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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Knowing the big titles coming next year, do you still think the NX will be coming out holiday 2016?


Will the NX launch 2016?

Yes 232 40.07%
No 286 49.40%
See Results 61 10.54%
Nintyfan90 said:
Eddie_Raja said:
Nintyfan90 said:

I gauruntee after you are proven wrong, you're gonna act like you never said this.

LOL I will have no problem admitting it.  Either way the NX is coming in 2016 so it would be dumb not too if they don't.

The only thing dumb is people that think NX in 2016 is gaurunteed. WiiU's 2016 looks no different from any other WiiU year. No matter how much spin and hot air people come up with.

Honest question -- what's wrong with NX coming out next year? You get to play games on BETTER hardware, since when has that ever been bad? 

Why do Nintendo fans think it's some kind of terrible thing if NX launches next year? 

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Soundwave said:
Nintyfan90 said:
Eddie_Raja said:
Nintyfan90 said:

I gauruntee after you are proven wrong, you're gonna act like you never said this.

LOL I will have no problem admitting it.  Either way the NX is coming in 2016 so it would be dumb not too if they don't.

The only thing dumb is people that think NX in 2016 is gaurunteed. WiiU's 2016 looks no different from any other WiiU year. No matter how much spin and hot air people come up with.

Honest question -- what's wrong with NX coming out next year? You get to play games on BETTER hardware, since when has that ever been bad? 

Why do Nintendo fans think it's some kind of terrible thing if NX launches next year? 

What's wrong with NX not coming out next year? Why does it matter to play games on better hardware, its still the same game.... how is that good? Why do Sony fans think its some kind of good thing if NX launches next year?

ArchangelMadzz said:
Wii U was revealled in 2011 and released in 2012. That could've been a bad move for all we know. PS4 and Xbox one were both announced on the year they released. They already said it existed this year, to then talk about it again at E3 2016 and THEN release it in 2017 doesn't make much sense to me.

And that is exactly why it could be possible,  because this is Nintendo we are talking about, and the less a thing makes sense, a higher chance of happening it has, when it comes to them.  Though aside of that, they did that with the Wii, spoken of/teased at E3 2004, formally revealed at E3 2005, and released in 2006, so it  could happen again :v

COMG guide to points: 1 point = Raging. 2 points = Beasting. 3 points = Tearing it up. 4 points = Berzerk. 7 points = Rampage. 12 points = Burst. 15 points = god mode. 20+ points = DIVIDING BY ZERO!!! 40+ points = Youkai (originally Pokemon).

-1 = Negabeasting. -5= NegaRampage. -10 = NegaBurst

Nintyfan90 said:
Soundwave said:
Nintyfan90 said:
Eddie_Raja said:
Nintyfan90 said:

I gauruntee after you are proven wrong, you're gonna act like you never said this.

LOL I will have no problem admitting it.  Either way the NX is coming in 2016 so it would be dumb not too if they don't.

The only thing dumb is people that think NX in 2016 is gaurunteed. WiiU's 2016 looks no different from any other WiiU year. No matter how much spin and hot air people come up with.

Honest question -- what's wrong with NX coming out next year? You get to play games on BETTER hardware, since when has that ever been bad? 

Why do Nintendo fans think it's some kind of terrible thing if NX launches next year? 

What's wrong with NX not coming out next year? Why does it matter to play games on better hardware, its still the same game.... how is that good? Why do Sony fans think its some kind of good thing if NX launches next year?

Better hardware allows for better experiences. Do you think Splatoon would be the same game on the Wii? Would you rather play Pikmin 3 on the Wii? Kid Icarus Uprising on the regular DS?

I'm pretty sure a "Sony fan" who's into the "console warz" (lulz) probably would want Nintendo to stick with the Wii U forever, seeing as how it's about as much of a threat to the PS4 as the Sega Saturn is. 

I think releasing the home console version in Holiday 2017 makes more sense than Holiday 2016. If the home console NX releases in Holiday 2016, there's two major things going against its favor. First, it will be coming out three years into its competitors' lifespan, which means those consoles will still have several more years left in them, and as such the NX will be seen as a direct competitor with the PS4 and the XB1. However, if the NX were to be released in Holiday 2017, the NX would more likely be seen as a next-gen console, and, as such, won't be competing as directly with the XB1 and the PS4. Second, abandoning a home console after four years is a bad move, but abandoning a relatively expensive home console after four years is even worse, and may severely tarnish Nintendo's image. I personally think that, because development costs and times for games have increased substantially, consoles need to aim for about a seven year lifespan, but five years is an absolute minimum. Additionally, releasing a home console in 2017 allows Nintendo to sell its new console at a cheaper price, since parts will be cheaper (assuming the NX will be targeting the XB1/PS4 in terms of power).

Around the Network
patronmacabre said:
I think releasing the home console version in Holiday 2017 makes more sense than Holiday 2016. If the home console NX releases in Holiday 2016, there's two major things going against its favor. First, it will be coming out three years into its competitors lifespan, which means those consoles will still have several more years left in them, and as such the NX will be seen as a direct competitor with the PS4 and the XB1. However, if the NX were to be released in Holiday 2017, the NX would more likely be seen as a next-gen console, and, as such, won't be competing as directly with the XB1 and the PS4. Second, abandoning a home console after four years is a bad move, but abandoning a relatively expensive home console after four years is even worse, and may severely tarnish Nintendo's image. I personally think that, because development costs and times for games have increased substantially, consoles need to aim for about a seven year lifespan, but five years is an absolute minimum. Additionally, releasing a home console in 2017 allows Nintendo to sell its new console at a cheaper price, since parts will be cheaper (assuming the NX will be targeting the XB1/PS4 in terms of power).

