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Forums - General Discussion - What do you think you have to do to get to Heaven?

that about sums it up.

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BCNR34 said:

that about sums it up.

 funny, but come one, seriously, lets start treating religions with respect, it's the actions of the individuals you're after, not the entire group itself. 

kenzomatic said:
tombi123 said:
kazadoom said:
ph4nt said:
@kazadoom ah the mystery of life.

If we knew the answer to that question we wouldn't need religion.

But anyway, i think just being a good person gets you into heaven, not believing in a certain someone, not going to church or praying or any of tha. Just be a good hearted person.

Who determines the standard by which someone is judged by to tell them if they are good or not, or good enough or not. How can someone even know this?  What does being a good person even mean and how does someone know when they have reached that point? 

 Why are you asking these questions to people on a games forum? Look up the answers on the internet, do some research. Read some books, I know 'The God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins answers those specific questions, why don't you read that?  

1 this is in the off topic discussion
2 So this isn't OK but talking about the moon landing being faked is?
3 If you don't like the thread don't post.

I didn't mean that.

I meant, if he wants the answer to the questions he just asked, why is he asking people on a gaming site/forum. Why doesn't he look it up on the internet, do some researching. If Kazadoom reads 'The God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins, he will find out the answers to the questions he just asked. 

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, B, A, Select, Start.


There is no frickin' need to post crap like that! Mods will deal with this as they see fit, but hopefully they see this as I do and remove it for being disrespectful. I don't care if you say those words in the pic, but there is no need to post that picture attached to it...

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I do not want the answers for myself, I want to see what others think. By the way, who made Richard Dawkins the expert on these questions?

My Tag: 2 Timothy 3:1

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven! (John14:6)

Every second 2 people die . . . What if this is your second?

Hilarious BCN, simply hilarious :D

Parokki said:
I believe Heaven is a place people made up to explain death in a nicer way than "you turn to dust and that's it." It has survived while most parts of the magical worldview have been replaced by science because it really appeals to people during times of distress, and science has yet to fully explain what really happens. A number of religions have attempted to make people more likely to behave by adding conditions of entry that can usually be summed up as "obey the people in charge of the religion", and it looks like they invented a real winning formula by doing so.

I also you're free to belive in this stuff if you want to. Even if I'm right and you're wasting your time, belief in the afterlife is rarely harmful.

Agreed in every way shape and form 150% with regards to the first sentence....  The rest im not so sure. Personally I dont believe in anything unless I have proof so for me heaven does not exist unless someone can prove to me otherwise.

^richard dawkins


kazadoom said:
I do not want the answers for myself, I want to see what others think. By the way, who made Richard Dawkins the expert on these questions?


I believe a bunch of elite universities.