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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread: The Greatest Games Event 2015 (Your #1 Favorite Game)

BraLoD said:
BraLoD said:
11. This game was banned here in Brazil due to it's theme (was even the name) being a real problem, even though not as much of a problem here than in other countries were it released, specially the USA.

2nd hint: It's made by one of the most succsesful and respected third party developers out there.



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Clyde32 said:
Mr_No said:
"Levantate, anda y abre la nevera.
Y mira a ver, si te queda mortadela."

Another hint: Critiqued for being a reskin from the previous game, it's still considered as one of the best entries from the franchise, only to be eclipsed by its sequel.


GTA Vice City


The Nintendo Wii system couldn't have started off, or the GameCube send of, with a better game than 'The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess'. As of now the only game in the series simultaneously released across two platforms spanning two generations. Personally I got the GameCube version first, only to get the Wii version a couple months later when I got the Wii.

The game follows a familiar pattern in the series and is heavily inspired by a famous predecessor. That doesn't make it less of a game though, and it actually helps the fluent story. A story presented in a very stylistic way, including what is probably the best cutscene I ever saw in a video game. Like any Zelda game, the look of it serves the theme of the game perfectly, in this case the depressed story of the evil thief Ganondorf's return after being imprisoned. The environments, the tone of the visuals and the soundtrack all serve to show a Hyrule long past it's prime, with hints of a more prosperous past.

What sets the game apart though is it's gameplay design. Dungeons are important to me in any Zelda, as well as the beautiful landscapes, and this game delivers in a big way. The game is home to plenty of enormous dungeons, each more unique than the next, each with their own back-stories and plenty of aspects and detail to theorize about. It also features grand vistas while riding on horseback, which never gets old. It all is some of the best level-design in general among gaming actually. It keeps drawing me back every time.

The top 10 already.

This game was supposed to include a certain famous mount, but much to the annoyance of it's creator, couldn't be implemented until the following game on the next system due to technical difficulties.

#11. Metal Gear Solid (PS1)

To me the original Metal Gear Solid has yet to be topped when it comes to Snake's adventures. I remember being mindblown by the fact enemies could follow your footsteps in the snow or that they could hear you knocking on a wall and seek you out. Today those features aren't really that impressive but Metal Gear Solid brought this in a package that was fun to play while still making you feel like you were a great spy. 

The story is simple by Metal Gear Solid standards and hits just the right balance of crazyness. The characters you encounter are some of the most memorable in gaming history (who can forget Psycho Mantis reading your mind and save files!). The game is incredibly varied and there's constant new concepts being introduced. You detect lasers with cigarettes, rapel down a building, fight a tank, a ninja, a helicopter, you have a sniper duel and much more.

Signature goes here!

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#10 Hint: This game starts with the heroine walking toward a town accompanied by two soldiers named after Star Wars characters.

Signature goes here!

mZuzek said:
S.Peelman said:
The top 10 already.

This game was supposed to include a certain famous mount, but much to the annoyance of it's creator, couldn't be implemented until the following game on the next system due to technical difficulties.

My mind might be making this up, but I do recall reading somewhere that they wanted to have Epona in A Link to the Past.

Not that I'm aware of anyway. It's not A Link to the Past, I had that game in my list at #37.

S.Peelman said:
The top 10 already.

This game was supposed to include a certain famous mount, but much to the annoyance of it's creator, couldn't be implemented until the following game on the next system due to technical difficulties.


Super Mario Bros 3

BasilZero said:

Soo behind -__-


Clues for the following


1. Takes place in the early 1900s
2. Parallel Worlds
3. The studio that developed the game is no more

1. The Milky Way Galaxy
2. A extinct race that comes back as a new enemy
3. The main character coming back from the dead

1. People being thrown into a TV
2. One of the main villains being a gas attendant
3. A talking bear who becomes human

1. The first game in the series to introduce space travel
2. The first game in the series to include a 5 man party
3. One of the main characters grows up to an adult while the others stay the same

1. The Door to the Light
2. Battle between darkness and friends
3. Key

1. Two bodies - one heart
2. Organization
3. Direct sequel and not a spinoff or side title

1. 3 main protagonists
2. Includes the main characters from the series but they are not playable
3. Battle of Great Valor


Gonna go ahead and do my lists quick instead of waiting , plox guess ;o


12: Kingdom Hearts

11: Kingdom Hearts 2

11 Hint: A game from a major franchise released exclusively on the PS2 after the 360 was already released.