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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Are long time gamers less impressed with graphics than newer gamers?

I am 17 years old and play videogames since NES, and I do not draw attention to the graphics, I like to play more a NES or SNES game than a Xbox360 or PS3.

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Sqrl said:
The best way to explain it imo is if you look at the normal rating system for a game review. Graphics are a single section of the review along with sound, story, gameplay, replayability, etc.. And yet a disproportionately large amount of time, money, and effort goes into the graphics of most games released today. Developers would be served well to allot more time on those other areas, and I can think of no greater example of how true that is than Left 4 Dead.

Left 4 Dead is not at the cutting edge of graphics, but it looks decent. What it does have is some great sound along with an awesome context driven automated character speech system so that if you're cursor goes over a zombie when you're group isn't in battle it makes your character cry out "Incoming zombies!" or "Hunter!" (depending on the type of zombie) etc...combined with the AI director to increase replayability to whole new levels and a gameplay ideology built around "cooperate or die" rather than "cooperate..if you want to".

I'm not saying that L4D makes up for its lack of graphics with these other strengths but rather that other games attempt to make up for their lack of diverse strengths by having fantastic graphics instead. In short, I think the way L4D was prioritised is the right way to make games, and thats not to say that you can't have great graphics, I just don't think great graphics shouldn't be at the expense of everything else.

So true...

Time and money are a finite resource.

The more money and time spent on graphics and "realism", the less is spent on the mechanics, story, gameplay.

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


gebx said:

So true...

Time and money are a finite resource.

The more money and time spent on graphics and "realism", the less is spent on the mechanics, story, gameplay.

As some developers have noted that graphics often sells games so ugly graphics can mean poor sales, thus less money on mechanics, etc. Of course there has to be a balance.


BenKenobi88 said:
The heavy rain lady never impressed me...

Why are you always bashing the most anticipated Crying in the Kitchen simulator ever developed?

That game is gonna rock, yo. 

OT: I'm still impressed by graphics, though it's not the be-all, end-all of games for me. I still like pretty games but can have just as much fun with a visually inferior game with a great story and/or gameplay. Graphics should only supplement great play, not replace it. I would rather watch a movie over a visually stunning game that bores the shit out of me.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Smidlee said:
gebx said:

So true...

Time and money are a finite resource.

The more money and time spent on graphics and "realism", the less is spent on the mechanics, story, gameplay.

As some developers have noted that graphics often sells games so ugly graphics can mean poor sales, thus less money on mechanics, etc. Of course there has to be a balance.


You should have read sqrl's post though. A game can have good graphics without focusing on them. Examples: Left 4 Dead, Super Mario Galaxy, Half-Life 2 (and episodes) etc.

Good graphics and great graphics aren't the same. IMO the worst offender to the "graphics make the game" curse this year was Bioshock, which butchered their storyline and cut the game short with some relatively poor gameplay mechanics for great graphics.

Call of Duty 4 is an offender too, and although I love the game (god knows I've devoted dozens of hours to it online) the single-player is criminally short, clearly due to too much focus on the technical aspects of the game.  Heavenly Sword is another example.  A 6 hour single-player only game should be butchered by reviewers and gamers alike.  That's just ridiculous.

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I'm always impressed when there's a game that surprises you by how good looking it is compared to other games in it's genre in the past.

What I do find annoying though is that I remember during the SNES days seeing many Nintendo fans putting down the Genesis because of it's graphics and now with the Wii suddenly some are trying to convince everyone that "graphics don't really matter". Bull... And it's not just graphics that the more powerful machines have, it's the ability to have better AI and Physics as well as better graphics.

I have no doubts that if the Wii was as powerful as the 360 and PS3 that some of it's fans would be posting comparison pictures, gushing over graphics, etc, just like people do on other systems.

Legend11 said:
I'm always impressed when there's a game that surprises you by how good looking it is compared to other games in it's genre in the past.

What I do find annoying though is that I remember during the SNES days seeing many Nintendo fans putting down the Genesis because of it's graphics and now with the Wii suddenly some are trying to convince everyone that "graphics don't really matter". Bull... And it's not just graphics that the more powerful machines have, it's the ability to have better AI and Physics as well as better graphics.

I have no doubts that if the Wii was as powerful as the 360 and PS3 that some of it's fans would be posting comparison pictures, gushing over graphics, etc, just like people do on other systems.

Yes, I love the AI and Physics argument.  We get that one a lot.  Show me a major AI leap made this generation.  Show me a time this generation that better physics has made a game better.

See, Crysis had incredible graphics (far superior to the consoles) and Physics, but I still think it's a shitty game.  IMO great graphics are causing a lot of people to lower their standards for the rest of the game structure, and people are getting away with some really bare bones crap on high graphics.

Legend11 said:
I'm always impressed when there's a game that surprises you by how good looking it is compared to other games in it's genre in the past.

What I do find annoying though is that I remember during the SNES days seeing many Nintendo fans putting down the Genesis because of it's graphics and now with the Wii suddenly some are trying to convince everyone that "graphics don't really matter". Bull... And it's not just graphics that the more powerful machines have, it's the ability to have better AI and Physics as well as better graphics.

I have no doubts that if the Wii was as powerful as the 360 and PS3 that some of it's fans would be posting comparison pictures, gushing over graphics, etc, just like people do on other systems.

 Yeah but SNES and Genesis were damn near identical in games and hardware.  That's like 360 vs. PS3.

The Wii is clearly different...there's only been 7 generations of game systems, not everything can be defined using the previous generations.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

I have never considered graphics important. Wii level graphics are fine, anything is else is just extravagant and indulgent imho.



Graphics can make or break games, look at games with bad graphics to games with good graphics and the ones with bad graphics are not even playable. Gears was the first true next gen game and its sales and ratings show that. If the game had halo2 graphics you think anyone would of bought it.