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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Super Smash Bros 4 Wii U/3DS DLC Model: Good or Bad?

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vkaraujo said:

- Characters --- GREAT
Well priced, in line or cheaper with what the industry usually charges from players.
Since the original game already had plenty of content and characters, i have no problem here. Bought all so far and will keep that trend, unless they release something really odd.

- Mii Costumes --- GOOD
My rule for cosmetic is this: as long as it is not shoved in our faces every 10 minutes with advertises, i usually don't care.
Nintendo most likely doesn't expect anyone to buy all of them, just their favorites. If they make a good job, $0.75 is nothing, if they make a crap one, i can just ignore it.

- Stages --- MEDIOCRE
Here is where they dropped the ball, at least with me. It is not unforgivable, but it is well below Nintendo usual DLC pratices (Splatoon, MK8, NSLB) and more in line with the industry average from EA/Ubisoft (though still way better than EA/Ubisoft worst cases).

Both past and new stages feel overpriced, but doesn't fell like a cosmetic thing, they are things that i actually would love to have. Only got the Ryu stage, and won't get another unless there is a stage pack with good price.

- Bonus: Amiibo --- GOOD
Because this will obviously be a thing in this thread eventually, i am taking the liberty of approaching it now.
To the surprise of many i believe, i actually don't care about it. I think it is a weak, replaceable and not very fun use of the amiibos. It is only "good" from a DLC point of view, since it feels almost cosmetic and the game allows you to forget that it is a thing.

Nice of you to bring up Amiibos! I didn't really touch upon it very much, it is still part of the equation of Smash DLC.

Overall, Amiibos have very limited use in most games, mainly unlocking costumes or small extras and powerups, but I think Amiibos have the most use in Smash, since it's 'reusable'. The whole FP idea with customizations is a nice touch, but in the grand scheme of things, amiibos don't really add anything in Smash. Coms replace them just as easily and there isn't any locked content with amiibos.

In my opinion, Amiibos works really well with Smash, as it does something for those who have it, and those who do not isn't really missing anything really important.

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It's a fine model in that I can safely ignore all of it. Stages would be more compelling if more of them were new, or if the classic ones were touched up a bit more. The fact that DLC characters lack custom moves is embarrassing.

I don't mind the DLC practices with Smash as the game is stuffed with enough content to last for a very long time. I haven't purchased any DLC for it yet, because I haven't scratched the surface on what I can achieve with the original roster/stages/unlockables etc.

Mii costumes are practically useless, leave them free or as amiibo-locked content.
Every other piece of DLC is overpriced. ($0.99 for stages, $2.99 for characters at most.)

It's not good, it's not bad, it's horrible. Sakurai still makes Smash, he should end this practice using every tool he has.
And make a Kid Icarus Uprising game for the Wii U instead.



Compare to the Mario Kart 8 DLC, it's a joke. The very least they could've done was better bundle prices. I think it would take things costing about 50% of what they do now for me to even start considering it.

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overpriced. If I wasn't a hardcore smash fan, i'd be flipping my finger at nintedno

Ultrashroomz said:

My opinions are all over the place when it comes to Smash DLC.

Character DLC costing money makes sense, as it's pretty much the main reason why we play Smash. For us to have these new tools in our hands, we should be expected to pay for them. My only problem is that I think that DLC characters need to be good characters to be worth anything. Lucas, Roy, and Ryu are very good characters IMO, but Mewtwo isn't and is currently considered one of the worst characters in the game. I don't think it makes sense to make us pay money for a character that is considered weak.

Problem with that is that if DLC characters are top tier, that leaves people who don't buy DLC at a disadvantage.


Imo, in competetive online multiplayer games, anything that affects gameplay (wether it be a weapon in an FPS, or a character in a fighting game, etc.) shouldn't be DLC. I understand that that is a dream that simply won't happen, but I wish it would. DLC like that just so easily becomes more P2W, because if companies want you to buy the DLC they make, then you have to feel like you are getting your moneys worth, thus they tend to make DLC stuff rather powerful.

They're just as bad as Awakening DLC.

But it doesn't really matter since they're both complete games, and it's their own individual first DLC practice so let's see how they handle it next time.

twintail said:

Fixed that for ya. There is not opinion on this. The prices are too damn high.

I bet the Wii U would sell more than 15M LTD by the end of 2015. He bet it would sell less. I lost.

Bad, Mario Kart 8 is the archetype of how DLC Should be treated. 

There should also be a $29 season pass for this game. I think a lot of Smash fans would get it.