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Well I didn't say it was unviable, hehe I just said that it could be a viable strategy. (Nor did I say it was going to happen)

@ legend, an update keeping the same architecture... say perhaps going from a tri core to a 6 core and updating the gpu with something thats still unified in the same way wouldn't be too hard. Most likely most the of hypothetical first gen games on the new system would be 1080p versions of the xbox 360 with updated textures and maybe control schemes. I would push to say that the UE3 would scale very well to just adding more/higher resolution textures/better lighting etc. The features are already there for the PC ports and for ocasional use on the consoles.

It's not impossible to develop for a semi unknown specification, pc developers do it all the time. I do think that late 2009 might be a bit early, but early 2010 is two years out and gives the system a whole year to build up for those vital Xmas sales.
