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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Sonic Lost Worlds no longer Nintendo exclusive, coming to Steam.

JRPGfan said:

Some parts remind me of galaxy, and I like the idea of platforms that are 3D, and you run around them to get past obstacles.

I got the game near when it came out for that reason...and was really dissapointed. I found the walk/run mechanic just awkward, and found moving around to be a real pain. just didn't feel very smooth, like I had to force myself to get through the levels.

It did have a few bright points I guess...but they weren't enough to get me to complete the game. Definitely a far cry from Mario Galaxy. X.X

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

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Ok you are not an amazing game pc gamers but If you like it then go ahead and buy it


Damn, Nintendo on dat Microsoft shit.

Would Sonic Boom without the bugs be a good game?

Kresnik said:
Would Sonic Boom without the bugs be a good game?

I haven't played it (not sure if anyone here has), but probably not according to what I've heard.

It seems to have outright terrible level design, simplistic and dull combat, super easy platforming and puzzles, awful infantile cutscenes and the pacing is a problem for Sonic fans. They tried some new ideas, but nothing really worked.


But Sonic Lost World with more polish could be a 8/10 in my opinion. The quality of the levels is really inconsistent.

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So the game sold bad on Wii U.

Dravenet7 said:
SonicAway said:
I wanted it because of the Nintendo-themed levels, but won't pay full console price for a game I can get for like $5 in a random steam sale...

Oh well...

It hasn't been full console price for a while.

Also this game is almost 2 years old. If you wanted it you would have gotten it by now


I live in Brazil, and things don't work like that here. Prices are way too high here, and considering I bought my 3DS and Wii U in a 2-month timespan last year, I wouldn't have the money to have a lot of games (and still don't have).

Besides, with Nintendo leaving the country + the Real losing it's value (vs US$), the game is now being sold with a higher price than it had at launch (all of its exclusives are, ex: Bayonetta 2 was $150 at launch, now it's 300).

I am guessing this will not the be last Sega game they port to PC.

Potentially Persona 5 will too.

Australian Gamer (add me if you like)               
NNID: Maraccuda              
PS Network: Maraccuda           


I'm actually surprised it isn't releasing for all consoles.

But does anyone on steam want it?...