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I think releasing the home console version in Holiday 2017 makes more sense than Holiday 2016. If the home console NX releases in Holiday 2016, there's two major things going against its favor. First, it will be coming out three years into its competitors' lifespan, which means those consoles will still have several more years left in them, and as such the NX will be seen as a direct competitor with the PS4 and the XB1. However, if the NX were to be released in Holiday 2017, the NX would more likely be seen as a next-gen console, and, as such, won't be competing as directly with the XB1 and the PS4. Second, abandoning a home console after four years is a bad move, but abandoning a relatively expensive home console after four years is even worse, and may severely tarnish Nintendo's image. I personally think that, because development costs and times for games have increased substantially, consoles need to aim for about a seven year lifespan, but five years is an absolute minimum. Additionally, releasing a home console in 2017 allows Nintendo to sell its new console at a cheaper price, since parts will be cheaper (assuming the NX will be targeting the XB1/PS4 in terms of power).