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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread: The Greatest Games Event 2015 (Your #1 Favorite Game)

BraLoD said:
ReimTime said:


Splatoon? Solitaire? Snakes and Ladders?

Delete friend list: Farsala, ReimTime

Why all of them start with S btw?

Legend of Splatoon

#1 Amb-ass-ador

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BraLoD said:
Farsala said:
BraLoD said:

Yup, no hint, if you need it you don't deserve it.

Is it SMT?

But really its LoD.


Is it SMT?

As I can't read spoiler tags on my phone, you are officially dead to me.

But really its LoD.

Hynad said:
Farsala said:
BraLoD said:

Yup, no hint, if you need it you don't deserve it.

Is it SMT?

But really its LoD.


Is it SMT?

Come on.

It has to be Legend of Dragoon. -____-

But really its LoD is in spoiler lol.

BraLoD said:
Farsala said:

Correct on 2.

1 Nah that ain't me, but apparently this guy probably played more then that:


My 1 recently had its 11 year anniversary.



Metal Gear Solid 3


ReimTime said:
Farsala said:
Clyde32 said:

2 is FFX

1 is...Animal Crossing?

Correct on 2.

1 Nah that ain't me, but apparently this guy probably played more then that:


My 1 recently had its 11 year anniversary.



Hmmm a lot of MMOs released that year but I'm going with the most popular.

World of Warcraft


And there it is, finally. After some time of discussing games, this is the point where we reach the top game of all, the number 1 greatest game of all time. 'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time' certainly is that. What can be said? The game equals perfection in every way and it would be the only game I would ever give a perfect score. At least up to the present day, who knows what the future brings. This game is usually on my mind, even when playing something else, because this is what I'd rather be playing!

The game features the most classic good versus evil story one could imagine. In fact, there's a lot of comparisons to be made between it and 'Knights of the Old Republic' in the #2 spot, so you could guess what kind of story I like. Link is an unsuspecting youth growing up amongst a tribe known as the Kokiri, when one day he is called upon by the guardian of the forest, the Deku Tree. As it turns out, he is not a Kokiri himself, but left there hidden away after birth because he is the child of Legend.

One of the most epic moments in gaming is when the player enters the chamber behind the Door of Time, and pulls the legendary Master Sword from it's pedestal. Link is entombed within the heavenly Sacred Realm to wake up seven years later, only to find the world now under the depressing reign of the evil Ganondorf. When the game seemed over already, it turns out it's actually three times larger than the part you already played, and some of the best moments are still ahead. Unparalleled world and level design decades ahead of it's time, a feel of epicness and wonder never again seen and memorable event after memorable event make the game something special from start to finish.

I was already familiar with the series, and 'A Link to the Past' was already one of my favorite games. Even as a child in an age when there wasn't really much of an internet to speak of, I was very well aware of this game's impending release. I don't think I've ever been more hyped about a game release either before or since. I begged everyone in my family to get me this game; someone, please, buy me this game. I will wash the dishes for a year. I even proceeded to draw a picture of the box-art to show people so they would know what to look for. It was wrong though, I used lower-case letters instead of upper-case, and colored it gold instead of black. It wasn't perfect, but thankfully, as it turned out this game was.

There's many more stories and memories attached to this game, and I could go on for a while. Still to this day, when I once again see the end credits roll, I watch it without blinking an eye. It remains ever as epic. 'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time', the greatest game ever made.

BraLoD said:
ReimTime said:

Legend of Splatoon

Try a game that actually exist like The Legend of Spyro, at least.


Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Reim

#1 Amb-ass-ador

I already said it, but now with the #1 spot posted, I'll say it again: I had a lot of fun reading what you guys had to say and guessing your games. Lastly, a happy new year to you all!  

@ Smeags: Hear, hear! *raises glass*

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BraLoD said:
Eew it wasn't a single player game...

Wut me? Honestly WoW is the only game I could get 4 of my irl gaming friends and family to play the same game as me. The next closest was my #2 though incidentally.

I hope Persona 5, FFXV, SO5, Uncharted 4, ROTK13, NASOI, DQH can all make my top 50.

Update all your lists in the main thread so it looks pretty :).

Shameful post.

I've been horrible at updating, so here are a few thoughts about my Top 50.

  • About a third of my Top 50 games are RPG's including six of the Top 10 spots. Chrono Trigger is #1, and Mother 3, Pokemon Red/Blue, The World Ends With You, Kingdom Hearts, and Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga were also in the Top 10. All but two of the RPG's are JRPG's.
  • To my surprise, I have a fair number of shooters in my Top 50. These range from 1997's Star Fox 64 to 2015's Splatoon, the most recent game in my Top 50. Three of these (Resident Evil 4, Team Fortress 2, and Kid Icarus: Uprising) are in my Top 10.
  • I use the term "Zeltroid" to describe action-adventure games with an emphasis on the player avatar gaining new capabilities to unlock new locations to explore. Sometimes the only obvious difference between Zelda-clones and Metroid-clones is whether we're playing the game from an overhead or side view. Six games made it under this category: Metroid Fusion, Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, and four Zelda games (LttP, OoT, MM, and LBW). Link Between Worlds is not only my favorite Zelda of the 21st century, but also my favorite entry in the series.
  • Although I enjoy the genre, only a few platformers are on this list, including just one Super Mario entry: Super Mario 3D World. Super Mario 64, Super Mario World and Super Mario Galaxy were in the running for the bottom of this list, but didn't make the cut for various reasons. 3D World, simply put, went beyond my expectations multiple times over, via distinct levels, wealth of content, surprising gameplay variety, etc. The fact that it is the only Super Mario game to really work out cooperative play also helps.
  • Besides Nintendo, Aquaresoft/Square Enix was the best-represented developer/publisher.
  • In the two months since making this list, I am already thinking that a few changes will have to be made. Games like Splatoon and Age of Empires 2 (!) have gotten better in the past two months, and after a bit more time with the game, I feel Majora's Mask deserves better than #35. Conversely, Mario & Luigi and Elite Beat Agents may be a bit high.
  • Though most of this list is Gen 6 onwards, the top two games were released in the mid-90's.

