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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Are long time gamers less impressed with graphics than newer gamers?

Legend11 said:

You are a Nintendo fanboy in my opinion. In fact to water down your message to it's most basic part it's "Everything on the PS3 and 360 sucks.". The fact that you put down Bioshock, Mass Effect, etc for example shows just how much your opinion of said systems is worth.

Despite the fact that many PS3 and 360 owners on this site can corroborate the fact that I'm on steam and playing games on steam quite often?  Seems to me like you are simply unwilling to accept the fact that some people have different opinions about the state of gaming, and when they disagree with you, you use the word fanboy as a defense mechanism.

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You can be a PC gamer and still be a Nintendo fanboy. They are not mutually exclusive.

Legend11 said:
You can be a PC gamer and still be a Nintendo fanboy. They are not mutually exclusive.

So I'm no longer allowed to criticize PC games I've played and beaten (Bioshock, CoD4) or soon to be PC ports of games I've played extensively (Mass Effect) because I own a Wii?

Correct me if I'm wrong here Legend, but only a short while ago didn't you make a thread complaining about people loosely throwing around the term fanboy?

Edit: And I even criticized both a PC exclusive (Crysis, which I've criticized more than anything) and a Wii game (Twilight Princess).  What one console do I appear to be attacking here?

Its always fun to come back and see what these threads turn into after a couple of hours....for this one I'm just glad I got a L4D plug in on page one~

To Each Man, Responsibility
naznatips said:
Legend11 said:
You can be a PC gamer and still be a Nintendo fanboy. They are not mutually exclusive.

So I'm no longer allowed to criticize PC games I've played and beaten (Bioshock, CoD4) or soon to be PC ports of games I've played extensively (Mass Effect) because I own a Wii?

Correct me if I'm wrong here Legend, but only a short while ago didn't you make a thread complaining about people loosely throwing around the term fanboy? 

I don't throw it around loosely.  I know I'm known as an "Xbot" who hates everything not Xbox but I have in this forum said positive things and complimented games on the PC, PS3, and yes the Wii.  Never once have I implied that all games on the PC or PS3 or Wii suck for example.  Yet you on the other hand I don't remember ever seeing you say anything postive about the 360 or PS3.  Maybe I'm wrong so just in case I'm going to start going through your posting history to see if I can find one positive comment about either of them.

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FinalEvangelion said:
Legend11 said:
I'm always impressed when there's a game that surprises you by how good looking it is compared to other games in it's genre in the past.

What I do find annoying though is that I remember during the SNES days seeing many Nintendo fans putting down the Genesis because of it's graphics and now with the Wii suddenly some are trying to convince everyone that "graphics don't really matter". Bull... And it's not just graphics that the more powerful machines have, it's the ability to have better AI and Physics as well as better graphics.

I have no doubts that if the Wii was as powerful as the 360 and PS3 that some of it's fans would be posting comparison pictures, gushing over graphics, etc, just like people do on other systems.

I actually do have to agree with alot of this post here. Last generation, Nintendo fanboys touting their Gamecube graphics to Sony fanboys. This generation, the Nintendo fanboys just say it doesn't matter at all (what a change in personal opinion company loyalty can do).


I always do get tired of the "gameplay vs. graphics" argument, as if they are mutually exclusive. It's the gaming experience, which sometimes includes both. For example, I don't think I could get the cliff-hanging adrenaline rush in Uncharted without the realistic graphics.

 Are you sure it's the same people?  There are a lot of fanboys... and even more people perceived as fanboys. 

To me gameplay has always been number 1.  It's why I had a PS2 and PS1, and wish i had a dreamcast. 

Legend11 said:
naznatips said:
Legend11 said:
You can be a PC gamer and still be a Nintendo fanboy. They are not mutually exclusive.

So I'm no longer allowed to criticize PC games I've played and beaten (Bioshock, CoD4) or soon to be PC ports of games I've played extensively (Mass Effect) because I own a Wii?

Correct me if I'm wrong here Legend, but only a short while ago didn't you make a thread complaining about people loosely throwing around the term fanboy?

I don't throw it around loosely. I know I'm known as an "Xbot" who hates everything not Xbox but I have in this forum said positive things and complimented games on the PC, PS3, and yes the Wii. Never once have I implied that all games on the PC or PS3 or Wii suck for example. Yet you on the other hand I don't remember ever seeing you say anything postive about the 360 or PS3. Maybe I'm wrong so just in case I'm going to start going through your posting history to see if I can find one positive comment about either of them.

