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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Knowing the big titles coming next year, do you still think the NX will be coming out holiday 2016?


Will the NX launch 2016?

Yes 232 40.07%
No 286 49.40%
See Results 61 10.54%
Nintyfan90 said:
Soundwave said:
Nintyfan90 said:
Eddie_Raja said:
Nintyfan90 said:

I gauruntee after you are proven wrong, you're gonna act like you never said this.

LOL I will have no problem admitting it.  Either way the NX is coming in 2016 so it would be dumb not too if they don't.

The only thing dumb is people that think NX in 2016 is gaurunteed. WiiU's 2016 looks no different from any other WiiU year. No matter how much spin and hot air people come up with.

Honest question -- what's wrong with NX coming out next year? You get to play games on BETTER hardware, since when has that ever been bad? 

Why do Nintendo fans think it's some kind of terrible thing if NX launches next year? 

What's wrong with NX not coming out next year? Why does it matter to play games on better hardware, its still the same game.... how is that good? Why do Sony fans think its some kind of good thing if NX launches next year?

What's wrong?  The Wii U is a money pit with near zero support.  So yeah Nintendo could enjoy another year of worse-than-Vita sales, or they could replace their floundering system.

Prediction for console Lifetime sales:

Wii:100-120 million, PS3:80-110 million, 360:70-100 million

[Prediction Made 11/5/2009]

3DS: 65m, PSV: 22m, Wii U: 18-22m, PS4: 80-120m, X1: 35-55m

I gauruntee the PS5 comes out after only 5-6 years after the launch of the PS4.

[Prediction Made 6/18/2014]

Around the Network
PAOerfulone said:
What about Pikmin 4? Since Miyamoto essentially said that game is almost done.

Didn't he also say that Star Fox Zero would be released this year? Zelda Wii U? I love Miyamoto but I think the days when you can take his word with certain games development are long over due to his ascent out of the development trenches.


That being said, I never thought Nintendo would be insane enough to announce and release a potential major console in the same year. That is too little build up, without anything concrete to potentially show off to your fanbase.

Magnus said:
zorg1000 said:
Magnus said:
zorg1000 said:
Magnus said:

If Nintendo didn't want to release Zelda U exclusively on Wii U they shouldn't have promised to support the console back in 2013, and should have killed it early on like the Virtual Boy. Without an exclusive Zelda, which every single other Nintendo console got, they are not doing the bare minimum that historically every other Nintendo console had. Particularly in 2015 the lineup is horrible. Splatoon, Mario Maker and Hyrule Warriors don't make up for it, they aren't AAA titles and even Virtual Boy got new IP, FFS.

Nintendo Land

New Super Mario Bros U

Lego City Undercover

Game & Wario

New super Luigi U

Pikmin 3

The Wonderful 101

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

Wii Party U

Super Mario 3D World

Mario & Sonic Sochi Olympics

Wii Fit U

Dr. Luigi

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Mario Kart 8

Pushmo World

Wii Sports Club

Hyrule Warriors

Bayonetta 2

Super Smash Bros

NES Remix Pack

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

Mario Party 10


Art Academy: Home Studio

Super Mario Maker

Yoshi's Woolly World

Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash

Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival

Xenoblade Chronicles X

Devil's Third

Star Fox Zero

Mario & Sonic Rio Olympics

Pokken Tournament

Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem

The Legend of Zelda U

Ur right, Nintendo hasn't supported Wii U.

An exclusive Zelda is pretty much required for them to support a console, like Mario. The only other Nintendo console without an exclusive Zelda is the Virtual Boy... that should tell you Nintendo didn´t do the required support.

But it's still getting a Zelda so why does it matter that it also comes to another platform? Why is it OK for Sony/Microsoft/3rd parties to make several cross-generation titles but not Nintendo?

Because every other Nintendo console got an exclusive Zelda... I'm not saying it's not OK for Nintendo to make cross-gen titles. I'm saying it's not OK to make Zelda U a cross-gen title when it's the only Zelda the Wii U will get.

So you are comparing Wii U (console that have relly good Nintendo games and some of the best games of whole franchaises) with Virtual Boy because Wii U probably will not have exclusive Zelda!?      OK, then. :)

It not like we will not have at all new Zelda on Wii U. I dont its big deal at all if Zelda U get NX port, who cares, we will still play new Zelda on Wii U.

MikeRox said:

Where are the big titles? I only see Zelda on that list and a few low budget filler titles and Vita-eque Niche.