mZuzek said:

So, what are you guys looking forward to playing this year? I mean like, what are you expecting to enter the top 50 come november?

Personally, I know Ori and the Blind Forest will be there, having played it this last december, and in terms of new games I guess at least Star Fox Zero and No Man's Sky will be there. I'd say Zelda Wii U too, but there's a pretty big chance it will be released in november, which makes ineligible (sigh).

Zelda U definitely looks like it's going to enter my list. And high up to, it just seems amazing, hopefully it'll live up to my hype. But I'm confident. Maybe if it's not eligible yet next year, I'll just have to sneak it in while Smeags isn't looking.

I've also been playing Cities Skylines, and if I had played it a couple weeks earlier I'd definitely already have included it. I'm a sucker for the genre, and there's finally something good after over a decade of EA's crap and failed clones. I mean, I even bought the DLC off Steam for it, and that says something. Anyway, I was too late for this year so all I could give it was an honorable mention. It seems like a similar thing is happening with Rollercoaster Tycoon. The new thing sucks but it seems like Planet Coaster could be decent. Not sure yet if it'll have what it takes though, but could also potentially be a newcomer next year if all goes well.

Then there's Uncharted 4, but I doubt I'll feel like including three Uncharted's in my list next, so if I'll play 4 in time, and if it's awesome enough, Uncharted 3's probably getting kicked in favor of it. We'll see.


Been gathering some stats. Don't really care if any of you will care, but I'll care, because stats are fun. Still need to count all your lists to see who I had most in common with. That person will get a friend request from me. I know, I know, a real golden ticket, last year if I recall correctly the lucky guy was Truckosaurus. I'm sure he's living a happier life because of it. Anyway but yeah tomorrow I guess.

It's not over yet! I did the counting on my list, and came up with some stats. It's always fun to know these useless data.

Games per system:

G7000 1 GBA 2
NES 3 DS 1
SNES 3 3DS 2
N64 7 PS 4
GC 1 PS3 2
Wii 1 DC 3
WiiU 1 PC 13
GB 2 MAC 4

Games per year:

1979 1 2000 4
1987 1 2002 3
1989 1 2003 3
1991 2 2004 1
1992 1 2005 1
1993 1 2006 1
1994 2 2007 1
1995 2 2009 4
1996 1 2011 1
1997 6 2012 1
1998 5 2013 1
1999 5 2015 1

And the math:

  • Best Year: 1997; 6 titles.
  • Best Decade: '90s; 25 titles.
  • Average Year: 1999.74 (~ June 1999)
  • Average Game by Age: Astérix (PS), March 1st 1999, #18
  • Median Game by Release Date: Astérix (PS), March 1st 1999, #18
  • Most Featured Genre: Adventure, Construction & Business Management; 7 titles.
  • Most Represented Platform: PC; 13 titles (inc. Mac 17 titles). Nintendo 64; 7 titles.
  • Most Represented Generation: 5th (N64+PS+GB(C) and PC+Mac (equivalent era)); 18 titles
  • Most Successful Developer: Nintendo (including subsidiaries); 20 titles.
  • Most Successful Franchise: Mario; 6 titles.
  • Most Successful Game-series: The Legend of Zelda; 5 titles.

  • Oldest Game: #14: Gunfighter (G7000 (ODY2)), 1979, #50
  • Newest Game: Super Mario Maker (WiiU), 2015, #45
  • Highest Newcomer: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force (PC), 2000, #44
  • Highest Re-Entry: The Operative: No One Lives Forever (PC), 2000, #38

  • VGC User Most in Common With: tucotuti; 11 titles

So, looks like the age between 1997 and 2003 was the Golden Age of Gaming to me, with the years 1991-2007 all being continuesly represented as well as half of the titles in the list being from the '90s. Not something I didn't already know though. Coincidentally, the game closest to the average age of all the games on my list as well as the median one by age (so, the "middle-oldest") is the same game. This means, once again that the peak of gaming quality occured that year (1999), well within my golden age-period, but also that my games are neatly distributed on both sides of the peak; there's as many games younger than my average game as there are older. PC wins the total amount of games by a large margin, but obviously it has a huge advantag not being boud by generations. Moreover it's victory is mostly due to my love of 'business management games', more commonly refered to as the 'simulation', 'city-builder' or 'tycoon' games. Similarly Nintendo has developed the most games on my list, simply due them making so many games. Unsurprisingly, my favorite series, The Legend of Zelda, also brings the most games, though it's still only 5. Lastly, the user here, going by the completed lists in the Official Thread I had the most in common with, was tucotuti, with 11 titles. Shared runner-ups were RedInker and Pavolink, both 10 titles, though there are a handful that haven't completed their lists here but could still be contenders.