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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ratchet & Clank vs Star Fox Zero


Ratchet & Clank or Star Fox Zero

Ratchet & Clank 275 60.84%
Star Fox Zero 113 25.00%
See Results! 63 13.94%

Easiest question in the universe goes to...

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IG needs to make a Star Fox game.

Well, the new Ratchet & Clank looks stunning, and the two demos I played were brilliant fun...

While Star Fox Zero looks cheap, bland, and awful.

Easy question alert.

ill get both


NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

KLAMarine said:
IG needs to make a Star Fox game.

That would be cool, as long as they include on-foot missions as well to expand the Star Fox universe. Nintendo should definitely try to make a deal with them for a project, no matter what it is. Horizon and R & C are my most hyped PS4 games next year.

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides

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Last edited by OttoniBastos - on 08 April 2019

*Star Fox tries out new ideas and uses new innovative concepts
*Fans bash it and ask for a traditional Star Fox
*Traditional Star Fox revealed
*Fans complain it doesn't like innovative

Currently most hyped for: FFXV and Zelda U

Of Course that Ratchet & Clank looks better when is running on 5x stronger hardware than Wii U and its running at 30Fps.

Ratchet looks way better, but I´ll pick star fox


I'll get both. But as much as it pains me to say this, Ratchet and Clank looks by far the most overall solid game of the two. And I say it pains me to say this because the fact that a Miyamoto game, a legendary videogame developer loses so obviously against another game is something really depressing and disappointing. I don't know what the hell Nintendo thinks they are doing. But between this, Mario Tennis and Amiibo Festival they are loosing all of their reputation. And thats pretty much all they have right now...