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BasilZero said:

Soo behind -__-


Clues for the following


1. Takes place in the early 1900s
2. Parallel Worlds
3. The studio that developed the game is no more

1. The Milky Way Galaxy
2. A extinct race that comes back as a new enemy
3. The main character coming back from the dead

1. People being thrown into a TV
2. One of the main villains being a gas attendant
3. A talking bear who becomes human

1. The first game in the series to introduce space travel
2. The first game in the series to include a 5 man party
3. One of the main characters grows up to an adult while the others stay the same

1. The Door to the Light
2. Battle between darkness and friends
3. Key

1. Two bodies - one heart
2. Organization
3. Direct sequel and not a spinoff or side title

1. 3 main protagonists
2. Includes the main characters from the series but they are not playable
3. Battle of Great Valor


Gonna go ahead and do my lists quick instead of waiting , plox guess ;o


12: Kingdom Hearts

11: Kingdom Hearts 2