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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Activision Buys Candy Crush Makers For $5.9 Billion

Well, this makes MS 2 billion purchase of Minecraft look a whole lot better

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This might be part of a bigger play that will seriously benefit investors, via a relocation of their tax residence to Ireland.

Good god. They have COD and Destiny for consoles, Hearthstone for PC, and now Hearthstone and Candy Crush for mobile? Now there just missing a successful dedicated handheld gaming franchise but some could argue that's not necessary. They could potentially make their steam shop service where you can get all those games earlier than anywhere else!

Coming to X1 and PS4 in time for Xmas. Fun times ahead.

BraLoD said:
Mario, Pokemon, GTA... Come on guys, we are into a sales tracking site.

Non of these have made more money than CoD in the past ten years....not even close! Come on BraLoD, we are into a sales tracking site.

Edit - Sorry BraLoD, didn't read ahead and see that you were already in it with someone else.

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Well dang, this is sounding like MS and Minecraft. I guess if there is something doing extremely well, just buy 'em I guess.



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Damn, King games must be SWIMMING in money right now! 6 BILLION for candy crush?! That's insane!!

5.9Billion $, or 5.900.000.000 $. I don't know if that is a huge amount to buy such a small comany or a steal, doesn't CC make more than a million dollars per day?

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

BraLoD said:
Seems like you just don't get it.
There is nothing saying it's abou the last 10 years or any time period.

Mario > Pokemon > GTA > CoD

It's as simple as that. I'm not worked up, but this is just a PR spin and I'm pointing it.

I wouldn't say that. It is possible CoD has made more money then Pokemon or Mario. But its impossible to know with inflation, DLC sales, digital sales, full price buyers, etc.


GTA although a bigger seller, definitely has made less money then CoD.

Lol! R.I.P. Activision