I'll save you the trouble

"Despite meaning retail pre-orders, that's a very impressive number. Retail support like that should ensure very solid sales for the prologue in retail. Of course downloads will help quite a bit too. ^_^"

oh and this 

"I was a PS2/GC fan last gen and it looks like I'll end up Wii/PS3 this gen, although PC will always be my primary gaming device."

From earlier today if that makes you feel better. Unless you think I intend to buy a PS3 to attack it. Perhaps I bought a PC so that I could attack the 360 games that are also on it? I must be rich and devoting massive amounts of money to a giant conspiracy just to give a dissenting opinion about some games you happen to like!

I'm 24 and this thread sums up how i feel about graphics. They're just not important as they used to be, and i think the art style and atmosphere is far more important than how technically good the graphics are.

After playing FF4 on DS i was blown away by how epic and dramatic it was. The voice acting and 3D graphics made everything much more impressive. I was blown away by N64 level graphics (actually looks worse because of DS screen). It made me realize if people actually put effort into these games they can make something amazing whether it is N64 level or PS2 level graphics, but developers all too often think that people won't be impressed by the graphics so why even try.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

naznatips said:
windbane said:
I'm as impressed now as I used to be. I've been gaming since the NES. Oh well, you guys can continue downplaying visual improvements now...

People downplay visual improvements now because the improvements simply aren't that big now, and it took less time than ever before PCs to pass consoles with Crysis this gen. There is nothing like 2D to 3D anymore. I have more fun playing Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask than I do playing Twilight Princess and a hell of a lot more than I do playing Heavenly Sword.

What good did graphics do for me? They don't make a crappy game any more fun or a good game any worse as long as they are good enough to convey the atmosphere of the game well. I'd much rather play Call of Duty 4 than Crysis even though Crysis makes Call of Duty look like a PS2 game, because it's a better game all around. You tell me a time that graphics made a game better for you, then we'll talk.

I'm gonna have to disagree with you about the 'nothing like 2D to 3D thing anymore' subject, Naz, if devs soon start taking good advantage of the VR technology available on Wii. Here's how I see it: Almost every generation so far has either been a 'new idea' or a 'perfect that idea' 1. NES (didn't invent 2d, of course, but gave it mass appeal) 2. Genesis/SNES (Perfected 2d) BIG JUMP 3. N64/PS1/Saturn: Crude 3D, first attempt 4. GC/XBox/PS2: Perfect the 3D Now, here's why I say 'almost every gen' 5. 360/PS3: Make 3D even more perfect? The Wii really only seems to be following past trends here.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
naznatips said:
Legend11 said:
naznatips said:
Legend11 said:
You can be a PC gamer and still be a Nintendo fanboy. They are not mutually exclusive.

So I'm no longer allowed to criticize PC games I've played and beaten (Bioshock, CoD4) or soon to be PC ports of games I've played extensively (Mass Effect) because I own a Wii?

Correct me if I'm wrong here Legend, but only a short while ago didn't you make a thread complaining about people loosely throwing around the term fanboy?

I don't throw it around loosely. I know I'm known as an "Xbot" who hates everything not Xbox but I have in this forum said positive things and complimented games on the PC, PS3, and yes the Wii. Never once have I implied that all games on the PC or PS3 or Wii suck for example. Yet you on the other hand I don't remember ever seeing you say anything postive about the 360 or PS3. Maybe I'm wrong so just in case I'm going to start going through your posting history to see if I can find one positive comment about either of them.

I'll save you the trouble

"Despite meaning retail pre-orders, that's a very impressive number. Retail support like that should ensure very solid sales for the prologue in retail. Of course downloads will help quite a bit too. ^_^"

oh and this 

"I was a PS2/GC fan last gen and it looks like I'll end up Wii/PS3 this gen, although PC will always be my primary gaming device."

From earlier today if that makes you feel better. Unless you think I intend to buy a PS3 to attack it. Perhaps I bought a PC so that I could attack the 360 games that are also on it? I must be rich and devoting massive amounts of money to a giant conspiracy just to give a dissenting opinion about some games you happen to like!

Actually I was going to come back and say that out of the first 10 pages I looked at the only positive comment was the one I have bolded.  But I guess talking about preorders/sales is a positive thing.  Can you remember the last time you actually said something positive about the games themselves that wasn't sales related?  Because that's what I meant with the "Everything on the PS3 and 360 sucks" comment I made.