Actual all those games are big titles, but Zelda U is certainly biggest and only niche titles is Mario and Sonic at the 2016 Olympics.

Eddie_Raja said:
Nintyfan90 said:
Soundwave said:
Nintyfan90 said:
Eddie_Raja said:
Nintyfan90 said:

I gauruntee after you are proven wrong, you're gonna act like you never said this.

LOL I will have no problem admitting it.  Either way the NX is coming in 2016 so it would be dumb not too if they don't.

The only thing dumb is people that think NX in 2016 is gaurunteed. WiiU's 2016 looks no different from any other WiiU year. No matter how much spin and hot air people come up with.

Honest question -- what's wrong with NX coming out next year? You get to play games on BETTER hardware, since when has that ever been bad? 

Why do Nintendo fans think it's some kind of terrible thing if NX launches next year? 

What's wrong with NX not coming out next year? Why does it matter to play games on better hardware, its still the same game.... how is that good? Why do Sony fans think its some kind of good thing if NX launches next year?

What's wrong?  The Wii U is a money pit with near zero support.  So yeah Nintendo could enjoy another year of worse-than-Vita sales, or they could replace their floundering system.

Replace it and risk it flopping as well, then theyll have a financial disaster such as a very popular Sony platform.

Around the Network
Arlo said:
The thing about Zelda is that they haven't even talked about it for a suspiciously long amount of time. Then the thing about Pikmin 4 is that Miyamoto wouldn't say what platform it was on (and if it were coming to Wii U there would be absolutely no reason not to say so).

I didn't used to believe that the NX could be coming so soon, but there's some weird stuff going on surrounding these games.

About Zelda, in March they delayed game for next year, if game isnt coming this year there is no point for them to showed it on E3 espacily beacuse they said that in E3 they showed only games that are coming near future. If they didn't showed Zelda on E3 there no logic to show they biggest game only 2-3 months after biggest gaming event. But they did said at E3 that game is still coming on Wii U. There are even chances that we will not see Zelda U at all until next E3, but I think we will maybe see it at Game Awards in December same like last year.

About Pikmin 4, I finding that much stranger is announcement of NX game (if Pikmin 4 is a NX game) when they still didn't revel NX itself. There is no reason to announce new game for platform that we only know code name. Also, this Pikmin situaion is same like on GameCube, on GC we had Pikmin in 2001 and Pikmin in 2004, not to mentioned that for Pikmin 4 for Wii U they can easily use Pikmin 3 engine and assets and make completely new game without big budget and big development time. Saying that, maybe Pikmin 4 is cross platform, but I think it almost certan it coming on Wii U in any way.

Well Nintendo said they want to satisfy Wii U owners they can release all this games on Wii U next year and in some time release new hardware.

Eddie_Raja said:
Nintyfan90 said:
Soundwave said:
Nintyfan90 said:
Eddie_Raja said:
Nintyfan90 said:

I gauruntee after you are proven wrong, you're gonna act like you never said this.

LOL I will have no problem admitting it.  Either way the NX is coming in 2016 so it would be dumb not too if they don't.

The only thing dumb is people that think NX in 2016 is gaurunteed. WiiU's 2016 looks no different from any other WiiU year. No matter how much spin and hot air people come up with.

Honest question -- what's wrong with NX coming out next year? You get to play games on BETTER hardware, since when has that ever been bad? 

Why do Nintendo fans think it's some kind of terrible thing if NX launches next year? 

What's wrong with NX not coming out next year? Why does it matter to play games on better hardware, its still the same game.... how is that good? Why do Sony fans think its some kind of good thing if NX launches next year?

What's wrong?  The Wii U is a money pit with near zero support.  So yeah Nintendo could enjoy another year of worse-than-Vita sales, or they could replace their floundering system.

Actually Nintendo is making money on Wii U on hardware itself from last year, not to mention software. But that doesn't mean that Nintendo is satisfied with Wii U sales and profit and that they will not release new hardware next year.

Miyamotoo said:
Eddie_Raja said:

What's wrong?  The Wii U is a money pit with near zero support.  So yeah Nintendo could enjoy another year of worse-than-Vita sales, or they could replace their floundering system.

Actually Nintendo is making money on Wii U on hardware itself from last year, not to mention software. But that doesn't mean that Nintendo is satisfied with Wii U sales and profit and that they will not release new hardware next year.

We actually don't know this for a fact, people have mistranslated and misconstrued this statement greatly. It probably is by now (one would hope a nearly 4 year old piece of tech is profitable), but we don't know for sure. 

