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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony & Microsoft To Roll Out New IP Gaming Consoles

I think Microsoft is insane to introduce a new console as early as 2010. That's just not giving enough time to the current generation - hell, a lot of us are still calling it next gen! 2012 is more like it.

Also, I think it would be strange if the next console from MS doesn't have a Blu-ray drive. Digital distribution and hard drive sizes just won't be there for games in 2010.

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Late 2009, early 2010 sounds like a better date for a revision of the 360 than anything else. Same for the PS3. I'm talking about the slim-PS2 formula being applied to our current systems. I'd bet that's what we're really talking about here. I just refuse to believe Microsoft would be foolish enough to release an actual brand new system in 2010.

^i wonder what kind of hard drive it will come with tera mabye?


I really doubt that there will be a new console out next year considering many games now require 2-3 years development time for the system and it's likely we would have heard rumors from multiple sources about it.

Well I didn't say it was unviable, hehe I just said that it could be a viable strategy. (Nor did I say it was going to happen)

@ legend, an update keeping the same architecture... say perhaps going from a tri core to a 6 core and updating the gpu with something thats still unified in the same way wouldn't be too hard. Most likely most the of hypothetical first gen games on the new system would be 1080p versions of the xbox 360 with updated textures and maybe control schemes. I would push to say that the UE3 would scale very well to just adding more/higher resolution textures/better lighting etc. The features are already there for the PC ports and for ocasional use on the consoles.

It's not impossible to develop for a semi unknown specification, pc developers do it all the time. I do think that late 2009 might be a bit early, but early 2010 is two years out and gives the system a whole year to build up for those vital Xmas sales.


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You wont see the MS console till late 2010 I believe thats 5 years after 360. Thats about right.
Also I said before about 2 months ago. Niether BLU Ray or HD DVD will win. BLU RAY will be all but over in 2011. Smart move from Microsoft not to put BLU RAY in the 360.

Sony are about to lose alot of money before 2012 is here. BLU RAY will die, you watch. This OP is the start.

this is so dumb. cant they tell the market is not in as big of hurry to upgrade seeing that the PS2 WONT DIE!!!

... MS.. I hope their fans turn on them for this.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

It's gonna happen. Dvd will stay till this is in place. BLU RAY wont sell much over next 3 years. HD download content already outpaces BLU RAY sales.

Since when did we start trusting some anonymous Aussie blog for bringing scoops? Come on guys, it's obvious that this is more an opinion piece with no one of any credible nature having been attached to this so called report. More then likely the guy talked to some software packager for Microsoft who started spouting off on stuff he had no clue about.

Are we all that bored and gullible?

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

personally i think investing in any new disc media at the mo is gullible. Downloads are certainly the way forward. Especially for next gen. Hell most of my friends use it now!