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Soundwave said:

It won't be seen as a next-gen console releasing in 2017 if it doesn't have true specs comparable to the PS5/XB2. It will be seen as another Wii U. 

And the whole unified platform/shared software thing doesn't work if your console is that powerful either, it won't be possible to make handheld versions of the game because the console will be too far ahead of what would be possible in a portable. 

Nintendo's best bet honestly is to just unify, let the portable become the driving force of their hardware and make it powerful enough to get more third party support. More developers would develop for the 3DS if it wasn't a piece of crap hardware wise, even Japanese developers have to choose to develop for the PS4 instead because the 3DS simply can't run engines that would satisfy players who want say a new Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts or Metal Gear Solid or Resident Evil. 

So even though the 3DS has sold more than the Wii U-PS4-Vita combined in Japan by 2x, it doesn't even get much of the Japanese support, and that should change next gen IMO. 

Get a tablet with a chip comparable to the Tegra X1/Apple A9X and Nintendo will (finally) start to get some OK develop support. Consoles can just ride shot gun, Sony is too tough in that relam to be bowled over unless they make a lot of stupid decisions with the PS5. 

Good post but still has its flaws ofcourse because you are getting greedy. Ninty would never chase after those franchises, first off in Japan they dont need them. Final Fantasy is the biggest and will get destroyed in Japan by Poke, AC, MH, DQ and Yokai Watch lol. Why would they chase after FF, MGS, KH, and RE? Those are B tier franchises and none of them can crack 3M without being multiplat. Those franchises also have something else in common, they are major franchises outside of Japan as well. Those franchises will remain loyal to Sony because the West likes those franchises, Ninty isn't taking western 3rd party support. Its gets all the Japanese support it needs lol thats why despite the PS4s and Vitas 3rd party support they are still getting demolished. Dragon Quest XI was Sonys final nail in the coffin for ever getting Japan back.