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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I am a Toys R Us Employee

Okay! Haven't gotten any Wiis this week, but I know they're coming next Sunday (11 days from now) and that it will be a fairly large supply.

360s sold noticably better at my store (and other local Toys R Us), but not crazy, amazing figures. The best way to put it: average weeks see sales of 1-4 360s. Every store I talked to sold 3-4. So it's as if all of us simultaneously had a great week of sales, without really going out into crazy, abnormal sales territory.

We got DDR:Hottest Party for the Wii in. Hasn't sold much yet, although I didn't even know when we were getting it.

A co worker seemed interested in the Wii a few months ago, but now seems set on purchasing a PS2 for Christmas. He doesn't see much on the Wii that interests him, and he found it less exciting after a few hours of play at a friends house.

We have the crimson/black DS in alone now, not just packaged with Brain Age. Off topic -- I really like the way it looks!

Our Guitar Hero pre-sales are very noticably and heavily skewing towards the Wii.

Our sales of Zelda:PH were good, but nothing incredible. We sold about 7-10 in the first day. 

I haven't sold a PS3 in a couple weeks again now, it's definitely slowed down again noticably in our area.">">

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Bodhesatva said:
I did work. I'm mid Black-Temple raid, so I'll fill in the details shortly :o

Bodhesatva: *clears throat* Hi everyone, my name is Bod.

Everyone: Hi Bod.

Bodhesatva: I'm here today, because I'm addicted ...... to WoW. 

I am horribly addicted to WoW. I candidly admit that I'm twiddling away my life playing stupid games to escape real life. Tah dah!

Also, Illidari Council down :o">">



I've Retired from the raiding game in most mmo's


i stopped umm mid blackwing lair.


still play wow though, working on my netherwing faction currently... should make Revered tonite.....


you done the drake races? i am currently stuck on the 5th race-hopefully will beat that one wife cannot beat the first. 

Yeah I noticed on amazon that Wii Guitar hero is selling much better then the other systems, could be becuase of rock band, I'm going to get the Wii one myself, I can't wait to play Muse and Living Colour and Bloc Party, theres a good range of tunes on the new one

Around the Network

Hey guys! Just got off work.

Two things:

1) There is a buy 2, get 1 free sale coming up on ALL video games. Starts this weekend.

2) We have Wiis coming in to my store on Sunday.

Hardware sales for the week at my store have been very low. DS a few, PSP a couple (no noticable bump despite the new bundle and despite the fact that the bundle is advertised in our ad), and 1 360. That's it. I'll get back with more comprehensive discussion later.">">

How was this past weekend's commerce action?

Yes I also am wondering

Every two weeks I go to Walmart to buy my groceries. I make a point to cut across the store and through the electronics Dept. This I do, EVERY TWO WEEKS. I have never EVER seen a Wii there since I stood in line 17 hours to get one on llaunch day. There have been Wiis there to be sure. I just have not seen any. I go to game stop at least once a month. All three in the area to get games that I want, to check out used games etc. etc. I have NEVER seen a Wii at any of those 3 locations. Lets keep in mind one of those locations is in an entirely different state. I am not saying that there are not Wiis to be found out there. I am just saying that I haven't seen any around where I live. 360s yes. PS3s? Yes. This may be just a tribute to how good their supply systems are. Then again, it could be that the Wii just sells out all the time.

I have seen a few Wiis here while wondering around... both Futureshop and EB Games, although I saw the ones in Futureshop on the day of delivery, and I am pretty sure it sold out sometime in the next 24 hours or so after I see it, since when I went back to check again, it's sold out. EB Games seem to have plenty of supplies, though it might be because some of their employee flat out lied that Nintendo only cover warranty for 3month, and they'll give you one more month if you pay them 50CAD for an additional year of warranty (Not all employees do that, I saw a Wii being sold when another employee was being honest, but no Wii sold in the above case)

I am a PC gamer, and also have a NDS now, but without access to a Nintendo Wii until End of 2007.

Currently playing: Super Smash Brothers Brawl(Wii), Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer(DS), Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime (DS), WiiFit(Wii)

Games Recently Beaten: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King (Normal; Very Hard after the next DLCs become available)

1 word: RTFA