In any case, Nintendo is in a bad position here either way. 2016 launch is still quite late, but 2017 would be ridiculously late. Like with a 2017 release, what exactly is it supposed to be competing with? PS4/XB1? No chance, the lead those systems will have will be way too large. PS5/XB2 then? Are they willing to skip to such high end tech when they can barely support an XB360/PS3 level system right now?

Neither is a good situation. They're likely walking into a slaughter against the PS4 on the console side, which they're probably used to by now, but its compuonded by a not good situation with with the 3DS. 

The 3DS ... I mean why does not get any attention? The 3DS is the only hardware Nintendo has that's selling half way decent, but it's not going to make it until 2017 without slumping to incredibly low levels (you're probably talking sub-5 million shipments, which would be the lowest handheld shipment in Nintendo's history). 

Nintendo is in a very bad spot here honestly, the fuck ups with the Wii U and the decline of the traditional handheld market has put them in a bad position now. 

Soundwave said:
bigtakilla said:

Don't the people who watch E3 generally look a lot into consoles and would know what the specs are? Wouldn't you also say that those people would probably lose a lot of interest in a weak machine? Wouldn't an exclusive LoZ help get those people to purchase a Wii U? Don't a lot of people (especially ones who tune in to E3) already know the NX is coming?

You want to take a bad situation and make it a million times worse. Drop the Wii U price, show off LoZ, make some exclusive amiibo for it and Nintendo will be fine financially. 

No one but a whiny minority of fans on the internet thinks its a good idea to release another underpowered console and make the wii u lose its biggest exclusive.

No. Zelda is not going to change the fact that Wii U is going to finish at a mediocre 15-17 million units and be the worst selling Nintendo console.

The only thing changing that is a new Wii U controller that gives people orgasms. Price cuts, Zelda, no. I know the denial of how bad a failure the Wii U is really runs deep among some people, but it's time to accept that that system is not bouncing back. It's over. Done. Finished. 

People will see NX announced/shown and that will cause whatever remaining Wii U sales (and 3DS if it's a unified platform) to crater. 

It isn't the fact of Wii U finding a second breath, it's giving Nintendo enough time to release a decent next system that doesn't put them in the same situation as the Wii U.

Then you talk about having a new innovation/gimmick/whatever people want to call it. If the system is going to solely depend on what the new way to play games is instead of on games itself to push consoles, then it could very well release 2020 for all it matters. 

bigtakilla said:
Soundwave said:

No. Zelda is not going to change the fact that Wii U is going to finish at a mediocre 15-17 million units and be the worst selling Nintendo console.

The only thing changing that is a new Wii U controller that gives people orgasms. Price cuts, Zelda, no. I know the denial of how bad a failure the Wii U is really runs deep among some people, but it's time to accept that that system is not bouncing back. It's over. Done. Finished. 

People will see NX announced/shown and that will cause whatever remaining Wii U sales (and 3DS if it's a unified platform) to crater. 

It isn't the fact of Wii U finding a second breath, it's giving Nintendo enough time to release a decent next system that doesn't put them in the same situation as the Wii U.

Then you talk about having a new innovation/gimmick/whatever people want to call it. If the system is going to solely depend on what the new way to play games is instead of on games itself to push consoles, then it could very well release 2020 for all it matters. 

I doubt they are interested in making a PS5 level hardware. 

So if they launch in 2017, it basically will be the exact same situation as the Wii U. Third parties will ignore it/treat it like the third wheel and rightfully so -- it will have 0 userbase versus two platforms that will be approaching 85-100 million combined userbase with proven demographics by then. 

And by 2018, you'll have Microsoft likely touting their XB1 successor. So there goes your advantage of being "new". It's the Wii U, and really heavy shades of the Dreamcast all over again. 

It's just a bad situation all around, Nintendo has not put themselves in a good spot here. Luckily for them I think smartphone games will do very, very well for them, but traditional hardware they could very well be screwed here. 

A 2017 launch is pretty much a virtual gauruntee that they will be a distant third place for the remaining 1-2 years of that generation cycle and then they'll be badly outdated by new machines from MS/Sony that will have 4K resolution graphics. 

But even that is really not that important. Consoles are not the first priority for Nintendo, because they've gotten by OK with poor selling consoles before. If they don't stop the erosion of the traditional handheld market, then it's basically over for them as a hardware maker, that has to be priority no.1. The NX should be the 3DS successor at its core IMO, and then build other SKUs around that which play the same software.