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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon US August monthly bestsellers and general Amazon based discussion

binary solo said:
jason1637 said:
binary solo said:

You saw that last gen in the USA. Despite 360 nearly tripling it's install base the Halo franchise remained pretty flat in the USA, it's major expansion happened in Europe, which is not going to happen this time around. Basically the Halo franchise is good to guarantee US LT Xb one sales of about 15 million. To get substantially beyond that Xb one needs games that appeal to a different (non-shooter) audience. Xb one is already more or less guaranteed to get past 15 million LT so the further expansion of its install base does not depend on how well Halo does.

It will sell atleast 30 million in the US

I'm thinking more like at most 30 million. But yes something around that is possible. Just not on the back of Halo.

I think that depends more on Sony than Microsoft.  MS is already burning exorbitant funds to do anything to keep up.  But Sony so far has been pretty merciless with taking away MS's advantage in the 3rd party space while being kinda easy going with the first party.  CoD was just the latest blow.  If they continue to pursue that aggressively  and drop major exclusives as they go, I think things will only get worse for MS after Halo 5.  And I think Sony will; 2016 is looking like it could be especially brutal.  I don't think they want MS just beaten for this gen, I think they want MS on the way out of the industry altogether.  

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Great to see Until Dawn at #7

binary solo said:
Abun said:
GribbleGrunger said:
2008ProchargedGT said:
highest X1 in the hourly is 70 WTH whats going on with the plummet? Is this a similar trend to last year? I agree with Gribble, gonna be a large gap for this month.

I think the weight of 'actual' games is starting to wake people up. It's all well and good pretending the end of the year is the most important time for games, but then when a friend who either owns an XB1 or is on the market for a console visits their friend with a PS4 and plays Volume, Journey, Galax-Z, Rocket League, and is then told about Until Dawn, it MUST eventually take its toll. The reality (and it HAS been a reality for a while now) is that people with XB1s have only had multiplats to play (apart from Ori and The Rare collection), while PS4 owners have had the best versions of multiplats AND a slew of exclusives, including 5 AAA games once Until Dawn releases. The internet does NOT represent the reality, 25m sales of the PS4 does.

This is the point that I be making.Halo already has its fanbase and won't grow the X1 overrall fanbase anyway.Everyone buying an X1 so far are fans of Halo or Gears already.They have nothing new that brings in a larger demographic of gamers and have reached their peak in the U.S.Most sales outside of the fall will come from further price cuts.

You saw that last gen in the USA. Despite 360 nearly tripling it's install base the Halo franchise remained pretty flat in the USA, it's major expansion happened in Europe, which is not going to happen this time around. Basically the Halo franchise is good to guarantee US LT Xb one sales of about 15 million. To get substantially beyond that Xb one needs games that appeal to a different (non-shooter) audience. Xb one is already more or less guaranteed to get past 15 million LT so the further expansion of its install base does not depend on how well Halo does.

Oh I agree with that and that is part of my point.The problem is that MS does not understand that fact and thus they will keep focusing only on games like Halo,Forza and  Gears.They are not even bubdling Tomb Raider eventhough they paid for the deal and you will see the other games not mentioned besides Crackdown get ignored pretty much like Sunset.They had a bundle for Sunset,but killed it because they released bundles for AC and COD which were cheaper.

No need of a game being thi immatre. be careful if your kids are playing this. I heard it's just an interactive movie and I think that it should be out on other platforms as well not just ps4

Quality Until Dawn review, I for one am rethinking my purchase. Trolls are always out early for Sony exclusives.

Nuvendil said:
binary solo said:
jason1637 said:
binary solo said:

You saw that last gen in the USA. Despite 360 nearly tripling it's install base the Halo franchise remained pretty flat in the USA, it's major expansion happened in Europe, which is not going to happen this time around. Basically the Halo franchise is good to guarantee US LT Xb one sales of about 15 million. To get substantially beyond that Xb one needs games that appeal to a different (non-shooter) audience. Xb one is already more or less guaranteed to get past 15 million LT so the further expansion of its install base does not depend on how well Halo does.

It will sell atleast 30 million in the US

I'm thinking more like at most 30 million. But yes something around that is possible. Just not on the back of Halo.

