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I don't often, largely because I consider it the sewers of the internet. Produces some fairly awesome memes though.

Around the Network

I'm a pretty frequent user, and so are most of my IRL friends. Mostly use /v/, /tg/, /jp/ and /k/. /b/ is the shithole of the internet, and everyone would do well to stay the hell away from it.

It was actually a kind Anonymous on /v/ that told me about this site. =P

And yeah, 4chan is responsible for a lot of the crap floating around the English speaking parts of the internet, including pedobear, Rickroll, lolcats, and many others.

Was is this 4chan?

Is it like Ebaums?


Just warning those who dont know what it is, if you go to /b/, be warned. Its a completely uncensored forum and you just might stumble upon a picture you wish you didnt see (This includes violence, nudity, etc)

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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Around the Network
Timedog said:
Was is this 4chan?

Is it like Ebaums?

new*** is new. 

Uncyclopedia has this to say:

The 4chan imageboard is the winner in the competition for World's Most Work-unsafe Website. If you look at 4chan from your work computer, your monitor explodes, smoke comes out of your PC and your Ethernet cable melts. Then Networks come over to your desk and beat the fucking crap out of you personally.

Q. Explosion, smoke, melt, crap, got it. Are LCD monitors subject to explosion too, though? A. That depends. Do you feel lucky, punk?

It's not particularly good for viewing at home, either. In general, viewing is just a bad idea. My wife told me that if I ever browsed 4chan in her presence again, I would be divorced. I had to concede this was entirely fair and reasonable.

4chan is sometimes known as The Internet Hate Machine (not to be confused with Internet Rape Machine)


Meanwhile according to the Urbandictionary...

you have just entered the very heart, soul, and life force of the internet. this is a place beyond sanity, wild and untamed. there is nothing new here. "new" content on 4chan is not found; it is created from old material. every interesting, offensive, shocking, or debate inspiring topic youve seen elsewhere has been posted here ad infinitum. we are the reason for "not safe for work". we are the anonymous army. cross us and you will fail. anonymous is everywhere. you depend on us every day. we bag your groceries, we fix your computers. anonymous sees you before you see him. sitting at desks around the world right now is a nameless, faceless, unforgiving mafia composed of the best of the best.

we are 4channers. the people devoid of any type of soul or conscience. products of cynicism and apathy, spreading those very sentiments daily. anonymous is the hardened war veteran of the internet. he does not forgive or forget. we have seen things that defy explantions. heard stories that would make any god-fearing, law abiding citzen empty their stomach where they stand. we have experienced them multiple times and eagerly await their return.

4chan is a place of sheer genius and utter stupidity, and there is often a thin line dividing the two. here you will see a state of mind that exists in most human beings, but is rarely if ever shown. this is a place where taboos do not exist. 4chan cannot simply be regarded as a simple website or imageboard. it is so much more than code. 4chan is alive and constantly changing. this is a subculture, a self-governing sect of the world. rich in history and foundation. to become a 4chan user is to speak a different language. to leave behind any methods of conventional thinking you once knew.

there are things here that you will not understand and things you never will understand. if you cannot accept this then GTFO now. because there is no turning back.

this is 4chan
this is /b/


Timedog said:
Was is this 4chan?

Is it like Ebaums?

 eBaums is an abomination to all things Internet - it's sort of like Somethingawful without the strict rules against asshattery, and with all of its content stolen from other sites.

/b/ is not completely uncensored, by the way. The mods VERY quickly delete any illegal material.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



Garcian Smith said:
Timedog said:
Was is this 4chan?

Is it like Ebaums?

 eBaums is an abomination to all things Internet - it's sort of like Somethingawful without the strict rules against asshattery, and with all of its content stolen from other sites.

/b/ is not completely uncensored, by the way. The mods VERY quickly delete any illegal material.

 I think the only thing censored is child porn and videos of people killing other people.  That stuff is illegal anyway.

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

Digg VGChartz!

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Fan VGChartz on Facebook!

I know 4chan, but I not visite the page .

loadedstatement said:
Garcian Smith said:
Timedog said:
Was is this 4chan?

Is it like Ebaums?

eBaums is an abomination to all things Internet - it's sort of like Somethingawful without the strict rules against asshattery, and with all of its content stolen from other sites.

/b/ is not completely uncensored, by the way. The mods VERY quickly delete any illegal material.

I think the only thing censored is child porn and videos of people killing other people. That stuff is illegal anyway.

 Well, that would be "anything illegal," then. :)

I mean, they don't delete links to isos or copyright-infringing Rapidshares or something along those lines, but those are mostly confined to /r/ anyway.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom