that they limited the future of the series. The game's carefully-designed linear levels are easily played through thanks to analog controls, the branching paths grants player freedom and gives replay value, and though the graphics have aged, the presentation still holds up thanks to the style and voice acting (Voices make up 40% of the game's file size). The Landmaster segments are good changes of pace, the bosses are solid by default, and things like early Rumble support add to the experience. That said, the game loses some points for its free-range sections, which lack the tight controls of rail segments. Also, the game is a bit short, even with the branching paths. All stages can be played at least once within three playthroughs, and since each run is a set of seven stages, it doesn't add up very much.


46. Castlevania

Despite my being a Nintendo fan, only one other NES game will be on this list. So what makes the original Castlevania desrving of such praise? It was the perfect game for the platform it was on. Small enough to be released on a floppy disk, the game compensated for its brevity through a combination of deliberate challenge and surprising depth. The game's 18 stages were divided into 6 areas, with dying bringing you to the start of a stage and a Game Over to the start of an area. Progress was difficult, but unless the power is turned off, you only lose a few minutes at a time. And while dying repeatedly, you will interact with the area and enemies in new ways. Your jumping and whipping are delayed, but that only forces your to learn when to act and when to wait. For the worst situations, your five secondary weapons give you new options for facing enemies. You will find hidden Pot Roasts and hearts. And when you face the bosses, you will win through your skills at identifying and reacting to new and powerful enemies.


45. Pokemon Trading Card Game

Pokemon's earlier spinoffs tended to have an inverse relationship between awesome concepts and execution. Do you want to battle your monochrome critters in 3D? Here's Pokemon Stadium, a glorified acessory for the real games! Do you want to hang out with this adorable Pikachu? Here's a non-functioning voice-based game! How about an action-oriented game where you defeat hordes of Pokemon? Try one of the four Rumble games! Do you want quality games? Then I hope you like photography, pinball, and trading cards!

What makes this Game Boy Color game work so well is how well it interprets the appeal of both Pokemon and these kinds of card games. Starting with a basic deck, the player is almost immediately free to challenge any opponents they want at one of the several themed areas. Winning a battle rewards you with cards, which can then be used to customize your deck. There are over 200 types, roughly as many as there were in the real-life equivalent at the time, each of which are found in one of the four types of packs. Since trainers consistently give the same packs upon defeat, you can get new surprises while aiming for something in particular. And even on a duel by duel basis, there is no single strategy to follow. Sure, your early Bulbasaur deck can be used with few changes for the Stone Club, but even then you have to decide between building decks meant to evolve quickly, delay opponents, draw many cards, and so on. And unlike the Gen 1 Pokemon games, it somehow is well balanced, so your first deck's cards are useful the entire game.

I've heard the Japan-only sequel is good, but until I learn Japanese, I've only played this one.

RolStoppable said:
S.Peelman said:

No, no no you guys, you must think way bigger!

This tv-show isn't just some regular kiddie-show, no sir. It's a star among tv-shows! And when I say the characters of the team in the game are just "extras" on the show, I really mean like no-line-background-filler extras. The series actually has a famous main cast (though not as famous as the main cast of two of the other shows in it's universe), which are funnily enough the 'extras' in my game.

Perry from Phineas & Ferb got his own game?

If that's still wrong, be more honest with your hints.

Ain't it. I've really still only given the one hint. I'll put up a second.

The other things I said were technically still true, but were so vague they were never really meant to lead any closer to my game. I'm just mean. However, here's a second official hint.

This game based on a television show featured a team consisting of characters that were sometimes seen as extras, in the show.

Hint 2: This team of extras, which the player is a part of, is formed by the officer in charge (who is part of the tv-series' famous main cast and has her real voice in the game) to deal with hazardous missions that have to be dealt with due to the ship being in a lonely, dire situation.

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Clyde32 said:
It's Goldeneye.

Also incorrect I'm afraid, that's neither a tv-series nor does it feature extras from the show as main characters, rather, you are the film's main character instead. Luckily though, you did get something right with this answer! Another vague sublemental hint that should maybe give you guys the right perspective.

Hint for the #43: It's a more humorous and wacky take on the Dawn of the Dead remake, where the character can dress in the wackiest outfits possible.

RolStoppable said:
S.Peelman said:

The other things I said were technically still true, but were so vague they were never really meant to lead any closer to my game. I'm just mean. However, here's a second official hint.

This game based on a television show featured a team consisting of characters that were sometimes seen as extras, in the show.

Hint 2: This team of extras, which the player is a part of, is formed by the officer in charge (who is part of the tv-series' famous main cast and has her real voice in the game) to deal with hazardous missions that have to be dealt with due to the ship being in a lonely, dire situation.

Nope, doesn't ring a bell. You know, hollandish TV shows aren't popular worldwide. How should we know?

Hollandish tv-shows aren't good enough to be, so that's not really surprising, but this one is quite American.

But alright alright, for this once I'll post a third hint on this game, soon.

Mr_No said:
Hint for the #43: It's a more humorous and wacky take on the Dawn of the Dead remake, where the character can dress in the wackiest outfits possible.

Dead Rising?

S.Peelman said:
Mr_No said:
Hint for the #43: It's a more humorous and wacky take on the Dawn of the Dead remake, where the character can dress in the wackiest outfits possible.

Dead Rising?

Yes, but not the first one.