I think that depends more on Sony than Microsoft.  MS is already burning exorbitant funds to do anything to keep up.  But Sony so far has been pretty merciless with taking away MS's advantage in the 3rd party space while being kinda easy going with the first party.  CoD was just the latest blow.  If they continue to pursue that aggressively  and drop major exclusives as they go, I think things will only get worse for MS after Halo 5.  And I think Sony will; 2016 is looking like it could be especially brutal.  I don't think they want MS just beaten for this gen, I think they want MS on the way out of the industry altogether.  

Yes but Microsoft are trying to stay relevant and branch out with QB, Scalebound etc but its not enough and they need to start getting third party deals like they used to.

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There's a free copy of Madden 16 being given away with every PS4 from 25th - 30th of this month. Let's see how it does on Amazon.


The PS5 Exists. 

jason1637 said:
Nuvendil said:

I think that depends more on Sony than Microsoft.  MS is already burning exorbitant funds to do anything to keep up.  But Sony so far has been pretty merciless with taking away MS's advantage in the 3rd party space while being kinda easy going with the first party.  CoD was just the latest blow.  If they continue to pursue that aggressively  and drop major exclusives as they go, I think things will only get worse for MS after Halo 5.  And I think Sony will; 2016 is looking like it could be especially brutal.  I don't think they want MS just beaten for this gen, I think they want MS on the way out of the industry altogether.  

Yes but Microsoft are trying to stay relevant and branch out with QB, Scalebound etc but its not enough and they need to start getting third party deals like they used to.

Yeah, but the problem is they aren't number 1 anymore, not even close.  And the worse it gets, the more expensive and elusive third party deals and marketing rights will get.  I wouldn't be surprised at all if Fallout 4 is the last Bethesda Game Studios game to have an MS marketing agreement if this continues and that would be a huge blow now that CoD's deal is also gone. 

Their dire first exclusives situation is of their own making though.  They let their exclusives lineup and emphasis decay throughout the second half of Gen 7 while Sony and Nintendo shored theirs up (difference being Sony didn't take amnesia pills like Nintendo and completely forget how to market and build hype :P ).  And now MS is paying the price.  They're trying to get back in it and diversify, but that takes time and time is what they don't have too much of.  And it doesn't help that Sony is doing the same thing with games like Horizon, Deep Down, and Bloodborne.   

Ryng_Tolu said:

I came here for Ryng's "legs" comments.

celador said:

No need of a game being thi immatre. be careful if your kids are playing this. I heard it's just an interactive movie and I think that it should be out on other platforms as well not just ps4

Quality Until Dawn review, I for one am rethinking my purchase. Trolls are always out early for Sony exclusives.

Put the bit you're quoting in "quotes". Your post made no sense to me until I went hunting for the user review on Amazon you're quoting. Don't make me do that.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Nuvendil said:
jason1637 said:

Yes but Microsoft are trying to stay relevant and branch out with QB, Scalebound etc but its not enough and they need to start getting third party deals like they used to.

Yeah, but the problem is they aren't number 1 anymore, not even close.  And the worse it gets, the more expensive and elusive third party deals and marketing rights will get.  I wouldn't be surprised at all if Fallout 4 is the last Bethesda Game Studios game to have an MS marketing agreement if this continues and that would be a huge blow now that CoD's deal is also gone. 

Their dire first exclusives situation is of their own making though.  They let their exclusives lineup and emphasis decay throughout the second half of Gen 7 while Sony and Nintendo shored theirs up (difference being Sony didn't take amnesia pills like Nintendo and completely forget how to market and build hype :P ).  And now MS is paying the price.  They're trying to get back in it and diversify, but that takes time and time is what they don't have too much of.  And it doesn't help that Sony is doing the same thing with games like Horizon, Deep Down, and Bloodborne.   

I don't see why MS can't still get marketing exclusivity rights, especially for games with high USA/UK appeal. They'll just need to pay more for those rights. What they will never get is a multi-plat to go exclusive like RoTR. No publisher in their right mind is going to diss the PS4 user base with an existing IP. MS will have to purchase exclusive new IP, but even then publishers will want to be able to put the IP onto PC as part of the cost of missing out on seeling to that PS4 user base.

Meanwhile, aside from FPS, Sony wouldn't have too much difficulty in getting console exclusivity for some existing IP if they really wanted to, or full exclusivity for new IP. I hope they don't do the former, but it wouldn't surprise me if they did that for one or two more existing IP in the future.  Would be kinda karmically funny if Sony snagged console exclusivity for the next Tomb Raider game. There's a danger Sony could do that if RoTR doesn't meet sales expectations on Xb one.  

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix