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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Knowing the big titles coming next year, do you still think the NX will be coming out holiday 2016?


Will the NX launch 2016?

Yes 232 40.07%
No 286 49.40%
See Results 61 10.54%

Seriously I don't care if Nintendo needs Zelda badly as a launch title, if they release Zelda U on NX they are done for me. They committed to support the Wii U and release a Mario, Mario Kart, and Smash Bros, the least they should do is give the Wii U the exclusive Zelda that every Nintendo console has had. If Wii U does not get a Zelda like every other console before it they are sh*tting on their fans just like they did with the Virtual Boy... actually its even worse than with the Virtual Boy since they took it off the market in less than a year and never pretended to support it.

Around the Network
Magnus said:
Seriously I don't care if Nintendo needs Zelda badly as a launch title, if they release Zelda U on NX they are done for me. They committed to support the Wii U and release a Mario, Mario Kart, and Smash Bros, the least they should do is give the Wii U the exclusive Zelda that every Nintendo console has had. If Wii U does not get a Zelda like every other console before it they are sh*tting on their fans just like they did with the Virtual Boy... actually its even worse than with the Virtual Boy since they took it off the market in less than a year and never pretended to support it.

I really don't get this line of thinking, it's not like you can't play Zelda on Wii U, but you need to play it at the expense of others not having a chance to play it and it harming Nintendo as a company financially by leaving millions of dollars on the table for no good reason?

Wii U is worse than the Virtual Boy .... c'mon man. 

Nintendo has supported the Wii U very well, no it doesn't have an exclusive Zelda, but it does have Splatoon (probably the most significant new Nintendo IP since Pokemon 20 years ago), Mario Maker, Hyrule Warriors, etc. that other Nintendo consoles don't have either. 

If you want to be mad at anyone be mad at the casual audience that abandoned the Wii brand for smartphones, they're the reason why the system has basically no userbase aside from a very niche group and Nintendo is a billion dollar business, they can't very well run themselves on such a small audience base. 

Im no expert but I think they should release the NX platform in 2016 mid november or december. The wii u is not selling well.

If you compare worldwide sales its like the wii u is the xbox one of japan.
I love the wii u dont get me wrong, but I would happily buy a new console if it was well planned from the beginning with some 3rd party support and without droughts like the wii u has had. And tough I love the gamepad I can totally understand people saying it was one of the main problems for the console selling so low.
Its big and uncomfortable and the new console needs a new controller even if they give the option to buy a new gamepad.

So back in topic sorry... all the games coming in 2016 are more or less big but imagine there was a new mario galaxy 3 for wii u planned for 2016. And a new metroid prime. The new star fox the new zelda and a new animal crossing not this joke of a amiibo thing. In that case I wouldnt say that the NX was still coming in 2016 but with the games announced? Yeah I can totally see the NX coming in november 2016.

Soundwave said:
bigtakilla said:

It's not Zelda NX though, it'd be a cross gen. Not to take anything away form LoZ Wii U, but people are going to look at it like  a cross gen title, therefore not really showcasing the NX's power. 

The rest really seem like a huge wish list with a ton of first party they can't really seem to get on the Wii U.  Especially with a merging of the development teams, it seems like this many titles would be a little hard to come by. 

Next the third party support. Yet again it would have it, but it would only take two or three reviews letting everyone know that the DX third party titles are the worst out of the 3 systems you can get them for to kill that hype, and it'd probably go quick.

Add to the fact that any and all media coverage will barage the NX with hate being the first  of the new consoles that can't even compete with last gen (again reminiscant of the Wii U). 

Not to mention Mario (3D World) and Zelda (Windwaker HD) released around a month of each other in Nov 2013 and really didn't get anyone to buy the Wii U. 

It is Zelda NX. 5 million people on Wii bought Twilight Princess, no one really cared that it was on the Gamecube. The NX version will get the bulk of the attention, this is exactly the same thing that happened with TP. 

