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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread: The Greatest Games Event 2015 (Your #1 Favorite Game)

BraLoD said:
Hynad said:
BraLoD said:
Farsala said:
11 Hint: A game from a major franchise released and still is exclusive on the PS2 after the 360 was already released.
Hint 2: Had cities full of NPCs to talk to, and the world map was quite large so a fast travel system was put in place
Hint 3: Medieval knights with airships.
Hint 4: 6 main characters, but sometimes you can get guests from the main story or side missions.
10 Hint: A game quickly rising into my top 3, due to fun and time played. This game features 5v5 pvp as its main staple.
Hint 2: Features a character named Pantheon.

11. Final Fantasy XII

I'm noticong our,tastes match a lot xP


That one was easy. But it's my lowest game in my top 10 of all time (Gosh, I love Wind Waker!), so I was going easy.

What about number 9? Nobody has a clue? Come on!!! 

You quoted the wrong post, though

LOL!! I was multi-tasking!! 

But I did get the right guy! =P

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Hint for #9: Best superhero game ever


BraLoD said:
Hynad said:
BraLoD said:

You quoted the wrong post, though

LOL!! I was multi-tasking!! 

But I did get the right guy! =P

Lol, yeah you did xP

Ha ha. I edited my post to put the right quote. xD

Still waiting for someone to answer my more than OBVIOUS number 9.



#9: It almost disappeared from a far eastern land across the sea

Mike321 said:
Hint for #9: Best superhero game ever

That usually goes along the following games:

1. Spider-Man 2
2. The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
3. Batman: Arkham Asylum
4. Batman: Arkham City
5. Superman 64

Smeags said:
Mike321 said:
Hint for #9: Best superhero game ever

That usually goes along the following games:

1. Spider-Man 2
2. The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
3. Batman: Arkham Asylum
4. Batman: Arkham City
5. Superman 64

I love spider-man 2 but I already listed it

BraLoD said:
Mike321 said:
Hint for #9: Best superhero game ever

Superman 64

Nope that´s my #1 


Around the Network
BraLoD said:
Mike321 said:
Hint for #9: Best superhero game ever

Superman 64

That would be Batman Arkham Asylum (my pick) or Arkham City (popular pick)...

Hynad said:

That would be Batman Arkham Asylum (my pick) or Arkham City (popular pick)...

The popular pick (and mine as well) it is


Mike321 said:
Hynad said:

That would be Batman Arkham Asylum (my pick) or Arkham City (popular pick)...

The popular pick (and mine as well) it is

I personally prefer the much tighter focus of the original. But I enjoyed City as well. ^_-

Mike321 said:

The popular pick (and mine as well) it is

It is rather interesting how different the two games are from a design standpoint. Asylum is molded in the Metroid/Castlevania style (a large sprawling maze of corridors, enemies, and bosses) while City is crafted from a Zelda design (large open overworld with numerous "dungeons" sprinkled around to explore and fight bosses).

Both are amazing games, but obviously they have their differences.

Smeags said:
Mike321 said:

The popular pick (and mine as well) it is

It is rather interesting how different the two games are from a design standpoint. Asylum is molded in the Metroid/Castlevania style (a large sprawling maze of corridors, enemies, and bosses) while City is crafted from a Zelda design (large open overworld with numerous "dungeons" sprinkled around to explore and fight bosses).

Both are amazing games, but obviously they have their differences.


Interesting comparison. It is indeed true that I prefer the Metroid level design and philosophy to Zelda's. Even if both those series are among my all time favourites. 

You nailed it there.