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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Now is the right time to buy an Xbox One

Not really 2 exclusives who are excepted, 1 timed exclusive and view BC titles who have DRM attached to it isnt enough reason to buy this console now

Around the Network

Totally forgot about Killer Instinct. Downloading that when I get home!

It's time for X1 to be a soft sell for once.

"the joke is long since over", the article begs to differ.

"halo 5 and forza...but the bigger hit could be tomb raider!"
"Don't wait for it to release next year, get an xb1 so you can play it now, this is why you play AAA"

some of the more lulworthy exerpts.
Feels like an advertisement.

The holidays is the best time to buy a xbox console if someone is interested in the console and getting a really good deal for one.

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it's a good console but if you have a ps4, it's hard to justify it.

Ka-pi96 said:
I do agree on many parts. Xbox One is a much better purchase now than when it launched, and definitely so when it was first announced. Although I'm not quite sure 'now' is the best time considering the holiday deals that will be coming up soon, that might be a better time

Cole train runs on whole grain baby, choochoo! Gotta catch it now.

Based on the past it is never a good time to buy the XBOX One because it will likely be cheaper in a few months. Hell this Black Friday I bet it is like $200 with the bundles it will get - then sure get one.

Prediction for console Lifetime sales:

Wii:100-120 million, PS3:80-110 million, 360:70-100 million

[Prediction Made 11/5/2009]

3DS: 65m, PSV: 22m, Wii U: 18-22m, PS4: 80-120m, X1: 35-55m

I gauruntee the PS5 comes out after only 5-6 years after the launch of the PS4.

[Prediction Made 6/18/2014]

The Best BUy deal this week with the free 40 inch is nice

Oh my god I actually felt ill reading that what the fuck