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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Golden Hammers & Challenges in Brawl

I haven't finished it on Very Hard either. I'm basically curious if it's even POSSIBLE to do on intense. I have my doubts that it is.

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There are 700 stickers, and I have 508. Getting that one window, unlock all stickers, is gonna take a while, haha.

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"Nothing can make it moral to destroy the best. One can't be punished for being good. One can't be penalized for ability. If that is right, then we'd better start slaughtering one another, because there isn't any right at all in the world." - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

I've gotten all the way up to Tabuu on Intense With DONKEY KONG, but Tabuu Put me down before I got his Life half down

I just use Down+B on everyone who is touching the ground, and for everyone else, I use Smash-up and up+B If they are in the air (Meta Ridley) and Smash Left for the Pirahna Plant. I Tried it with Charizard, as his Rock Smash (side+b) kills, but He's too slow for me.

GOD. Boss Battle Mode has mede me so Consious on Dodging/Barrel Rolling and shielding

I wonder how many trophies there are that are non-unlockable (Melee had 3, and I have them all thanks to AR)

Has anyone tried to see if beating Boss Battles on Intense with Co-op counts? I mean, Ness + Lucas would be so easy...

"Your grasp of the obvious is inspiring." - Commander Shepard
"I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite store on the Citadel." Commander Shepard
I support JRPGs on the Xbox 360.
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"Nothing can make it moral to destroy the best. One can't be punished for being good. One can't be penalized for ability. If that is right, then we'd better start slaughtering one another, because there isn't any right at all in the world." - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

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IDK, but it should. They only give you 5 hearts when you do Co-Op. that's 3 for one player and 2 for the other. Also, if one guy gets killed, then it's all over.

Yay, I just beat it on Very Hard with Charizard and Rock Smash!

"Your grasp of the obvious is inspiring." - Commander Shepard
"I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite store on the Citadel." Commander Shepard
I support JRPGs on the Xbox 360.
Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad
"Nothing can make it moral to destroy the best. One can't be punished for being good. One can't be penalized for ability. If that is right, then we'd better start slaughtering one another, because there isn't any right at all in the world." - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

Also, It's Not Impossible, Especially w/ Charizard, since I found This video on YouTube:




It's missing 2 battles, but you can see It's not impossible.

@LCEC: Nice find. If I get too frustrated with Lucas I may try that. That guy was using Charizard like a frikkin tank. I don't know how well I'd do with that method though. Like I said, earlier I was one hit away from doing it with Lucas. It's bugging the crap out of me, but I've put a lot of hours into it the last few days(sprinkling in some coin launcher and working 100 man melee with all characters).

I'm curious to know who here has beat it on intense as well.

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."

naznatips said:
No blues left... anyone been able beat boss battle on intense?

 I stumbled through it with Charizard after several dozen failures. Sucky reward, it's Galleom in Tank Mode trophy. =P

I'm tempted to actually try and do it again with Peach using the strategy I mentioned above. I've tried beating Intense with her and once got to 7 bosses and another time died to ninth boss, whose was Crazy Hand. (got lazy, screwed up a recovery) Neither time I was really giving it my all. One other thing I can recommend is you can use pause to stop the action and examine Boss's tells. On Intense mode I found that extremely helpful against Tabuu since he attacks so fast the actual in-game camera often doesn't follow him close enough for me to see his attacks soon enough to counter them.

Another thing about Tabuu is his teleports actually have different sound effects that mean different things. One is for when he's doing his multi-teleport to waste time thing. Another is an all-clear sound for when he finishes the before mentioned multi-teleport or any kind of attack, which is a great cue to kick the shit out of him. The last one is for when he just teleported somewhere to start an attack, which I often take as a sign to pause and see what the hell he was about to do. If you kill the music and just screw with him on easy in the great maze you can recognize them easily after a short time, they're all very distinctive.

After that you need to study his different attack tells, and then devise what to do about them as he has over a dozen different attacks and on intense most of them are one-hit KO's, or at very best hurt you enough to likely cause a one-hit KO later. Also, If you ever see him without crossed arms, he's going to attack.  It's a good idea to play him on an easier move for a while to get accustomed to them. They way I approached Intense Boss Battle was if I get Tabuu down well enough, all I have to do is luck up once through a set of the other nine using al three hearts if need be. Here's a list of his moves as I remember them.

-Sword swoop - Appears in High left or right corner, lifts arm high above head. Usually this is slow enough to see coming without pausing. He comes down in a big U pattern with a blade in front of him. Can jump over it with ease.

-The Dragon - Starts level with stage and moves up somewhat to create a dragon head below him to shoot a beam at you. Pause tell is usually he's slow to uncross his arms before he finishes ascending. Very slow attack compared to his others, just wait for the head to fully appear and jump straight up, and use your up recover if need be.

