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Forums - Politics Discussion - What are your thoughts on the refugees crisis in Europe?

generic-user-1 said:

im pretty sure russia lets in refugees if they come to  the borders. and those refugees will settle in the richer western parts of russia and not far east.

and as sovereign country, you could do the world a favour and nuke riad next time they finance a terrorattac in russia.

If we go by median payroll per capita there's no rich West vs poor East in Russia, more like rich urban vs poor rural territory. Well, if you don't count Moscow which is roughly x1,5 when compared to other big cities: Urals, Western or Eastern Siberia or Far East are all good options for Ukrainian refugees. Actually, Far Northern regions are the wealthies in that regard for obvious reasons. There's modest number of Ukrainians in place I live, judging by the new kids from Ukraine in the school my kid goes to and abnormal for Siberia fricative "gkh" sound I hear on the streets once in a while :D No surpises, given liberal conditions we have for Russian-speakers (full naturliazation within 3 months if you try really hard). Besides I doubt those region-specific differences are of such imoprtance given average Ukrainian income was like 3 times smaller than neighbourghing country's before Maidan.

Nuking Riyadh is counter-productive, since it will be quite a disaster for everyone involved in oil production, transportation and consumption, importers and exporters alike. Current state of affairs in the Near East is not pretty as it is, why make it worse? Besides it looks like it'll deteriorate without our help.

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forest-spirit said:
These people aren't coming here for a vacation or because they "felt like it", they're fleeing from war, terror, extremism, oppression, etc. They're leaving their whole lives behind for a dangerous, in many cases fatal, journey into unfamiliar lands, with no other personal properties except for what they could fit into a backpack. Access to clean water, food, medicine, means to take care of personal hygiene, etc. is in no way guaranteed. Some are old, crippled, sick; some are parents dragging their children along to hopefully find a safe place for them to live in, fully knowing that the children might get lost or die along the way; some are young ones desperately doing what they can to not let go of the hand that leads them.
I feel for these people and I want the European nations to do as much as possible for them.

It's not an optimal situation by any means and I'm sure most would agree (both Europeans and refugees) that it would be better if they could just continue to live their lives in their own countries. But with the current situation in the Middle-East that's just not possible and because of that we have these massive waves of refugees pouring into Europe. They have nowhere else to go. We can't really expect them to drop dead or vanish into thin air, can we? So what else can we do but to let them into Europe and make the best out of the situation.

Have a look around on Google - those "refugees" are wasting and throwing away food.

Speaking as a European the problem itself isn't fugitives, but migrants who isn't running from war but lives in poverty and wants a better life in europe. Social services are very high for immigrants in a lot of European countries and what we fear is that these people are opportunists who come to get fed by the taxpayers. With the insane increase in people coming in it is harder than ever to identify who these people are and especially what we can do to not let them leech off of society while still maintaining moral and ethics. The government in my country has decided to follow the Australian plan of messages of how hard it will be to get reunited with your family here as well as the newly introduced cut in social services for immigrants for about 50 percent. Whether that helps we will see, but already now most of the refugees who have come is skipping us in favor of Sweden and Germany which I find very telling as we are pretty much quite similar in most other regards

pearljammer said:
Faelco said:
pearljammer said:
Being from Canada, I'm a bit out of touch here - so take what I say as having as little validity to it as you wish. I think we should be taking in as many as we can regardless of any economic burden. Everyone. My only condition would be so long as Sharia does not trump the laws of their refuge.


I'm french, and unfortunately I have to disagree. We already have problems with legal immigration because of a really difficult integration. The economy is bad here, with a lot of unemployment, and it's even harder for migrants or foreigners. They can't get a job, so they can't get a place to live other than poor districts, and the result is almost foreign cities within cities. They're not really integrated in the country, and neither are their children, and a lot of them don't consider themselves french, and have no reason to do so. They're not dying or anything, of course, but they don't live in good conditions at all and can't hope for anything more for most of them. 


For illegal immigrants (like gypsies), it's worse, some of them live in slums and have to steal or beg, usually "employed" by mafia groups (for example to reimburse the travel). These camps barely have water, no electricity, and are frequently fed by associations to survive. The government is trying to destroy the slums, because they are a sanitary risk for the population. 


It's useless to say "Come, come, you're welcomed here", if the result is a slum with almost worse living conditions than an UN refugees camp in the middle  of nowhere. It's not worth the risk of crossing the sea, and we could easily build camps with better conditions in other countries closer to the countries at war (so, without the deadly travel). 