It won't be seen as a next-gen console releasing in 2017 if it doesn't have true specs comparable to the PS5/XB2. It will be seen as another Wii U. 

And the whole unified platform/shared software thing doesn't work if your console is that powerful either, it won't be possible to make handheld versions of the game because the console will be too far ahead of what would be possible in a portable. 

Nintendo's best bet honestly is to just unify, let the portable become the driving force of their hardware and make it powerful enough to get more third party support. More developers would develop for the 3DS if it wasn't a piece of crap hardware wise, even Japanese developers have to choose to develop for the PS4 instead because the 3DS simply can't run engines that would satisfy players who want say a new Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts or Metal Gear Solid or Resident Evil. 

So even though the 3DS has sold more than the Wii U-PS4-Vita combined in Japan by 2x, it doesn't even get much of the Japanese support, and that should change next gen IMO. 

Get a tablet with a chip comparable to the Tegra X1/Apple A9X and Nintendo will (finally) start to get some OK develop support. Consoles can just ride shot gun, Sony is too tough in that relam to be bowled over unless they make a lot of stupid decisions with the PS5. 

Soundwave said:
Nintyfan90 said:
Soundwave said:
Nintyfan90 said:
Eddie_Raja said:
Nintyfan90 said:

I gauruntee after you are proven wrong, you're gonna act like you never said this.

LOL I will have no problem admitting it.  Either way the NX is coming in 2016 so it would be dumb not too if they don't.

The only thing dumb is people that think NX in 2016 is gaurunteed. WiiU's 2016 looks no different from any other WiiU year. No matter how much spin and hot air people come up with.

Honest question -- what's wrong with NX coming out next year? You get to play games on BETTER hardware, since when has that ever been bad? 

Why do Nintendo fans think it's some kind of terrible thing if NX launches next year? 

What's wrong with NX not coming out next year? Why does it matter to play games on better hardware, its still the same game.... how is that good? Why do Sony fans think its some kind of good thing if NX launches next year?

Better hardware allows for better experiences. Do you think Splatoon would be the same game on the Wii? Would you rather play Pikmin 3 on the Wii? Kid Icarus Uprising on the regular DS?

I'm pretty sure a "Sony fan" who's into the "console warz" (lulz) probably would want Nintendo to stick with the Wii U forever, seeing as how it's about as much of a threat to the PS4 as the Sega Saturn is. 

Last of Us PS3 vs. PS4 would be better examples since we are talking HD console to HD console lol. No thanks, same game. Just going to ignore the rest of your post because its just further proof you are a Sony fan. Did the Wii Gen really hurt that much?

Soundwave said:

It won't be seen as a next-gen console releasing in 2017 if it doesn't have true specs comparable to the PS5/XB2. It will be seen as another Wii U. 

And the whole unified platform/shared software thing doesn't work if your console is that powerful either, it won't be possible to make handheld versions of the game because the console will be too far ahead of what would be possible in a portable. 

Nintendo's best bet honestly is to just unify, let the portable become the driving force of their hardware and make it powerful enough to get more third party support. More developers would develop for the 3DS if it wasn't a piece of crap hardware wise, even Japanese developers have to choose to develop for the PS4 instead because the 3DS simply can't run engines that would satisfy players who want say a new Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts or Metal Gear Solid or Resident Evil. 

So even though the 3DS has sold more than the Wii U-PS4-Vita combined in Japan by 2x, it doesn't even get much of the Japanese support, and that should change next gen IMO. 

Get a tablet with a chip comparable to the Tegra X1/Apple A9X and Nintendo will (finally) start to get some OK develop support. Consoles can just ride shot gun, Sony is too tough in that relam to be bowled over unless they make a lot of stupid decisions with the PS5. 

Good post but still has its flaws ofcourse because you are getting greedy. Ninty would never chase after those franchises, first off in Japan they dont need them. Final Fantasy is the biggest and will get destroyed in Japan by Poke, AC, MH, DQ and Yokai Watch lol. Why would they chase after FF, MGS, KH, and RE? Those are B tier franchises and none of them can crack 3M without being multiplat. Those franchises also have something else in common, they are major franchises outside of Japan as well. Those franchises will remain loyal to Sony because the West likes those franchises, Ninty isn't taking western 3rd party support. Its gets all the Japanese support it needs lol thats why despite the PS4s and Vitas 3rd party support they are still getting demolished. Dragon Quest XI was Sonys final nail in the coffin for ever getting Japan back.

Tlozjb said:
ArchangelMadzz said:
Wii U was revealled in 2011 and released in 2012. That could've been a bad move for all we know. PS4 and Xbox one were both announced on the year they released. They already said it existed this year, to then talk about it again at E3 2016 and THEN release it in 2017 doesn't make much sense to me.

And that is exactly why it could be possible,  because this is Nintendo we are talking about, and the less a thing makes sense, a higher chance of happening it has, when it comes to them.  Though aside of that, they did that with the Wii, spoken of/teased at E3 2004, formally revealed at E3 2005, and released in 2006, so it  could happen again :v

And they done something similar with Wii U and didn't work, Sony and Microsoft done great job with PS4 and Xbox One revealing and launching, there is no reason why Nintendo will not do same. Also, secund they announce new platform, 3DS/Wii U hardware/software sales will be halved, so there is no really one good reason to reveal new console/platform one year or more earlier before launch.

the end of next year is my prediction.