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Soundwave said:
bigtakilla said:

Don't the people who watch E3 generally look a lot into consoles and would know what the specs are? Wouldn't you also say that those people would probably lose a lot of interest in a weak machine? Wouldn't an exclusive LoZ help get those people to purchase a Wii U? Don't a lot of people (especially ones who tune in to E3) already know the NX is coming?

You want to take a bad situation and make it a million times worse. Drop the Wii U price, show off LoZ, make some exclusive amiibo for it and Nintendo will be fine financially. 

No one but a whiny minority of fans on the internet thinks its a good idea to release another underpowered console and make the wii u lose its biggest exclusive.

No. Zelda is not going to change the fact that Wii U is going to finish at a mediocre 15-17 million units and be the worst selling Nintendo console.

The only thing changing that is a new Wii U controller that gives people orgasms. Price cuts, Zelda, no. I know the denial of how bad a failure the Wii U is really runs deep among some people, but it's time to accept that that system is not bouncing back. It's over. Done. Finished. 

People will see NX announced/shown and that will cause whatever remaining Wii U sales (and 3DS if it's a unified platform) to crater. 

It isn't the fact of Wii U finding a second breath, it's giving Nintendo enough time to release a decent next system that doesn't put them in the same situation as the Wii U.

Then you talk about having a new innovation/gimmick/whatever people want to call it. If the system is going to solely depend on what the new way to play games is instead of on games itself to push consoles, then it could very well release 2020 for all it matters.