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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon US August monthly bestsellers and general Amazon based discussion

binary solo said:
Madword said:

Until Dawn will do well in Europe and not so well in USA, just like Heavy Rain and Beyond.

You think so? Until Dawn seems like the typical American cabin in the woods horror story. I would have thought it would appeal more in the USA. Or are you meaning the genre has much more appeal in Europe?

I think the genre has more appeal in Europe. Yes in some ways you would think american teen slasher would be more suited to USA, but I think it will get better traction in Europe.

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I reckon the gap will be quite big this month. 55k - 65k would be my guess:

#21 PS4 Batman Bundle
#22 Until Dawn bonus smile.
#41 PS4 Destiny Bundle (even preorder bundles have been ahead on the PS4)
#69 XB1 Master Chief Bundle
#72 XB1 Madden Bundle
#81 WiiU Deluxe
#87 XB1 Master Chief 1TB Bundle
#94 PS4 Fool's Edition


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And Until Dawn finally makes it into the top twenty.

highest X1 in the hourly is 70 WTH whats going on with the plummet? Is this a similar trend to last year? I agree with Gribble, gonna be a large gap for this month.

2008ProchargedGT said:
highest X1 in the hourly is 70 WTH whats going on with the plummet? Is this a similar trend to last year? I agree with Gribble, gonna be a large gap for this month.

I think the weight of 'actual' games is starting to wake people up. It's all well and good pretending the end of the year is the most important time for games, but then when a friend who either owns an XB1 or is on the market for a console visits their friend with a PS4 and plays Volume, Journey, Galax-Z, Rocket League, and is then told about Until Dawn, it MUST eventually take its toll. The reality (and it HAS been a reality for a while now) is that people with XB1s have only had multiplats to play (apart from Ori and The Rare collection), while PS4 owners have had the best versions of multiplats AND a slew of exclusives, including 5 AAA games once Until Dawn releases. The internet does NOT represent the reality, 25m sales of the PS4 does.


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GribbleGrunger said:
2008ProchargedGT said:
highest X1 in the hourly is 70 WTH whats going on with the plummet? Is this a similar trend to last year? I agree with Gribble, gonna be a large gap for this month.

I think the weight of 'actual' games is starting to wake people up. It's all well and good pretending the end of the year is the most important time for games, but then when a friend who either owns an XB1 or is on the market for a console visits their friend with a PS4 and plays Volume, Journey, Galax-Z, Rocket League, and is then told about Until Dawn, it MUST eventually take its toll. The reality (and it HAS been a reality for a while now) is that people with XB1s have only had multiplats to play (apart from Ori and The Rare collection), while PS4 owners have had the best versions of multiplats AND a slew of exclusives, including 5 AAA games once Until Dawn releases. The internet does NOT represent the reality, 25m sales of the PS4 does.

Good theroy, however i would think on the eve of Halo 5 the oppisite would be ture and during the year when they had no exlusives this would have been the case.

2008ProchargedGT said:

Good theroy, however i would think on the eve of Halo 5 the oppisite would be ture and during the year when they had no exlusives this would have been the case.

I'm not sure I understand your point here.

On a seperate issue but related: Let's pretend Sony had decided to adopt the same strategy as MS. Can you imagine what Christmas would have looked like then? TLOUR, GOWR, Journey, Nathan Drake Collection, Until Dawn, Bloodborne, The Order, Tearaway Unfolded, Dragon's Quest Heros, Everyone's Gone To The Rapture, The Tomorrow Children, Fat Princess Adventure. I've missed a lot there but do you see what I'm getting at? This whole Christmas period nonsense is manufactured by starving people of games for the whole year. It's a ruse by MS and hasn't worked. What about next year when the XB1 will have titles better spread thoughout the months? Do you think MS will then continue with the 'Christmas is the most import time for gamers' narrative, or do you think they'll once again rely on their fanbase forgetting what has been said before?


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GribbleGrunger said:
2008ProchargedGT said:

Good theroy, however i would think on the eve of Halo 5 the oppisite would be ture and during the year when they had no exlusives this would have been the case.

I'm not sure I understand your point here.

On a seperate issue but related: Let's pretend Sony had decided to adopt the same strategy as MS. Can you imagine what Christmas would have looked like then? TLOUR, GOWR, Journey, Nathan Drake Collection, Until Dawn, Bloodborne, The Order, Tearaway Unfolded, Dragon's Quest Heros, Everyone's Gone To The Rapture, The Tomorrow Children, Fat Princess Adventure. I've missed a lot there but do you see what I'm getting at? This whole Christmas period nonsense is manufactured by starving people of games for the whole year.

To elabortate, i would think the sales decline would have happened when the X1 was not getting releases not now when its about to get some big ones. 

To your second point, people would deff be singing a dif tune as far as having gmes this year, which is crazy to think its really the same games.


2008ProchargedGT said:

To elabortate, i would think the sales decline would have happened when the X1 was not getting releases not now when its about to get some big ones. 

To your second point, people would deff be singing a dif tune as far as having gmes this year, which is crazy to think its really the same games.


I don't think it's puzzling to be honest. I think it's the same reason Sony decided to clear their calander for 3rd parties this Christmas. The hardcore have been catered for and I can't see the demographic growing that fast from here on in. Those that had another console have been catered for with remasters such as TLOU, GOW3, Journey and The Nathan Drake collection. Christmas is that time of year when people are looking for gifts and children and asking for gifts. These are NOT your typical hardcore gamers, these are consumers of known franchises such as COD or FIFA. I just think that MS have hit their hardcore market much earlier than Sony which is why Halo isn't quite selling as many consoles as was expected.

Of course it could also be people are waiting for a price cut or better bundles.


The PS5 Exists. 

Gears of War at #13 yippee!