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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Where will Youkai Watch become more popular, Eurpe or America?

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Where will Youkai Watch become more popular, Eurpe or America?

America. 38 41.76%
Europe. 24 26.37%
It won't take of on either market. 24 26.37%
A Casper VS Youkai Watch ... 5 5.49%

Slightly better recieved in europe.

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America seems more receptive to games on Nintendo-plattforms than Europe, so America

Cloudman said:
To be honest, I don' think Yokai Watch will catch on anywhere else.. : /

Yes. Also, fuck Yokai Watch.

I may be a little biased.

twintail said:

If you think pokemon is bad...

Learn what to entertain and what to just leave alone, dude.

Cloudman said:
To be honest, I don' think Yokai Watch will catch on anywhere else.. : /

This, but if I had to guess, I'll say Europe

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I'll say North America just because most Nintendo games are bigger here.

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spemanig said:
twintail said:

If you think pokemon is bad...

Learn what to entertain and what to just leave alone, dude.

The latest generation is poorly made and unworthy of being a multi-billion dollar franchise. I love how Pokémon fans are so against the evolution of the franchise given the central theme of evolution in the franchise itself. Oh the fucking irony.

"I want to destroy the world to make it beautiful." Who the fuck thinks of these dumb story lines? The Pokémon lore is about as deep as a kiddie pool.

As for the combat system, it wouldn't surprise me if the elite four still used growl to attack you. And why does every gym member only have one type of Pokémon? This makes it way too easy to defeat them with one hit attacks.



Dang, quite a bit of people quoting and agreeing with me....

I'm still glad it's coming to the west, as I have been interested in it since it saw major success. I like the monster designs and their references to old Japanese monsters and stories, and think it would be good for the west to get something tied to more Japanese culture. Plus, for a series to get this much success for many games, there's gotta be something good in there...



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Cloudman said:

Dang, quite a bit of people quoting and agreeing with me....

I'm still glad it's coming to the west, as I have been interested in it since it saw major success. I like the monster designs and their references to old Japanese monsters and stories, and think it would be good for the west to get something tied to more Japanese culture. Plus, for a series to get this much success for many games, there's gotta be something good in there...

It doesn't need to be as succesful as Pokémon though, it could sell a million in the West and I'd consider it a success.