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Soundwave said:
Magnus said:
Seriously I don't care if Nintendo needs Zelda badly as a launch title, if they release Zelda U on NX they are done for me. They committed to support the Wii U and release a Mario, Mario Kart, and Smash Bros, the least they should do is give the Wii U the exclusive Zelda that every Nintendo console has had. If Wii U does not get a Zelda like every other console before it they are sh*tting on their fans just like they did with the Virtual Boy... actually its even worse than with the Virtual Boy since they took it off the market in less than a year and never pretended to support it.

I really don't get this line of thinking, it's not like you can't play Zelda on Wii U, but you need to play it at the expense of others not having a chance to play it and it harming Nintendo as a company financially by leaving millions of dollars on the table for no good reason?

Wii U is worse than the Virtual Boy .... c'mon man. 

Nintendo has supported the Wii U very well, no it doesn't have an exclusive Zelda, but it does have Splatoon (probably the most significant new Nintendo IP since Pokemon 20 years ago), Mario Maker, Hyrule Warriors, etc. that other Nintendo consoles don't have either. 

If you want to be mad at anyone be mad at the casual audience that abandoned the Wii brand for smartphones, they're the reason why the system has basically no userbase aside from a very niche group and Nintendo is a billion dollar business, they can't very well run themselves on such a small audience base. 

If Nintendo didn't want to release Zelda U exclusively on Wii U they shouldn't have promised to support the console back in 2013, and should have killed it early on like the Virtual Boy. Without an exclusive Zelda, which every single other Nintendo console got, they are not doing the bare minimum that historically every other Nintendo console had. Particularly in 2015 the lineup is horrible. Splatoon, Mario Maker and Hyrule Warriors don't make up for it, they aren't AAA titles and even Virtual Boy got new IP, FFS.