And honestly Diddy Kong Racing U, while Nintendo hardcore fanboys may complain about not having a Metroid game ... a Diddy Kong kart racer likely is to be a far larger seller than Metroid. I hate to say it, but Nintendo has tried multiple times now to get Metroid to really become a big seller and even on the Wii with a massive user base, Prime 3 only managed an underwhelming 1 million units sold (give or take). 

I don't think the rest is wishful thinking to be honest. 

A new 3D Mario from the EAD Tokyo group is overdue by fall 2016, and with Zelda, Nintendo wouldn't even neccessarily need it right for launch, it could fit right into that cozy post-launch window and completely kill the whole dreaded post-launch lull by purposely holding it off a few months. 

A new Animal Crossing from the EAD group is also long overdue, the last one they really worked on was AC for the 3DS, which by fall 2016 will be four years old. 

Mario Kart 9 for fall 2017 is 3 1/2 years after Mario Kart 8 ... again, this is not even cutting it tight, these are long gaps. 

Also I think an Amiibo Hub title is almost 100% for sure in development at Nintendo now and probably has been for a while. That will be a big launch title too. 

TP also was blessed with the luck of being on the fastest selling consoles at launch of all time. Odds are the NX will not repeat that. It seems like from the patent it's just going to be a beefed up Wii U gamepad with new shoulder wheels.

As far as Diddy Kong Racing, it would sell a lot more than Metroid if the NX gets the casual market again. If not they would be far better off releasing Metroid. It would sell practically as well and would please the core gamers much more. 

As far as first party titles, it wouldn't just be a matter of time. If they release all of their big titles and third parties abandon ship (and with a weak system, they will), Nitendo will have nothing left to put out. At least nothing we haven't played before, and trust me Nitnendo isn't about to do that. 

Kennel83 said:
Im no expert but I think they should release the NX platform in 2016 mid november or december. The wii u is not selling well.

If you compare worldwide sales its like the wii u is the xbox one of japan.
I love the wii u dont get me wrong, but I would happily buy a new console if it was well planned from the beginning with some 3rd party support and without droughts like the wii u has had. And tough I love the gamepad I can totally understand people saying it was one of the main problems for the console selling so low.
Its big and uncomfortable and the new console needs a new controller even if they give the option to buy a new gamepad.

So back in topic sorry... all the games coming in 2016 are more or less big but imagine there was a new mario galaxy 3 for wii u planned for 2016. And a new metroid prime. The new star fox the new zelda and a new animal crossing not this joke of a amiibo thing. In that case I wouldnt say that the NX was still coming in 2016 but with the games announced? Yeah I can totally see the NX coming in november 2016.

Who says these games can't come out on Wii U? 

Around the Network
Soundwave said:
Magnus said:
Seriously I don't care if Nintendo needs Zelda badly as a launch title, if they release Zelda U on NX they are done for me. They committed to support the Wii U and release a Mario, Mario Kart, and Smash Bros, the least they should do is give the Wii U the exclusive Zelda that every Nintendo console has had. If Wii U does not get a Zelda like every other console before it they are sh*tting on their fans just like they did with the Virtual Boy... actually its even worse than with the Virtual Boy since they took it off the market in less than a year and never pretended to support it.

I really don't get this line of thinking, it's not like you can't play Zelda on Wii U, but you need to play it at the expense of others not having a chance to play it and it harming Nintendo as a company financially by leaving millions of dollars on the table for no good reason?

Wii U is worse than the Virtual Boy .... c'mon man. 

Nintendo has supported the Wii U very well, no it doesn't have an exclusive Zelda, but it does have Splatoon (probably the most significant new Nintendo IP since Pokemon 20 years ago), Mario Maker, Hyrule Warriors, etc. that other Nintendo consoles don't have either. 

If you want to be mad at anyone be mad at the casual audience that abandoned the Wii brand for smartphones, they're the reason why the system has basically no userbase aside from a very niche group and Nintendo is a billion dollar business, they can't very well run themselves on such a small audience base. 

If Nintendo didn't want to release Zelda U exclusively on Wii U they shouldn't have promised to support the console back in 2013, and should have killed it early on like the Virtual Boy. Without an exclusive Zelda, which every single other Nintendo console got, they are not doing the bare minimum that historically every other Nintendo console had. Particularly in 2015 the lineup is horrible. Splatoon, Mario Maker and Hyrule Warriors don't make up for it, they aren't AAA titles and even Virtual Boy got new IP, FFS.

