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#11. Metal Gear Solid (PS1)

To me the original Metal Gear Solid has yet to be topped when it comes to Snake's adventures. I remember being mindblown by the fact enemies could follow your footsteps in the snow or that they could hear you knocking on a wall and seek you out. Today those features aren't really that impressive but Metal Gear Solid brought this in a package that was fun to play while still making you feel like you were a great spy. 

The story is simple by Metal Gear Solid standards and hits just the right balance of crazyness. The characters you encounter are some of the most memorable in gaming history (who can forget Psycho Mantis reading your mind and save files!). The game is incredibly varied and there's constant new concepts being introduced. You detect lasers with cigarettes, rapel down a building, fight a tank, a ninja, a helicopter, you have a sniper duel and much more.

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