January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
Yeah it ain't much to look at. Even if you'd include other, non-Nintendo platforms the list wouldn't get much larger. Only South Park The Stick of Truth would be added in March I think. Didn't get any games on older platforms this year either. No amiibo even. I have the buying habbit of a grunty old man, there just isn't much that interests me anymore. I got Batman and Layton solely because they were only €10, figured I'd like to know what the fuss is about on the former and I actually like the series of the latter so couldn't go wrong there.
For the rest of the year, probably only Triforce Heroes will be added. Not because I like the look of it, but because the Zelda series has me hostage. Every game is retail, except Castlevania of course which is a rare VC purchase because I got bored.