I just don't see them sticking with the Wii U through 2016 without releasing new hardware. The investors want them to release something soon.

Nexus7 said:
I just don't see them sticking with the Wii U through 2016 without releasing new hardware. The investors want them to release something soon.

Link to investors pressuring Nintendo to release new hardware? 

I don't believe it ever happened.

Magnus said:
Soundwave said:

I really don't get this line of thinking, it's not like you can't play Zelda on Wii U, but you need to play it at the expense of others not having a chance to play it and it harming Nintendo as a company financially by leaving millions of dollars on the table for no good reason?

Wii U is worse than the Virtual Boy .... c'mon man. 

Nintendo has supported the Wii U very well, no it doesn't have an exclusive Zelda, but it does have Splatoon (probably the most significant new Nintendo IP since Pokemon 20 years ago), Mario Maker, Hyrule Warriors, etc. that other Nintendo consoles don't have either. 

If you want to be mad at anyone be mad at the casual audience that abandoned the Wii brand for smartphones, they're the reason why the system has basically no userbase aside from a very niche group and Nintendo is a billion dollar business, they can't very well run themselves on such a small audience base. 

If Nintendo didn't want to release Zelda U exclusively on Wii U they shouldn't have promised to support the console back in 2013, and should have killed it early on like the Virtual Boy. Without an exclusive Zelda, which every single other Nintendo console got, they are not doing the bare minimum that historically every other Nintendo console had. Particularly in 2015 the lineup is horrible. Splatoon, Mario Maker and Hyrule Warriors don't make up for it, they aren't AAA titles and even Virtual Boy got new IP, FFS.

Nintendo Land

New Super Mario Bros U

Lego City Undercover

Game & Wario

New super Luigi U

Pikmin 3

The Wonderful 101

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

Wii Party U

Super Mario 3D World

Mario & Sonic Sochi Olympics

Wii Fit U

Dr. Luigi

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Mario Kart 8

Pushmo World

Wii Sports Club

Hyrule Warriors

Bayonetta 2

Super Smash Bros

NES Remix Pack

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

Mario Party 10


Art Academy: Home Studio

Super Mario Maker

Yoshi's Woolly World

Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash

Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival

Xenoblade Chronicles X

Devil's Third

Star Fox Zero

Mario & Sonic Rio Olympics

Pokken Tournament

Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem

The Legend of Zelda U

Ur right, Nintendo hasn't supported Wii U.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

bigtakilla said:
Nexus7 said:
I just don't see them sticking with the Wii U through 2016 without releasing new hardware. The investors want them to release something soon.

Link to investors pressuring Nintendo to release new hardware? 

I don't believe it ever happened.

Kinda hard to make your profit targets when you're shipping the lowest amounts of hardware in 25 years. Stockholders kinda notice little things like that. 

Like if you're heavily invested in McDonalds, and you see a report that they're selling the fewest number of hamburgers they have in a quarter century, some alarm bells may just start going off your mind. 

Besides what's the point of even showing the NX next year if they're not planning to launch it? Wii U and 3DS sales are already shitty (3.25 million-ish slated for Wii U, 7 million ish for 3DS, again the lowest Nintendo hardware shipment in 25+ years) for the coming fiscal year, what do you think is going to happen when Nintendo shows the superfantasticterrificaweomse NX at E3 next year? The few remaining people that might have bought either system are going to bail out and just wait for the NX. 

So holding off on the NX for another year just to hit some arbitrary "5 year mark" that a whiny minority of fans on the internet think is super important for some reason isn't going to go well. It will be a disaster. 

People are not stupid, they are going to see Nintendo has unveiled this new NX thing, they're not going to then go buy a Wii U or 3DS, so those sales that are already terrible for this fiscal year will be waaaaaaaaaaay worse next year. 

If it's shown in 2016 and they already have said it will be, then it's coming out in 2016. I would literally bet money on this too.