-Spirit Bullets - Floats somewhere over the platform and aims one of his arms down at an angle. Tends to start this fast, but he only shoots in semi-circle either left or right, so getting behind him is completely safe and you even land some attacks. The actual hail of bullets hurt, but don't knock you, so if you have to suck up some hits to get behind him it's usually worth since his last big shot does have knock-back.

-Golden Chain - Appears level with the platform off to either the right or left side. Tell is the chain itself, and he moves both arms behind his back. Very annoying attack since it's so fast, typically can dodge with a roll or multiple rolls since sudden movements screw it up. If you're in the air get to the ground and draw to roll past it.

-Golden Frame - Appears off to the side, tell will be the huge golden wing like frames he transforms into, easily seen. Can be hard to dodge, much trickier timing to roll past then the chain. If you're flat on the ground you're best bet is to quickly jump up and use your up special the second you see it coming. If you're high in the air just quickly fall and duck and it'll probably go right over you. If you're somewhat off the ground you're in trouble since it's very difficult to either duck under or jump over if he attacks at mid height.

-Shock Field - Teleports to spot on or above the platform and already has his arms uncrossed in stance where they and his legs are apart. Purple orbs starting flying around him expanding a nasty shield that circles him. Has a tendacy to teleport on you for this, giving you little time to get away. Either way run as far as you can and just wait it out. If you've got a ranged attack go head and shoot him, but otherwise avoid attacking since the orbs can be hard to see when his body blocks him at the beginning and end of the attack. 

-Seismic Punches - Tell is lot like the last one, hovers somewhere arms apart, this time with a tighter fighting stance. Throws numerous punches that carry purple shockwaves. Like the bullet attack, only attacks in one direction and with limited range, can be avoided by simply run far away, or behind him before he starts. This attack doesn't seem to carry much knockback oddly, lots of damage though. Can attack him from behind, somewhat risky since the waves carry a bit. Ranged attacks are fine.

-Replicate - Same tell as the Shock Field, hovers around arms and legs apart. Can see tell it apart from the other since he doesn't attack right away. He sends outs copies of himself out in every direction, each causing a terrible knock back if hit. I didn't find an effective way to evade this other than get as far away as possible and just do your best. If you get hit and survive you can usually use your short burst of invulnerability to get past it.

-Path of Destruction - Hovers off to the side with his hands in front of his body in a non-threating way. This attack is a little odd, he'll move his hand forward and you'll see a small series of gold lines stretch out from it. These are actually harmless, but they mark where a series of explosions are about to follow a second later. Jumping over this isn't advisible since even the remaining smoke that lingers can knock you out, instead observe where the path curves up and duck under that section before the explosions.

-Giant Head Eye Lasers - Easy tell, you see his head grow really big and he disappears, nothing dangerous when that part happens. After that his head appears off to the left or right, if you're fast and a smaller character, run towards his head and perform an attack near the edge so that you'll go to the very edge, but not fall off. After that pound him with ordinary attacks as you'll be in a blind spot. Be careful not to use attacks that'll move your character's body into the lasers. With bigger characters you can do this, but they'll get hit, but this usually doesn't result in a KO when you're under the lasers. You can also hang off the edges of the stages.

-Swordfish - Tell is easier to see without pausing, he swings his body around at an odd angle so that he's even with the platform turns into a giant fish shaped spear, and moves forward in a straight line. Ducking seems to always avoid this with smaller characters, haven't tried it with bigger ones, but they might also be able to duck it. If he does this while you're in mid-air, just land as he won't readjust his aim.

-Sawblade - Appears level to the platform off to the side and raises both hands above his hand, on higher than the other. He'll throw a giant spinning saw and it'll scrap across the ground, the boomerang back to him. Use quick jumps to avoid the first pass, then up special over it as you fall for the return trip.

-Teleports - Just teleports around, the fourth being the last. Will sometimes stop this move and switch to shock field or a similar move, so don't follow him, just wait for the all-clear sound cue then attack. Other than just wait for him to finish since he won't hurt you when he does this.

-Explosive Teleport - Exactly the same as before, expect he leaves an explosion everytime he teleports. There is no actual tell for this beforehand, only during in which you can easily see the explosions. Because of this you can get caught in one these while attacking him since his first teleport away leaves an explosion where's he's at. There's not much you can do other than hope you're not close to him when and if this move starts. Aside from that don't chase him until you hear the all clear noise.

-Three Red Rings of Death - Tell is obvious, he appears center in the background with giant wings growing out of him. He always seems to perform this move around the time the music first changes, so you can always count on at least one of these after the first few attacks, then again if the battle continues for a while. Very important to practice this since he always performs it early on. The best method is to shield before it starts, then sidestep (press down while holding shield) at each ring. Timing isn't that hard if you practice, the important part is actually to space out your sidesteps, you should see your shield come back up before performing the next one during this move. If you try to do sidestep constantly you'll get hit. 

EDIT: @adajio - According to the people at GameFAQs, Co-op won't count to unlock this challenge. Also on co-op the bosses get a great deal more health, and if EITHER of you die you lose. So it's actually harder on co-op in my opinion.