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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Last 24 hs of Shenmue kickstarter. Near World Record

I pledged $59 to get a physical copy. So glad it broke the record despite the horrible press and feedback (confusion with Sony, etc.).

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Part of me wants to back it just to help them make a better game... but I'm not even sure if I want it.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

It's a shame this wasn't handled like the Bloodstained Kickstarter. Bloodstained did well despite being nothing more than concept art because of the huge social media push that was organized. There were rewards for posting about the game on Twitter, Vine, Tumblr, liking the page on Facebook, making and sharing art, the list goes on. With this Kickstarter, they must have been really dependent on nostalgia because they did almost nothing to keep momentum going. Bloodstained proved that with a properly organized event, the last 24 hours can be an absolute goldmine of cash. Honestly, Bloodstained is probably the best example of how a Kickstarter of any kind should be handled. Everything about it was used to work towards further exposure on various popular social media resources.

Shenmue 3 could have been a much, much bigger Kickstarter than it ended up being. Those 11 million dollars worth of stretch goals would have been far more feasible with the right exposure.


I hope they can get another kickstarter campain when they have more to show. Maybe Sony or another Investor can support them until sales start. We have to wait and see, but hope it find other funding.

tiffac said:
ganoncrotch said:

Not sure tbh, I was just going off my wage as IT support would be in that region. if you think a game will need far more than 20 staff tho you're talking about 2/3x that amount, could just soak up all the money in staff wages alone.

Well you may not be wrong either, from what I understand wages do eat up a lot of the development funds anyways.


Guitarguy said:

I hope they do. I think it would really be selling Shenmue short if they only had a 6 million dollar budget(even less considering Kickstarter get a decent percentage).

I'm actually more worried if they go the real open world route. I think that would just be too much for a small team but if they would just do a Yakuza level of development. I think they would be able to achieve it and do better. I mean the world of Yakuza isn't that big anyways.

I don't think a GTA style of open world would suit Shenmue as the series has alway been more focused on detail and intimate environments where GTA is all about scale and exploration. I haven't played Yakuza but from the videos I would be happy with a similar sense of scale.

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Normchacho said:
Part of me wants to back it just to help them make a better game... but I'm not even sure if I want it.

I backed it for what he acomplished historically , but didnt play the old games. Also 29 is not a big ammount. Im not sure I want it too, but hey, i like to see this game out, as i would love to see others, half life 3 for example. I just gave the man and fans a hand and I hope its a good game. And it shows that a lot of people can make this things happen. I would not expect skyrim like game with this funds, it might get there if other companies invest in it, but i dont care. Just wish they do the best they can.

Guitarguy said:

I don't think a GTA style of open world would suit Shenmue as the series has alway been more focused on detail and intimate environments where GTA is all about scale and exploration. I haven't played Yakuza but from the videos I would be happy with a similar sense of scale.

If you get a chance bro, you should try Yakuza. Even if Sega won't admit it, its the soul successor of Shenmue.

tiffac said:
Guitarguy said:

I don't think a GTA style of open world would suit Shenmue as the series has alway been more focused on detail and intimate environments where GTA is all about scale and exploration. I haven't played Yakuza but from the videos I would be happy with a similar sense of scale.

If you get a chance bro, you should try Yakuza. Even if Sega won't admit it, its the soul successor of Shenmue.

I'm dying for a localized version(even English sub-titles) of Yakuza zero. Looks so good.

Guitarguy said:
tiffac said:

If you get a chance bro, you should try Yakuza. Even if Sega won't admit it, its the soul successor of Shenmue.

I'm dying for a localized version(even English sub-titles) of Yakuza zero. Looks so good.

Hahaha we may need to wait for Gio Corsi and his team to finish localizing Yakuza 5 for that.

You should try Yakuza 1 & 2 on the PS2. If you don't have a PS2 anymore, then you can try playing them on emulators on the PC. ^^

Lafiel said:
Nuvendil said:
BraLoD said:
I'm surprised it didn't break the record yet.

It doesn't look as well run as some others I've seen.  Like not much there to keep the hype going.  For example, Kingdom Come: Deliverance was a very, very well run Kickstarter.  If the Shenmue 3 one had had that level of effort and planning it probably could have smashed the record.

I think the biggest thing holding the Shenmue 3 Kickstarter back is that the game is very very very early in development. If they already came a good way people would be more confident to back the project and they'd have a lot more to show to keep the hype up.

Ofcourse that would have ment spending 2-4 millions up front for development with no real indication on whether or not the huge risk doing that is worth it in any way.

I think what's holding the Kickstarter back is the fact that Sony already said they would fund it. 

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