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Im no expert but I think they should release the NX platform in 2016 mid november or december. The wii u is not selling well.

If you compare worldwide sales its like the wii u is the xbox one of japan.
I love the wii u dont get me wrong, but I would happily buy a new console if it was well planned from the beginning with some 3rd party support and without droughts like the wii u has had. And tough I love the gamepad I can totally understand people saying it was one of the main problems for the console selling so low.
Its big and uncomfortable and the new console needs a new controller even if they give the option to buy a new gamepad.

So back in topic sorry... all the games coming in 2016 are more or less big but imagine there was a new mario galaxy 3 for wii u planned for 2016. And a new metroid prime. The new star fox the new zelda and a new animal crossing not this joke of a amiibo thing. In that case I wouldnt say that the NX was still coming in 2016 but with the games announced? Yeah I can totally see the NX coming in november 2016.