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naznatips said:
Legend11 said:
You can be a PC gamer and still be a Nintendo fanboy. They are not mutually exclusive.

So I'm no longer allowed to criticize PC games I've played and beaten (Bioshock, CoD4) or soon to be PC ports of games I've played extensively (Mass Effect) because I own a Wii?

Correct me if I'm wrong here Legend, but only a short while ago didn't you make a thread complaining about people loosely throwing around the term fanboy? 

I don't throw it around loosely.  I know I'm known as an "Xbot" who hates everything not Xbox but I have in this forum said positive things and complimented games on the PC, PS3, and yes the Wii.  Never once have I implied that all games on the PC or PS3 or Wii suck for example.  Yet you on the other hand I don't remember ever seeing you say anything postive about the 360 or PS3.  Maybe I'm wrong so just in case I'm going to start going through your posting history to see if I can find one positive comment about either of them.