I'm partially ignorant to your countries woes and troubles. I admit that fully. I cannot with any degree of confidence fully contest anything you said. I also sympathize with your position and would argue that you're rightly grounded in having it.

However, these people are obviously going for a reason, whether they're imperiled, refused elsewhere or even given the impression (perhaps falsely) that  these are safe, caring places to go. There is no choice for them. For me the value human lives far outweigh even the conditions their given and the inconveniences it provides oithers (with some caveats).

Of course! I'm not saying "let them die". What I'm saying is that it's cute to say "let's welcome everyone" without anything more, but it's useless, because it's not a solution, and it won't change anything to the real problems (dead people because of the travel and awful living conditions). Refugees are not a problem but a symptom of something else, and it can only get worse until we do something about the real problem. 


So what I'm saying is : let's make something for them to keep living in their country, or at least closer from their country to avoid lots of useless deaths. It's not like the Syrian situation happened last week, but European politicians are still saying that we can't and won't do anything about it. Same thing with Libya for example. So instead of doing some nice PR talks where everyone is happy and nice and love all refugees, let's at least think about the real problem... It's stupid to do a party to welcome a refugee in front  of cameras if his family drowned on the way... Hypocrisy is nice, but it has its limits... 


I worked on a small research paper about Arab Spring for a french Defense training institution (affiliated to the Department of Defense). It was in 2011, and already our biggest point was the immigrants risk if nothing was done to help some countries. Everyone already knew back then that there would be a lot of deaths because of this. Nothing was done about it, people died, and it's stupid to wake up now trying to look nice. We let them die, and we were fully aware of that for a long time. 

Sharu said:

This! Tagging. 
Reports from Hungary/Germany looks totally terrible. Hordes of young men, who don't respect anyone... This can't end good.

Yeah, kids these days, huh? Oh wait, you mean the immigrants!

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Sharu said:

Yes. Several millions are fled from Ukraine to Russia. 

Two more things. 
1. Those Syrian/Libyan refugees are the result of West politics in Libya/Syria. So it seems like a right thing to do for them from moral point of view. Europe and USA put their countries into bloody terror. So its just normal if they will feed/cover those who suffer.

2. Another reason why this refugees are not in Russia is that we are a sovereing country, you know. And we have borders. And this borders are closed for unwanted. And in the EU once somebody settled in Italy/Greece - its almost impossible to stop them from moving say to Germany.

You forgot 3. Who in the right mind would want to move to Russia? and 4. Russians are going to be dying from hunger themselves soon, they don't have the resources to help anyone.

I live in sweden, where alot of immigrants are currently seeking asyl to. and sweden cant continue taking in the same number of people every year. Its a sinking ship, and we are just pouring in more ''water''. But many people aswell as our goverment here are blinded and have a very close mindset about how to deal with things. They just say ''but think about what they went through and how horrible it must be'' Yes, i agree, its very horrible, but that doesnt mean you can just take 100 000 immigrants each year. THats not how it works and it costs alot and so many conflics and problems come with it. We should help at the spot and let the refugees take over their home country again so they can live in peace there without any ISIS and without any other conflicts. To do that we need to do more and put in WAY more recoures

Lawlight said:

Is this for real?

Send a Friend Request On PSN :P

Faelco said:

Of course! I'm not saying "let them die". What I'm saying is that it's cute to say "let's welcome everyone" without anything more, but it's useless, because it's not a solution, and it won't change anything to the real problems (dead people because of the travel and awful living conditions). Refugees are not a problem but a symptom of something else, and it can only get worse until we do something about the real problem. 

I'm not suggesting that everyone should be welcome without anything more. Simply stating my bottom line given the situation we have now. And yes, it is a bandaid - not a permanent solution. However, we must stop the bleeding before anything else.

So what I'm saying is : let's make something for them to keep living in their country, or at least closer from their country to avoid lots of useless deaths. It's not like the Syrian situation happened last week, but European politicians are still saying that we can't and won't do anything about it. Same thing with Libya for example. So instead of doing some nice PR talks where everyone is happy and nice and love all refugees, let's at least think about the real problem... It's stupid to do a party to welcome a refugee in front  of cameras if his family drowned on the way... Hypocrisy is nice, but it has its limits... 


I worked on a small research paper about Arab Spring for a french Defense training institution (affiliated to the Department of Defense). It was in 2011, and already our biggest point was the immigrants risk if nothing was done to help some countries. Everyone already knew back then that there would be a lot of deaths because of this. Nothing was done about it, people died, and it's stupid to wake up now trying to look nice. We let them die, and we were fully aware of that for a long time. 

Couldn't agree more.